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Created November 16, 2017 11:45
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Index sync script
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
statusUrl = new URL("http://XXXXXXXX:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=clusterstatus&wt=json")
slurper = new JsonSlurper()
json = slurper.parseText(statusUrl.text)
collectionName = "biocache"
json.cluster.collections.biocache.shards.each { shard ->
shardID = shard.key.replaceAll("shard", "")
println("############# shard ${shardID}")
shard.getValue().replicas.each { replica ->
address = replica.getValue().node_name.replaceAll(":8983_solr","")
coreName = replica.getValue().core
println("""ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${address} "rm -Rf /data/solr-backup/${coreName}" \\""")
println("""&& ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${address} "mkdir /data/solr-backup/${coreName}" \\""")
println("""&& ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${address} "mv /data/solr/${coreName}/* /data/solr-backup/${coreName}/" """)
println("""\n\nscp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r /data/solr/biocache/* ${address}:/data/solr/${coreName}""")
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