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Forked from copumpkin/Unify.agda
Created April 20, 2016 12:28
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Structurally recursive unification à la McBride
module Unify where
-- Translated from
open import Data.Empty
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open Maybe hiding (map)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
_>>=_ : {A B : Set} Maybe A (A Maybe B) Maybe B
just x >>= f = f x
nothing >>= f = nothing
data Term (n : ℕ) : Set where
ι : (i : Fin n) Term n
leaf : Term n
_fork_ : (s t : Term n) Term n
map : {m n} (Fin m Fin n) Fin m Term n
map r i = ι (r i)
bind : {m n} (Fin m Term n) Term m Term n
bind f (ι i) = f i
bind f leaf = leaf
bind f (s fork t) = (bind f s) fork (bind f t)
compose : {m n l} (Fin m Term n) (Fin l Term m) (Fin l Term n)
compose f g i = bind f (g i)
thin : {n} Fin (suc n) Fin n Fin (suc n)
thin zero y = suc y
thin (suc x) zero = zero
thin (suc x) (suc y) = suc (thin x y)
data Thick {n} (x : Fin (suc n)) : Fin (suc n) Set where
yes : (y : Fin n) Thick x (thin x y)
no : Thick x x
thick : {n} -> (x y : Fin (suc n)) -> Thick x y
thick zero zero = no
thick zero (suc y) = yes y
thick {zero} (suc ()) _
thick {suc _} (suc x) zero = yes zero
thick {suc _} (suc x) (suc y) with thick x y
thick {suc _} (suc x) (suc ._) | yes y = yes (suc y)
thick {suc _} (suc x) (suc ._) | no = no
_for_ : {n} Term n Fin (suc n) Fin (suc n) Term n
(t for x) y with thick x y
(t for x) ._ | yes z = ι z
(t for x) ._ | no = t
data Occurs {n} (x : Fin (suc n)) : Term (suc n) Set where
ι : Occurs x (ι x)
forkˡ : {s′ t′} (s : Occurs x s′) Occurs x (s′ fork t′)
forkʳ : {s′ t′} (t : Occurs x t′) Occurs x (s′ fork t′)
data Check {n} (x : Fin (suc n)) : Term (suc n) Set where
yes : (c : Term n) Check x (bind (map (thin x)) c)
no : {t} (o : Occurs x t) Check x t
check : {n} (x : Fin (suc n)) (t : Term (suc n)) Check x t
check x (ι i) with thick x i
check x (ι ._) | yes y = yes (ι y)
check x (ι ._) | no = no ι
check x leaf = yes leaf
check x (s fork t) with check x s | check x t
check x (._ fork ._) | yes q | yes r = yes (q fork r)
check x (s fork t) | _ | no ¬r = no (forkʳ ¬r)
check x (s fork t) | no ¬q | _ = no (forkˡ ¬q)
data AList : (m n : ℕ) Set where
nil : {n} AList n n
snoc : {m n} (as : AList m n) (a : Term m) (i : Fin (suc m)) AList (suc m) n
comp : {m n l} AList m n AList l m AList l n
comp as nil = as
comp as (snoc bs b i) = snoc (comp as bs) b i
sub : {m n} AList m n Fin m Term n
sub nil = ι
sub (snoc as a i) = compose (sub as) (a for i)
flexFlex : {n} (x y : Fin n) ∃ (AList n)
flexFlex {zero} () ()
flexFlex {suc n} x y with thick x y
flexFlex {suc n} x ._ | yes t = , snoc nil (ι t) x
flexFlex {suc n} x ._ | no = , nil
flexRigid : {n} Fin n Term n Maybe (∃ (AList n))
flexRigid {zero} () t
flexRigid {suc n} x t with check x t
flexRigid {suc n} x ._ | yes c = just (, (snoc nil c x))
flexRigid {suc n} x ._ | no o = nothing
amgu : {n} (s t : Term n) ∃ (AList n) Maybe (∃ (AList n))
amgu leaf leaf xs = just xs
amgu leaf (t fork t₁) xs = nothing
amgu (s fork s₁) leaf xs = nothing
amgu (s fork s₁) (t fork t₁) xs = amgu s t xs >>= amgu s₁ t₁
amgu (ι x) (ι y) (n , nil) = just (flexFlex x y)
amgu (ι x) t (n , nil) = flexRigid x t
amgu s (ι y) (n , nil) = flexRigid y s
amgu s t (n , snoc xs x i) with amgu (bind (x for i) s) (bind (x for i) t) (, xs)
amgu s t (n , snoc xs x i) | just a = just (, (snoc (proj₂ a) x i))
amgu s t (n , snoc xs x i) | nothing = nothing
mgu : {n} (s t : Term n) Maybe (∃ (AList n))
mgu s t = amgu s t (, nil)
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