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Last active July 16, 2024 11:39
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Save djsutherland/266983 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bash script to clean latex temp files
# Note: you might prefer latexmk -c since latexmk is great. It doesn't clean all of these, but see
exts=".aux .lof .log .lot .fls .out .toc .dvi .bbl .bcf .blg -blx.aux -blx.bib -blx.bib .run.xml .fdb_latexmk .synctex.gz .syntex.gz(busy) .pdfsync .algorithms .alg .loa .thm .nav .snm .vrb .acn .acr .glg .glo .gls .brf .lol .idx .ilg .ind .ist .maf .mtc .mtc0 .pyg .nlo .tdo .xdy .keys"
for x in "${@:-.}"; do
arg=$(echo ${x:-.} | perl -pe 's/\.(tex|pdf)$//')
if [[ -d "$arg" ]]; then
for ext in $exts; do
rm -f "$arg"/*$ext
for ext in $exts; do
rm -f "$arg"$ext
# rm -rf $(biber --cache) # gross biber bug
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lawlist commented Mar 10, 2013

Thank you very much!

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AllanLRH commented Jun 3, 2013

Thanks a lot!

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hangong commented Dec 1, 2014


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Thx !

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Yes! Saved me 5 mins

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jxqiu77 commented Jun 20, 2019


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Nice one!

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ifilot commented Sep 18, 2019

Much appreciated!

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I also like to remove the generated stuff from biber / biblatex. Therefore I extended the exts variable to also remove bcf and run.xml files.
More information about the file extensions can be found here:

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I added synctex to the list of extensions (because I don't gzip the synctex file because it doesn't work with my PDF viewer; this is done with -synctex=-1)

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