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Created April 10, 2015 12:36
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//function(template, UiClass, items, options)
var self = this;
* Static vars, don't change unless you know what you're doing.
* Options
var _options = {
spacing: 0.12,
bgOpacity: 1,
mouseUsed: false,
loop: true,
pinchToClose: true,
closeOnScroll: true,
closeOnVerticalDrag: true,
hideAnimationDuration: 333,
showAnimationDuration: 333,
showHideOpacity: false,
focus: true,
escKey: true,
arrowKeys: true,
mainScrollEndFriction: 0.35,
panEndFriction: 0.35,
isClickableElement: function(el) {
return el.tagName === 'A';
getDoubleTapZoom: function(isMouseClick, item) {
if(isMouseClick) {
return 1;
} else {
return item.initialZoomLevel < 0.7 ? 1 : 1.5;
maxSpreadZoom: 2,
// not fully implemented yet
scaleMode: 'fit', // TODO
modal: true, // TODO
alwaysFadeIn: false // TODO
framework.extend(_options, options);
* Private helper variables & functions
var _getEmptyPoint = function() {
return {x:0,y:0};
var _isOpen,
_currPanDist = _getEmptyPoint(),
_startPanOffset = _getEmptyPoint(),
_panOffset = _getEmptyPoint(),
_upMoveEvents, // drag move, drag end & drag cancel events array
_downEvents, // drag start events array
_viewportSize = {},
_currPositionIndex = 0,
_offset = {},
_slideSize = _getEmptyPoint(), // size of slide area, including spacing
_indexDiff = 0, // difference of indexes since last content update
_isFixedPosition = true,
_modules = [],
_windowVisibleSize = {},
// Registers PhotoSWipe module (History, Controller ...)
_registerModule = function(name, module) {
framework.extend(self, module.publicMethods);
_getLoopedId = function(index) {
var numSlides = _getNumItems();
if(index > numSlides - 1) {
return index - numSlides;
} else if(index < 0) {
return numSlides + index;
return index;
// Micro bind/trigger
_listeners = {},
_listen = function(name, fn) {
if(!_listeners[name]) {
_listeners[name] = [];
return _listeners[name].push(fn);
_shout = function(name) {
var listeners = _listeners[name];
if(listeners) {
var args =;
for(var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
listeners[i].apply(self, args);
_getCurrentTime = function() {
return new Date().getTime();
_applyBgOpacity = function(opacity) {
_bgOpacity = opacity; = opacity * _options.bgOpacity;
_applyZoomTransform = function(styleObj,x,y,zoom) {
styleObj[_transformKey] = _translatePrefix + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px' + _translateSufix + ' scale(' + zoom + ')';
_applyCurrentZoomPan = function() {
if(_currZoomElementStyle) {
_applyZoomTransform(_currZoomElementStyle, _panOffset.x, _panOffset.y, _currZoomLevel);
_applyZoomPanToItem = function(item) {
if(item.container) {
_setTranslateX = function(x, elStyle) {
elStyle[_transformKey] = _translatePrefix + x + 'px, 0px' + _translateSufix;
_moveMainScroll = function(x, dragging) {
if(!_options.loop && dragging) {
// if of current item during scroll (float)
var newSlideIndexOffset = _currentItemIndex + (_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex - x)/_slideSize.x;
var delta = Math.round(x - _mainScrollPos.x);
if( (newSlideIndexOffset < 0 && delta > 0) ||
(newSlideIndexOffset >= _getNumItems()-1 && delta < 0) ) {
x = _mainScrollPos.x + delta * _options.mainScrollEndFriction;
_mainScrollPos.x = x;
_setTranslateX(x, _containerStyle);
_calculatePanOffset = function(axis, zoomLevel) {
var m = _midZoomPoint[axis] - _offset[axis];
return _startPanOffset[axis] + _currPanDist[axis] + m - m * ( zoomLevel / _startZoomLevel );
_equalizePoints = function(p1, p2) {
p1.x = p2.x;
p1.y = p2.y;
if( { =;
_roundPoint = function(p) {
p.x = Math.round(p.x);
p.y = Math.round(p.y);
_mouseMoveTimeout = null,
_onFirstMouseMove = function() {
// Wait until mouse move event is fired at least twice during 100ms
// We do this, because some mobile browsers trigger it on touchstart
if(_mouseMoveTimeout ) {
framework.unbind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove);
framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--has_mouse');
_options.mouseUsed = true;
_mouseMoveTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
_mouseMoveTimeout = null;
}, 100);
_bindEvents = function() {
framework.bind(document, 'keydown', self);
if(_features.transform) {
// don't bind click event in browsers that don't support transform (mostly IE8)
