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Created September 6, 2024 17:23
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Powershell Script, Generate Active DHCP Leases
# Define the DHCP Server and the list of Scope IDs (Zones)
$dhcpServer = "MYSERVER" # Replace with the name or IP address of your DHCP server
$scopeIDs = @("","","") # Add all subnets here
# Import the DHCP Server Module (in case it's not loaded)
Import-Module DhcpServer
# Function to convert lease time to Linux format, handling null values
function Convert-LeaseTime($leaseTime) {
if ($leaseTime -ne $null) {
return $leaseTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
} else {
# Handle null by setting a default time or skipping
return "2024/01/01 00:00:00" # Default to Unix epoch time for null values
# Output file for Linux DHCP leases
$outputFile = "C:\linux-dhcp-leases.txt"
# Clear the file if it exists, to avoid appending to old data
if (Test-Path $outputFile) {
Remove-Item $outputFile
# Process each scope and fetch leases
foreach ($scopeID in $scopeIDs) {
Write-Host "Processing leases for scope: $scopeID"
# Get the list of active leases for the specified scope
$leases = Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScopeId $scopeID
# Process each lease and convert it into the Linux DHCP lease format
$leaseData = foreach ($lease in $leases) {
$leaseStartTime = Convert-LeaseTime($lease.AddressStateTime)
$leaseEndTime = Convert-LeaseTime($lease.LeaseExpiryTime)
lease $($lease.IPAddress) {
starts $(($lease.AddressStateTime).DayOfWeek) $leaseStartTime;
ends $(($lease.LeaseExpiryTime).DayOfWeek) $leaseEndTime;
cltt $(($lease.AddressStateTime).DayOfWeek) $leaseStartTime;
binding state active;
next binding state free;
hardware ethernet $($lease.ClientId);
uid "$($lease.ClientId)";
client-hostname "$($lease.HostName)";
# Append the formatted data to the output file
$leaseData | Out-File -FilePath $outputFile -Append
Write-Host "Leases have been exported to $outputFile in Linux-compatible format, including hostnames."
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