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dineshj1 / dj_papers.bib
Last active September 17, 2024 19:58
Publication List
title={ZeroMimic: Distilling Robotic Manipulation Skills from Web Videos},
authors={Zhuolun Zhao* and Junyao Shi* and Tianyou Wang and Jason Ma and Dinesh Jayaraman},
abstract={Many recent advances in robotic manipulation
have come through imitation learning, yet these rely largely
on mimicking a particularly hard-to-acquire form of demon-
strations: those collected on the same robot in the same room
with the same objects as the trained policy must handle at test
time. In contrast, large pre-recorded human video datasets
demonstrating manipulation skills in-the-wild already exist,
dineshj1 /
Last active July 30, 2018 19:21
How to dump parameters to google spreadsheet to track experiments
# First make sure you pip install google-api-python-client
from apiclient.discovery import build
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
def store_opts(opt): # opt is the object returned by argparse
params = dict(opt.__dict__)
# here I remove parameters I don't want recorded in google sheets
params.pop('retain_in_test', None)
dineshj1 /
Created February 5, 2018 01:06
Script to explore tensorflow records file
# Written with help from
# /2016/12/21/tfrecords-guide/
import os
import ipdb
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tqdm import tqdm
tf_dir = './'
dineshj1 / tsne visualization
Last active March 28, 2018 04:17
t-SNE visualization code
# Dinesh Jayaraman
# Based on code by
# Authors: Fabian Pedregosa <>
# Olivier Grisel <>
# Mathieu Blondel <>
# Gael Varoquaux
# License: BSD 3 clause (C) INRIA 2011
dineshj1 / demo_textprogressbar.m
Last active January 27, 2017 20:53
Textprogressbar from Matlab File Exchange with small mods
%This a demo for textprogressbar script
textprogressbar('calculating outputs: ');
for i=1:100,
dineshj1 / pycaffe training script
Created August 30, 2016 22:38
Training on Pycaffe
import argparse
import time
################## Argument Parsing #####################################
parser.add_argument('-s','--solver', default='', type=str); # if empty, solver is created, else read
parser.add_argument('-res', '--resume_from', default='', type=str); #if not empty, resumes training from given file
parser.add_argument('-ft', '--finetune_from', default='', type=str);
dineshj1 / job_submission_script_example.m
Last active August 28, 2016 22:39
Hyperparameter optimization scripts
function submitjobs(nosubmit, numjobs, main)
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/poi-3.8-20120326.jar']);
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/poi-ooxml-3.8-20120326.jar']);
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8-20120326.jar']);
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar']);
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/dom4j-1.6.1.jar']);
javaaddpath([xlwrite_path 'poi_library/stax-api-1.0.1.jar']);
dineshj1 /
Created May 24, 2016 16:46 — forked from lukemetz/
Image tsne scatter plot
from tsne import bh_sne
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def gray_to_color(img):
if len(img.shape) == 2:
img = np.dstack((img, img, img))
return img
dineshj1 / cluster
Created August 6, 2014 01:13 — forked from jdeng/cluster
// generate [0..n-1]
auto seq = [](size_t n) -> std::vector<size_t> {
std::vector<size_t> v(n);
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) v[i] = i;
return v;
auto index = seq(n);
// n * n distance matrix
std::vector<D> dists(n * n);