framework.bind(self.scrollWrap, 'click', self);
if(!_options.mouseUsed) {
framework.bind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove);
framework.bind(window, 'resize scroll', self);
_unbindEvents = function() {
framework.unbind(window, 'resize', self);
framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', _globalEventHandlers.scroll);
framework.unbind(document, 'keydown', self);
framework.unbind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove);
if(_features.transform) {
framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, 'click', self);
if(_isDragging) {
framework.unbind(window, _upMoveEvents, self);
_calculatePanBounds = function(zoomLevel, update) {
var bounds = _calculateItemSize( self.currItem, _viewportSize, zoomLevel );
if(update) {
_currPanBounds = bounds;
return bounds;
_getMinZoomLevel = function(item) {
if(!item) {
item = self.currItem;
return item.initialZoomLevel;
_getMaxZoomLevel = function(item) {
if(!item) {
item = self.currItem;
return item.w > 0 ? _options.maxSpreadZoom : 1;
// Return true if offset is out of the bounds
_modifyDestPanOffset = function(axis, destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel) {
if(destZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) {
destPanOffset[axis] = self.currItem.initialPosition[axis];
return true;
} else {
destPanOffset[axis] = _calculatePanOffset(axis, destZoomLevel);
if(destPanOffset[axis] > destPanBounds.min[axis]) {
destPanOffset[axis] = destPanBounds.min[axis];
return true;
} else if(destPanOffset[axis] < destPanBounds.max[axis] ) {
destPanOffset[axis] = destPanBounds.max[axis];
return true;
return false;
_setupTransforms = function() {
if(_transformKey) {
// setup 3d transforms
var allow3dTransform = _features.perspective && !_likelyTouchDevice;
_translatePrefix = 'translate' + (allow3dTransform ? '3d(' : '(');
_translateSufix = _features.perspective ? ', 0px)' : ')';
// Override zoom/pan/move functions in case old browser is used (most likely IE)
// (so they use left/top/width/height, instead of CSS transform)
_transformKey = 'left';
framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--ie');
_setTranslateX = function(x, elStyle) {
elStyle.left = x + 'px';
_applyZoomPanToItem = function(item) {
var zoomRatio = item.fitRatio > 1 ? 1 : item.fitRatio,
s =,
w = zoomRatio * item.w,
h = zoomRatio * item.h;
s.width = w + 'px';
s.height = h + 'px';
s.left = item.initialPosition.x + 'px'; = item.initialPosition.y + 'px';
_applyCurrentZoomPan = function() {
if(_currZoomElementStyle) {
var s = _currZoomElementStyle,
item = self.currItem,
zoomRatio = item.fitRatio > 1 ? 1 : item.fitRatio,
w = zoomRatio * item.w,
h = zoomRatio * item.h;
s.width = w + 'px';
s.height = h + 'px';
s.left = _panOffset.x + 'px'; = _panOffset.y + 'px';
_onKeyDown = function(e) {
var keydownAction = '';
if(_options.escKey && e.keyCode === 27) {
keydownAction = 'close';
} else if(_options.arrowKeys) {
if(e.keyCode === 37) {
keydownAction = 'prev';
} else if(e.keyCode === 39) {
keydownAction = 'next';
if(keydownAction) {
// don't do anything if special key pressed to prevent from overriding default browser actions
// e.g. in Chrome on Mac cmd+arrow-left returns to previous page
if( !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey ) {
if(e.preventDefault) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
_onGlobalClick = function(e) {
if(!e) {
// don't allow click event to pass through when triggering after drag or some other gesture
if(_moved || _zoomStarted || _mainScrollAnimating || _verticalDragInitiated) {
_updatePageScrollOffset = function() {
self.setScrollOffset(0, framework.getScrollY());
// Micro animation engine
var _animations = {},
_numAnimations = 0,
_stopAnimation = function(name) {
if(_animations[name]) {
if(_animations[name].raf) {
_cancelAF( _animations[name].raf );
delete _animations[name];
_registerStartAnimation = function(name) {
if(_animations[name]) {
if(!_animations[name]) {
_animations[name] = {};
_stopAllAnimations = function() {
for (var prop in _animations) {
if( _animations.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
_animateProp = function(name, b, endProp, d, easingFn, onUpdate, onComplete) {
var startAnimTime = _getCurrentTime(), t;
var animloop = function(){
if ( _animations[name] ) {
t = _getCurrentTime() - startAnimTime; // time diff
//b - beginning (start prop)
//d - anim duration
if ( t >= d ) {
