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Last active October 17, 2016 13:33
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Translatable & Ardent
<?php namespace Dimsav\Translatable\Test\Model;
use Dimsav\Translatable\Translatable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;
use LaravelBook\Ardent\Ardent;
class Country extends Ardent {
use Translatable {
Translatable::save as translatableSave;
* Array with the fields translated in the Translation table
* @var array
public $translatedAttributes = array('name');
* Set $translationModel if you want to overwrite the convention
* for the name of the translation Model. Use full namespace if applied.
* The convention is to add "Translation" to the name of the class extending Translatable.
* Example: Country => CountryTranslation
public $translationModel;
* This is the foreign key used to define the translation relationship.
* Set this if you want to overwrite the laravel default for foreign keys.
* @var
public $translationForeignKey;
* Add your translated attributes here if you want
* fill them with mass assignment
* @var array
public $fillable = array('iso','name');
* The database field being used to define the locale parameter in the translation model.
* Defaults to 'locale'
* @var string
public $localeKey;
public function save(array $rules = array(),
array $customMessages = array(),
array $options = array(),
Closure $beforeSave = null,
Closure $afterSave = null)
if ($this->translatableSave($options))
return parent::save($rules, $customMessages, $options, $beforeSave, $afterSave);
return false;
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