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Last active August 15, 2017 23:32
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simple method of splitting a key into a 2 of 3 set of keys
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import binascii
def random_number(bits):
return int(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(bits/8)), 16)
def sub(a, b, bits):
# subtract a from b and if the result is negative
# then roll over backward from the maximum int given the bit size
result = a - b
if result < 0:
result = (2**bits - 1) + result
return result
def add(a, b, bits):
# add a to b and if the result is greater then the maximum int
# given the bit size then take the result modulo of the max int
result = a + b
max = 2**bits - 1
if result > max:
result = result % max
return result
def test(original_key, bits):
# we are going to try and create 3 parts of a key (key_a, key_b, key_c)
# of which any 2 of the 3 parts can be used to recreate the original key
# key_a: a random number (with same num of bits as original key)
key_a = random_number(bits)
# key_b: another number which when added to key_a will result in original_key
key_b = sub(original_key, key_a, bits)
# key_c: key_a - key_b
key_c = sub(key_a, key_b, bits)
# test
print "original key :", hex(original_key)
print "key_a :", hex(key_a)
print "key_b :", hex(key_b)
print "key_c :", hex(key_c)
r1 = add(key_a, key_b, bits)
print "key_a + key_b :", hex(r1)
r2 = add(add(key_b, key_b, bits), key_c, bits)
print "2*key_b + key_c:", hex(r2)
r3 = sub(add(key_a, key_a, bits), key_c, bits)
print "2*key_a - key_c:", hex(r3)
assert(r1 == original_key)
assert(r2 == original_key)
assert(r3 == original_key)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print " version", VERSION
#test(0x4B6150645367566B597033733676397924423F4528482B4D6251655468576D5A, 256)
test(random_number(256), 256)
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