if(onComplete) {
onUpdate( (endProp - b) * easingFn(t/d) + b );
_animations[name].raf = _requestAF(animloop);
var publicMethods = {
// make a few local variables and functions public
shout: _shout,
listen: _listen,
viewportSize: _viewportSize,
options: _options,
isMainScrollAnimating: function() {
return _mainScrollAnimating;
getZoomLevel: function() {
return _currZoomLevel;
getCurrentIndex: function() {
return _currentItemIndex;
isDragging: function() {
return _isDragging;
isZooming: function() {
return _isZooming;
setScrollOffset: function(x,y) {
_offset.x = x;
_currentWindowScrollY = _offset.y = y;
_shout('updateScrollOffset', _offset);
applyZoomPan: function(zoomLevel,panX,panY) {
_panOffset.x = panX;
_panOffset.y = panY;
_currZoomLevel = zoomLevel;
init: function() {
if(_isOpen || _isDestroying) {
var i;
self.framework = framework; // basic function
self.template = template; // root DOM element of PhotoSwipe = framework.getChildByClass(template, 'pswp__bg');
_initalClassName = template.className;
_isOpen = true;
_features = framework.detectFeatures();
_requestAF = _features.raf;
_cancelAF = _features.caf;
_transformKey = _features.transform;
_oldIE = _features.oldIE;
self.scrollWrap = framework.getChildByClass(template, 'pswp__scroll-wrap');
self.container = framework.getChildByClass(self.scrollWrap, 'pswp__container');
_containerStyle =; // for fast access
// Objects that hold slides (there are only 3 in DOM)
self.itemHolders = _itemHolders = [
{el:self.container.children[0] , wrap:0, index: -1},
{el:self.container.children[1] , wrap:0, index: -1},
{el:self.container.children[2] , wrap:0, index: -1}
// hide nearby item holders until initial zoom animation finishes (to avoid extra Paints)
_itemHolders[0] = _itemHolders[2] = 'none';
// Setup global events
_globalEventHandlers = {
resize: self.updateSize,
scroll: _updatePageScrollOffset,
keydown: _onKeyDown,
click: _onGlobalClick
// disable show/hide effects on old browsers that don't support CSS animations or transforms,
// old IOS, Android and Opera mobile. Blackberry seems to work fine, even older models.
var oldPhone = _features.isOldIOSPhone || _features.isOldAndroid || _features.isMobileOpera;
if(!_features.animationName || !_features.transform || oldPhone) {
_options.showAnimationDuration = _options.hideAnimationDuration = 0;
// init modules
for(i = 0; i < _modules.length; i++) {
self['init' + _modules[i]]();
// init
if(UiClass) {
var ui = self.ui = new UiClass(self, framework);
_currentItemIndex = _currentItemIndex || _options.index || 0;
// validate index
if( isNaN(_currentItemIndex) || _currentItemIndex < 0 || _currentItemIndex >= _getNumItems() ) {
_currentItemIndex = 0;
self.currItem = _getItemAt( _currentItemIndex );
if(_features.isOldIOSPhone || _features.isOldAndroid) {
_isFixedPosition = false;
template.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');
if(_options.modal) {
if(!_isFixedPosition) { = 'absolute'; = framework.getScrollY() + 'px';
} else { = 'fixed';
if(_currentWindowScrollY === undefined) {
_currentWindowScrollY = _initalWindowScrollY = framework.getScrollY();
// add classes to root element of PhotoSwipe
var rootClasses = 'pswp--open ';
if(_options.mainClass) {
rootClasses += _options.mainClass + ' ';
if(_options.showHideOpacity) {
rootClasses += 'pswp--animate_opacity ';
rootClasses += _likelyTouchDevice ? 'pswp--touch' : 'pswp--notouch';
rootClasses += _features.animationName ? ' pswp--css_animation' : '';
rootClasses += _features.svg ? ' pswp--svg' : '';
framework.addClass(template, rootClasses);
// initial update
_containerShiftIndex = -1;
_indexDiff = null;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) {
_setTranslateX( (i+_containerShiftIndex) * _slideSize.x, _itemHolders[i];
if(!_oldIE) {
framework.bind(self.scrollWrap, _downEvents, self); // no dragging for old IE
_listen('initialZoomInEnd', function() {
self.setContent(_itemHolders[0], _currentItemIndex-1);
self.setContent(_itemHolders[2], _currentItemIndex+1);
_itemHolders[0] = _itemHolders[2] = 'block';
if(_options.focus) {
// focus causes layout,
// which causes lag during the animation,
// that's why we delay it untill the initial zoom transition ends
// set content for center slide (first time)
self.setContent(_itemHolders[1], _currentItemIndex);
if(!_isFixedPosition) {
// On all versions of iOS lower than 8.0, we check size of viewport every second.
