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Created September 29, 2021 23:57
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Migrate Alamofire5
set -Eeuo pipefail
shopt -s extglob
update_swift_files() {
find . -name '*.swift' -print0 -o -type d \( -path .git -o -name Pods -o -name .build -o -name build -o -name Rome -o -name fastlane -o -name Generated \) -prune | xargs -0 perl -0pi -e "$@"
fix_dataresponse() {
echo "Fixing DataResponse..."
update_swift_files 's/DataResponse<([^,<>]+?)>/DataResponse<$1, Swift.Error>/g'
fix_result() {
echo "Fixing Result..."
update_swift_files 's/Result<([^,<>]+?<[^>]+?>[^,>]*?)>/Result<$1, Swift.Error>/g'
update_swift_files 's/Result<([^,<>]+?)>/Result<$1, Swift.Error>/g'
update_swift_files 's/Alamofire.Result/Result/g'
fix_request() {
echo "Fixing request calls..."
update_swift_files 's/requestJSONDecodable/requestDecodable/g'
update_swift_files 's/(?!func )requestInsert\((.+?),(\s+)type:(.+?),/requestInsert($1,$2of:$3,/gms'
update_swift_files 's/(?!func )requestInsert\(([^()]+?|[^()]+?\([^()]+?\)[^()]+?),(\s+db:([^()]+?|[^()]+?\([^()]+?\)[^()]+?),)?(\s+queue:([^()]+?|[^()]+?\([^()]+?\)[^()]+?),)?(\s+jsonSerializer:([^()]+?|[^()]+?\([^()]+?\)[^()]+?),)(\s+of:([^()]+?|[^()]+?\([^()]+?\)[^()]+?),)/requestInsert($1,$8$2$4\/* TODO: other params? *\//gms'
fix_api_client() {
echo "Fixing Client implementations..."
update_swift_files 's/\n([ \t]+)([^\n]*?(var|let)) sessionManager = SessionManager\(\)\n/\n$1$2 session = Session()\n/g'
update_swift_files 's/\n([ \t]+)([^\n]*?(var|let)) sessionManager = SessionManager\(\)\.then \{\n[^}]*?\}/\n$1private let interceptor = AuthenticationInterceptor(authenticator: OAuth2Authenticator(), credential: OAuth2Grant.grant)\n$1$2 session: Session = Session(interceptor: interceptor)/gms'
update_swift_files 's/NukeAlamofirePlugin\.AlamofireDataLoader\(manager: self\.sessionManager\)/NukeAlamofirePlugin.AlamofireDataLoader(session: self.session)/g'
update_swift_files 's/func nukeOptions.*? -> ImageLoadingOptions \{/func nukeOptions(placeholder: PlatformImage? = nil, transition: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition? = nil, failureImage: PlatformImage? = nil, failureImageTransition: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition? = nil, contentModes: ImageLoadingOptions.ContentModes? = nil) -> ImageLoadingOptions {/g'
update_swift_files 's/static func extract<T>\(from response: DataResponse<T>, error: Error\) -> Error \{/static func extract<T>(from response: DataResponse<T, Error>, error: Error) -> Error {/g'
update_swift_files 's/queue: DispatchQueue\? = nil,(\s*)jsonSerializer: DataResponseSerializer<Any> = DataRequest.jsonResponseSerializer\(\),/queue: DispatchQueue = .main,$1jsonOptions: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments,$1jsonTransformer: \@escaping (Any) throws -> Any = { \$0 },/gms'
fix_router() {
echo "Fixing Router implementations..."
update_swift_files 's/var headers: \[String: String\] \{/var headers: HTTPHeaders? \{/g'
fix_retry_handler() {
if [ ! -f "$HANDLER_FILE" ]; then return; fi
echo "Fixing retry handler..."
sed -i '' '/import p2_OAuth2/q' "$HANDLER_FILE"
extension OAuth2: AuthenticationCredential {
public var requiresRefresh: Bool {
final class OAuth2Authenticator: Authenticator {
func apply(_ credential: OAuth2, to urlRequest: inout URLRequest) {
try? urlRequest.sign(with: credential)
func refresh(_ credential: OAuth2, for session: Session, completion: @escaping (Result<OAuth2, Error>) -> Void) {
credential.authorize { _, error in
if let error = error {
if error.isSessionExpired {
} else {
func didRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, with response: HTTPURLResponse, failDueToAuthenticationError error: Error) -> Bool {
response.statusCode == 401
func isRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, authenticatedWith credential: OAuth2) -> Bool {
urlRequest.headers["Authorization"] == credential.accessToken.flatMap { "Bearer \(\$0)" }
extension OAuth2Error {
var isSessionExpired: Bool {
switch self {
case .accessDenied,
return true
case .generic,
return false
fix_then() {
echo "Fixing Then..."
update_swift_files 's/extension SessionManager: Then \{\}\n//gms'
fix_nuke() {
echo "Fixing Nuke..."
update_swift_files 's/(\.loadImage\(\s*with:[^{]+?\{[^}]*?)\s_,\s_\sin/$1 _ in/gms'
update_swift_files 's/(\.loadImage\(\s*with:[^{]+?\{[^}]*?)\s\w+,\s\w+\sin/$1 result in/gms'
update_swift_files 's/response\?\.image/result.value?.image/gms'
update_swift_files 's/if let key = cacheKey\(for: request\) \{[^}]*imageRequest[^}]*\}/imageRequest.options.filteredURL = cacheKey(for: request)/gms'
echo "Resetting git..."
git checkout -- Application
echo "Fixing project..."
echo "Done!"
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