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Created August 24, 2014 18:21
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The PayPal class implements the dynamic encryption of PayPal "buy now"
buttons using the PHP openssl functions. (This evades the ISP restriction
on executing the external "openssl" utility.)
Author: Ivor Durham (
Author/Modified: Dincho Todorov
Version: 1.1
Example usage:
$paypal = new PayPalEWP();
$paypal->setCertificate('mycompany_cert.pem', 'mycompany_key.pem');
$parameters = array("cmd" => "_xclick",
"business" => "",
"item_name" => "Cat Litter #40",
"amount" => "12.95",
"no_shipping" => "1",
"return" => "",
"cancel_return" => "",
"no_note" => "1",
"currency_code" => "USD",
"bn" => "PP-BuyNowBF"
$encryptedButton = $paypal->encryptButton($parameters);
echo <<<END_HTML
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it\'s fast, free and secure!">
<input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="
-----BEGIN PKCS7-----
-----END PKCS7-----
class sfEWP
private $certificate = null; // Certificate resource
private $certificateFile = null; // Path to the certificate file
private $privateKey = null; // Private key resource (matching certificate)
private $privateKeyFile = null; // Path to the private key file
private $paypalCertificate = null; // PayPal public certificate resource
private $paypalCertificateFile = null; // Path to PayPal public certificate file
private $certificateID = null; // ID assigned by PayPal to the $certificate.
private $tempFileDirectory = null;
public function __construct()
$this->setCertificate(sfConfig::get('app_paypal_cert_public'), sfConfig::get('app_paypal_cert_private_key'));
setCertificate: set the client certificate and private key pair.
$certificateFilename - The path to the client certificate
$keyFilename - The path to the private key corresponding to the certificate
Returns: TRUE iff the private key matches the certificate.
public function setCertificate($certificateFilename, $privateKeyFilename)
if (is_readable($certificateFilename) && is_readable($privateKeyFilename))
$certificate = openssl_x509_read(file_get_contents($certificateFilename));
$privateKey = openssl_get_privatekey(file_get_contents($privateKeyFilename));
if (($certificate !== FALSE) && ($privateKey !== FALSE) && openssl_x509_check_private_key($certificate, $privateKey))
$this->certificate = $certificate;
$this->certificateFile = $certificateFilename;
$this->privateKey = $privateKey;
$this->privateKeyFile = $privateKeyFilename;
return true;
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Cannot set certificate: ' . $certificateFilename . ' and private key: ' . $privateKeyFilename);
setPayPalCertificate: Sets the PayPal certificate
$fileName - The path to the PayPal certificate.
Returns: TRUE iff the certificate is read successfully, FALSE otherwise.
public function setPayPalCertificate($fileName)
if (is_readable($fileName))
$certificate = openssl_x509_read(file_get_contents($fileName));
if ($certificate !== FALSE)
$this->paypalCertificate = $certificate;
$this->paypalCertificateFile = $fileName;
return true;
} else {
throw new sfException('sfEWP(openssl_x509_read): Cannot set paypal certificate to: ' . $fileName);
} else {
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Cannot set paypal certificate to: ' . $fileName . ' because the file is not readable');
setCertificateID: Sets the ID assigned by PayPal to the client certificate
$id - The certificate ID assigned when the certificate was uploaded to PayPal
public function setCertificateID($id)
$this->certificateID = $id;
setTempFileDirectory: Sets the directory into which temporary files are written.
$directory - Directory in which to write temporary files.
Returns: TRUE iff directory is usable.
public function setTempFileDirectory($directory)
if (is_dir($directory) && is_writable($directory))
$this->tempFileDirectory = $directory;
return true;
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Cannot set temp directory');
encryptButton: Using the previously set certificates and tempFileDirectory
encrypt the button information.
$parameters - Array with parameter names as keys.
Returns: The encrypted string for the _s_xclick button form field.
function encryptFields($parameters)
// Check encryption data is available.
if ( is_null($this->certificateID) || is_null($this->certificate) || is_null($this->paypalCertificate))
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Certificate ID or Certificate or Paypal Public Certificates is not set');
$clearText = '';
$encryptedText = '';
// Compose clear text data.
$clearText = 'cert_id=' . $this->certificateID;
foreach (array_keys($parameters) as $key)
$clearText .= "\n{$key}={$parameters[$key]}";
$clearFile = tempnam($this->tempFileDirectory, 'clear_');
$signedFile = preg_replace('/clear/', 'signed', $clearFile);
$encryptedFile = preg_replace('/clear/', 'encrypted', $clearFile);
$out = fopen($clearFile, 'wb');
fwrite($out, $clearText);
if (! openssl_pkcs7_sign($clearFile, $signedFile, $this->certificate, $this->privateKey, array(), PKCS7_BINARY))
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Cannot sign ' . $clearFile . ' with ' . $this->certificateFile);
$signedData = explode("\n\n", file_get_contents($signedFile));
$out = fopen($signedFile, 'wb');
fwrite($out, base64_decode($signedData[1]));
if (! openssl_pkcs7_encrypt($signedFile, $encryptedFile, $this->paypalCertificate, array(), PKCS7_BINARY))
throw new sfException('sfEWP: Cannot encrypt signed file ' . $signedFile . ' with ' . $this->paypalCertificateFile);
$encryptedData = explode("\n\n", file_get_contents($encryptedFile));
$encryptedText = $encryptedData[1];
return $encryptedText;
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