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Created December 1, 2015 07:23
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MaxCounters Javascript Solution 100%/100%
function solution(N, A) {
var M = A.length; // Length of the entry array
var C = []; // Counters
var H = 0; // Highest counter
var PH = 0; // Previously recorded highest counter
for(K = 0; K < N; K++) { // Initialize the array
C[K] = 0;
// If you're having trouble understanding the problem, here's an
// explanation. The array you are receiving has instructions as
// to how perform mutations on an existing array. For instance,
// if the first element of the array is 3, that means you need
// to increment the third counter by 1 (C[3] + 1). Your array
// would then look like [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]. Technically, we don't need
// N, but there is another rule where if the array element is
// equal to N + 1 then your counters will need to set to the
// highest counter value.
for(K = 0; K < M; K++) { // Iterate through the array (M = A.length)
// If the element is not N + 1, we need to increase a specific counter
if (A[K] !== N + 1) {
// Increase the counter designated. We will need to subtract 1
// because arrays start at 0, not 1.
C[A[K] - 1]++;
// Let's keep track of the highest counter we have reached and
// assign it to the variable H.
if (H < C[A[K] - 1]) H = C[A[K] - 1];
// This is an optimization. Basically, in large arrays with huge
// amounts of max counters, you will be performing O(N + M) operations
// constantly because you will need to assign every counter to the
// maximum over and over. We can solve this problem by keeping track
// of the previous maximum counter and if it changes, then we know we
// need to iterate through the counters and set the maximum.
if (H === PH) continue;
// Iterate through the counters and assign the maximum. This operation is
// O(N + M), so we need to make sure to call this the least amount possible.
// If we've reached this point, we can be sure that it's a maximum counter
// operation.
for(J = 0; J < N; J++) C[J] = PH = H;
// Return the counters
return C;
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A 100% scoring solution in javascript

function solution(N, A) {
    // initialize all counters to 0
    let counters = Array(N).fill(0)

    // The maximum value of the counter is 0
    let max = 0

    // This variable will determine if an increment all operation has been encountered
    // and its value determines the maximum increment all operation encountered so far
    // for start it is 0, and we will set it to the value of max when A[i] == N + 1
    let max_all = 0

    for(let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {

        if(A[i] <= counters.length) {

            // if the value of A[i] is 1, we have to increment c[0]
            // and hence the following index
            const c_index = A[i] - 1

            // if max all operation was found previously,
            // we have to set it here, because we are not setting anything in the else section
            // we are just setting a flag in the else section
            // if its value however is greater than max_all, it probably was already maxed
            // and later incremented, therefore we will skip it
            if(counters[c_index] < max_all) counters[c_index] = max_all
            // do the increment here
            const v = ++counters[c_index]

            // update the max if the current value is max
            max = v > max ? v : max

        // this is straight forward
        else max_all = max
    // if there are remaining items that have not been set to max_all inside the loop
    // we will update them here.
    // and we are updating them here instead of inside the for loop in the else section
    // to make the running time better. If updated inside the loop, we will have a running time of M * N
    // however here it's something like (M + N) ~ O(N)
    if(max_all) counters = => v < max_all ? max_all : v)

    // return the counters
    return counters

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// initialize all counters to 0
let counters = Array(N).fill(0)

// The maximum value of the counter is 0
let max = 0

// This variable will determine if an increment all operation has been encountered
// and its value determines the maximum increment all operation encountered so far
// for start it is 0, and we will set it to the value of max when A[i] == N + 1
let max_all = 0

for(let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {

    if(A[i] <= counters.length) {

        // if the value of A[i] is 1, we have to increment c[0]
        // and hence the following index
        const c_index = A[i] - 1

        // if max all operation was found previously,
        // we have to set it here, because we are not setting anything in the else section
        // we are just setting a flag in the else section
        // if its value however is greater than max_all, it probably was already maxed
        // and later incremented, therefore we will skip it
        if(counters[c_index] < max_all) counters[c_index] = max_all
        // do the increment here
        const v = ++counters[c_index]

        // update the max if the current value is max
        max = v > max ? v : max

    // this is straight forward
    else max_all = max

// if there are remaining items that have not been set to max_all inside the loop
// we will update them here.
// and we are updating them here instead of inside the for loop in the else section
// to make the running time better. If updated inside the loop, we will have a running time of M * N
// however here it's something like (M + N) ~ O(N)
if(max_all) counters = => v < max_all ? max_all : v)

// return the counters
return counters


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