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Last active May 29, 2019 01:27
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% (c) 2002 Matthew Boedicker <> (original author)
% (c) 2003-2007 David J. Grant <>
% (c) 2008 Nathaniel Johnston <>
%This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
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\textbf{\Large Dan Tracy} \it \\
Software Engineer \\
\ressubheading{Warner Bros. Digital Labs}{Philadelphia, PA}{Senior Software Engineer}{October 2015 - June 2019}
\resitem{Designed, built, and maintained the Premium architecture for several properties including Dramafever, Boomerang, and DCUniverse, which reached over a combined million paid users}
\resitem{Tasked with building a unified user service as well as user entitlement and management system}
\resitem{Developed the payment processing architecture and unified processing of several different merchants under one consistent process}
\resitem{Revamped the aging data processing pipeline to better reflect the nature of our subscriptions and made data easily accesible in tools such as Looker}
\resitem{Acted as a DBA for keeping the Redshift cluster well tuned and performant as data volume and needs grew}
\ressubheading{AWeber Communications}{Chalfont, PA}{Web Platform Architect}{March 2015 - October 2015}
\resitem{Tasked with splitting a monolithic CakePHP application and Perl backend scripts into Python micro-services deployed in AWS}
\resitem{Simplified the local development process and application deployment pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, Cloudformation}
\resitem{Helped orchestrate a zero-downtime Postgres database conversion from a mixed character sets to UTF-8}
\resitem{Orchestrated and planned new features from a full-stack perspective, from the Front end behavior to the VM being provisioned in Operations}
\ressubheading{AWeber Communications}{Chalfont, PA}{Software Engineer}{May 2012 - March 2015}
\resitem{Developed and standardized Chef cookbook development and testing practices}
\resitem{Worked in with both development and operations to improve code provisioning and deployment with Chef}
\resitem{Organized a Backend "Birds of a Feather" group to prioritize/plan backend tasks in cross-team sprints}
\item {\bf Languages:} Python (preferred), Ruby, C/C++, Golang, Bash, Perl
\item {\bf Web Frameworks}: Django, Tornado, Flask
\item {\bf Web Technologies}: Nginx, HAProxy
\item {\bf Deployment}: Jenkins, Docker
\item {\bf Metrics/Monitoring}: DataDog, Sentry, Loggly, Grafana, Influxdb, NewRelic
\item {\bf Databases}: PostgreSQL, RDS, Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, MemcacheD, Elasticache
\item {\bf Data Tools}: Redshift, Redshift Specturm, Redshift Athena, Airflow, AWS Glue
{\bf Chefconf 2014 - Chef TDD -} \\
Introduced Chef cookbook development in a Test Driven manner with Test Kitchen and the Bash Automated Test System (BATS) framework.
{\bf Pycon 2015 - Deployments with Chef, Pip, and Fabric -} \\
Spoke about using Open Source tools and simple processes for a language agnostic deployment pipleline that allows for easy deploys and rollbacks.
{\bf When 258 is not 258} - \\
Blog article discussing a common misconception for integer comparisons in Python and the underlying reason in the CPython interpreter.
\ressubheading{Pennsylvania State University}{State College, PA}{BS. Computer Science}{2005 - 2011}
\resitem{Operating Systems, Numerical Computations, Algorithms, Theory of Computation}
\resitem{Artificial Intelligence, Systems Programming, Computer Graphics}
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