// This is done to detect when Safari top & bottom bars appear,
// as this action doesn't trigger any events (like resize).
// On iOS8 they fixed this.
// 10 Nov 2014: iOS 7 usage ~40%. iOS 8 usage 56%.
_updateSizeInterval = setInterval(function() {
if(!_numAnimations && !_isDragging && !_isZooming && (_currZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) ) {
}, 1000);
framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--visible');
// Closes the gallery, then destroy it
close: function() {
if(!_isOpen) {
_isOpen = false;
_isDestroying = true;
_showOrHide( self.currItem, null, true, self.destroy);
// destroys gallery (unbinds events, cleans up intervals and timeouts to avoid memory leaks)
destroy: function() {
if(_showOrHideTimeout) {
//if(_options.modal) {
template.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
template.className = _initalClassName;
if(_updateSizeInterval) {
framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, _downEvents, self);
// we unbind lost event at the end, as closing animation may depend on it
framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', self);
_listeners = null;
* Pan image to position
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Boolean} force Will ignore bounds if set to true.
panTo: function(x,y,force) {
if(!force) {
if(x > _currPanBounds.min.x) {
x = _currPanBounds.min.x;
} else if(x < _currPanBounds.max.x) {
x = _currPanBounds.max.x;
if(y > _currPanBounds.min.y) {
y = _currPanBounds.min.y;
} else if(y < _currPanBounds.max.y) {
y = _currPanBounds.max.y;
_panOffset.x = x;
_panOffset.y = y;
handleEvent: function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
if(_globalEventHandlers[e.type]) {
goTo: function(index) {
index = _getLoopedId(index);
var diff = index - _currentItemIndex;
_indexDiff = diff;
_currentItemIndex = index;
self.currItem = _getItemAt( _currentItemIndex );
_currPositionIndex -= diff;
_moveMainScroll(_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex);
_mainScrollAnimating = false;
next: function() {
self.goTo( _currentItemIndex + 1);
prev: function() {
self.goTo( _currentItemIndex - 1);
// update current zoom/pan objects
updateCurrZoomItem: function(emulateSetContent) {
if(emulateSetContent) {
_shout('beforeChange', 0);
// itemHolder[1] is middle (current) item
if(_itemHolders[1].el.children.length) {
var zoomElement = _itemHolders[1].el.children[0];
if( framework.hasClass(zoomElement, 'pswp__zoom-wrap') ) {
_currZoomElementStyle =;
} else {
_currZoomElementStyle = null;
} else {
_currZoomElementStyle = null;
_currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds;
_startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel = self.currItem.initialZoomLevel;
_panOffset.x =;
_panOffset.y =;
if(emulateSetContent) {
invalidateCurrItems: function() {
_itemsNeedUpdate = true;
for(var i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) {
if( _itemHolders[i].item ) {
_itemHolders[i].item.needsUpdate = true;
updateCurrItem: function(beforeAnimation) {
if(_indexDiff === 0) {
var diffAbs = Math.abs(_indexDiff),
if(beforeAnimation && diffAbs < 2) {
self.currItem = _getItemAt( _currentItemIndex );
_shout('beforeChange', _indexDiff);
if(diffAbs >= NUM_HOLDERS) {
_containerShiftIndex += _indexDiff + (_indexDiff > 0 ? -NUM_HOLDERS : NUM_HOLDERS);
diffAbs = NUM_HOLDERS;
for(var i = 0; i < diffAbs; i++) {
if(_indexDiff > 0) {
tempHolder = _itemHolders.shift();
_itemHolders[NUM_HOLDERS-1] = tempHolder; // move first to last
_setTranslateX( (_containerShiftIndex+2) * _slideSize.x,;
self.setContent(tempHolder, _currentItemIndex - diffAbs + i + 1 + 1);
} else {
tempHolder = _itemHolders.pop();
_itemHolders.unshift( tempHolder ); // move last to first
_setTranslateX( _containerShiftIndex * _slideSize.x,;
self.setContent(tempHolder, _currentItemIndex + diffAbs - i - 1 - 1);
