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Created February 8, 2017 22:48
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An example of an xgboost ML problem in R to show issue with pdp package in this circumstance
# Create the document term matrix (bag of words) using the movie_review data frame provided
# in the text2vec package (sentiment analysis problem)
# Tokenize the movie reviews and create a vocabulary of tokens including document counts
vocab <- create_vocabulary(itoken(movie_review$review,
preprocessor = tolower,
tokenizer = word_tokenizer))
# Build a document-term matrix using the tokenized review text. This returns a dgCMatrix object
dtm_train <- create_dtm(itoken(movie_review$review,
preprocessor = tolower,
tokenizer = word_tokenizer),
# Turn the DTM into an XGB matrix using the sentiment labels that are to be learned
train_matrix <- xgb.DMatrix(dtm_train, label = movie_review$sentiment)
# xgboost model building
xgb_params = list(
objective = "binary:logistic",
eta = 0.01,
max.depth = 5,
eval_metric = "auc")
xgb_fit <- xgboost(data = train_matrix, params = xgb_params, nrounds = 20)
# Check the feature importance
importance_vars <- xgb.importance(model=xgb_fit, feature_names = colnames(train_matrix))
head(importance_vars, 20)
# Try to plot a partial dependency plot of one of the features
partial(xgb_fit, train = movie_review, pred.var = "bad")
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