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Last active August 31, 2019 18:34
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  • Save dinarcon/f0d262f78657d36591db1dc9a07ee2f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dinarcon/f0d262f78657d36591db1dc9a07ee2f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"extra": {
"patches": {
"drupal/migrate_devel": {
"drush 9 support": ""
"drupal/migrate_tools": {
"--limit option": ""
- plugin: skip_on_empty
source: src_fruit_list
method: process
message: 'No fruit_list listed.'
- plugin: debug
label: 'Step 1: Value received from the source plugin: '
- plugin: explode
delimiter: ','
- plugin: debug
label: 'Step 2: Exploded taxonomy term names '
multiple: true
- plugin: callback
callable: trim
- plugin: debug
label: 'Step 3: Trimmed taxonomy term names '
- plugin: entity_generate
entity_type: taxonomy_term
value_key: name
bundle_key: vid
bundle: tags
- plugin: debug
label: 'Step 4: Generated taxonomy term IDs '
$ drush migrate:import udm_config_entity_lookup_entity_generate_node --limit=1
Step 1: Value received from the source plugin: Apple, Pear, Banana
Step 2: Exploded taxonomy term names Array
[0] => Apple
[1] => Pear
[2] => Banana
Step 3: Trimmed taxonomy term names Array
[0] => Apple
[1] => Pear
[2] => Banana
Step 4: Generated taxonomy term IDs Array
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
[2] => 7
[notice] Processed 1 item (1 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'udm_config_entity_lookup_entity_generate_node'
$ drush migrate:fields-source udm_csv_source_node
-------------- -------------
Machine Name Description
-------------- -------------
unique_id unique_id
name name
photo_file photo_file
book_ref book_ref
-------------- -------------
$ drush migrate:import udm_csv_source_image --migrate-debug --limit=1
array (10) [
'photo_id' => string (3) "P01"
'photo_url' => string (74) ""
'path' => string (76) "modules/custom/ud_migrations/ud_migrations_csv_source/sources/udm_photos.csv"
'ids' => array (1) [
string (8) "photo_id"
'header_offset' => NULL
'fields' => array (2) [
array (2) [
'name' => string (8) "photo_id"
'label' => string (8) "Photo ID"
array (2) [
'name' => string (9) "photo_url"
'label' => string (9) "Photo URL"
'delimiter' => string (1) ","
'enclosure' => string (1) """
'escape' => string (1) "\"
'plugin' => string (3) "csv"
array (4) [
'psf_destination_filename' => string (25) "picture-15-1421176712.jpg"
'psf_destination_full_path' => string (25) "picture-15-1421176712.jpg"
'psf_source_image_path' => string (74) ""
'uri' => string (29) "./picture-15-1421176712_6.jpg"
array (1) [
string (1) "3"
Called from +56 /var/www/drupalvm/drupal/web/modules/contrib/migrate_devel/src/EventSubscriber/MigrationEventSubscriber.php
[notice] Processed 1 item (1 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'udm_csv_source_image'
# Import only one element.
$ drush migrate:import udm_csv_source_image --migrate-debug --limit=1
# Use the row's unique identifier to limit which element to import.
$ drush migrate:import udm_csv_source_image --migrate-debug --idlist="P01"
$ drush migrate:import udm_csv_source_paragraph --migrate-debug --limit=1
array (3) [
'field_ud_book_paragraph_title' => string (32) "The definitive guide to Drupal 7"
'field_ud_book_paragraph_author' => string UTF-8 (24) "Benjamin Melançon et al."
'type' => string (17) "ud_book_paragraph"
array (2) [
'id' => string (1) "3"
'revision_id' => string (1) "7"
Called from +56 /var/www/drupalvm/drupal/web/modules/contrib/migrate_devel/src/EventSubscriber/MigrationEventSubscriber.php
[notice] Processed 1 item (1 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'udm_csv_source_paragraph'
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