// reset zoom/pan on previous item
if(_currZoomElementStyle && Math.abs(_indexDiff) === 1) {
var prevItem = _getItemAt(_prevItemIndex);
if(prevItem.initialZoomLevel !== _currZoomLevel) {
_calculateItemSize(prevItem , _viewportSize );
_applyZoomPanToItem( prevItem );
// reset diff after update
_indexDiff = 0;
_prevItemIndex = _currentItemIndex;
updateSize: function(force) {
if(!_isFixedPosition) {
var windowScrollY = framework.getScrollY();
if(_currentWindowScrollY !== windowScrollY) { = windowScrollY + 'px';
_currentWindowScrollY = windowScrollY;
if(!force && _windowVisibleSize.x === window.innerWidth && _windowVisibleSize.y === window.innerHeight) {
_windowVisibleSize.x = window.innerWidth;
_windowVisibleSize.y = window.innerHeight;
// = _windowVisibleSize.x + 'px'; = _windowVisibleSize.y + 'px';
_viewportSize.x = self.scrollWrap.clientWidth;
_viewportSize.y = self.scrollWrap.clientHeight;
_slideSize.x = _viewportSize.x + Math.round(_viewportSize.x * _options.spacing);
_slideSize.y = _viewportSize.y;
_moveMainScroll(_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex);
_shout('beforeResize'); // even may be used for example to switch image sources
// don't re-calculate size on inital size update
if(_containerShiftIndex !== undefined) {
var holder,
for(var i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) {
holder = _itemHolders[i];
_setTranslateX( (i+_containerShiftIndex) * _slideSize.x,;
hIndex = _currentItemIndex+i-1;
if(_options.loop && _getNumItems() > 2) {
hIndex = _getLoopedId(hIndex);
// update zoom level on items and refresh source (if needsUpdate)
item = _getItemAt( hIndex );
// re-render gallery item if `needsUpdate`,
// or doesn't have `bounds` (entirely new slide object)
if( item && (_itemsNeedUpdate || item.needsUpdate || !item.bounds) ) {
self.cleanSlide( item );
self.setContent( holder, hIndex );
// if "center" slide
if(i === 1) {
self.currItem = item;
item.needsUpdate = false;
} else if(holder.index === -1 && hIndex >= 0) {
// add content first time
self.setContent( holder, hIndex );
if(item && item.container) {
_calculateItemSize(item, _viewportSize);
_applyZoomPanToItem( item );
_itemsNeedUpdate = false;
_startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel = self.currItem.initialZoomLevel;
_currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds;
if(_currPanBounds) {
_panOffset.x =;
_panOffset.y =;
// Zoom current item to
zoomTo: function(destZoomLevel, centerPoint, speed, easingFn, updateFn) {
if(destZoomLevel === 'fit') {
destZoomLevel = self.currItem.fitRatio;
} else if(destZoomLevel === 'fill') {
destZoomLevel = self.currItem.fillRatio;
if(centerPoint) {
_startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel;
_midZoomPoint.x = Math.abs(centerPoint.x) - _panOffset.x ;
_midZoomPoint.y = Math.abs(centerPoint.y) - _panOffset.y ;
_equalizePoints(_startPanOffset, _panOffset);
var destPanBounds = _calculatePanBounds(destZoomLevel, false),
destPanOffset = {};
_modifyDestPanOffset('x', destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel);
_modifyDestPanOffset('y', destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel);
var initialZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel;
var initialPanOffset = {
x: _panOffset.x,
y: _panOffset.y
// _startZoomLevel = destZoomLevel;
var onUpdate = function(now) {
if(now === 1) {
_currZoomLevel = destZoomLevel;
_panOffset.x = destPanOffset.x;
_panOffset.y = destPanOffset.y;
} else {
_currZoomLevel = (destZoomLevel - initialZoomLevel) * now + initialZoomLevel;
_panOffset.x = (destPanOffset.x - initialPanOffset.x) * now + initialPanOffset.x;
_panOffset.y = (destPanOffset.y - initialPanOffset.y) * now + initialPanOffset.y;
if(updateFn) {
if(speed) {
_animateProp('customZoomTo', 0, 1, speed, easingFn || framework.easing.sine.inOut, onUpdate);
} else {
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