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Created October 13, 2017 05:15
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Dynamically Hide/show Meta box on run time during category selection for themes and Plugins.
* Hide/Show a any div element by selecting a categories for a wordpress theme.
* Copy all of these functions to your function.php file,
* and call => do_action(
* 'mythemeprefix_hide_meta_for_categories',
* array("category1","category2"),
* 'my_meta_id_div'
* );
* any where on your theme, to hide/show any metabox or div element in admin menu for page or post edit.
* @author Digvijay Naruka
* @version 1.0 10/12/2017
add_action('mythemeprefix_hide_meta_for_categories', 'mythemeprefix_hide_metabox', 10, 2 );
* Add custom action hook
* Do the custom hide_metabox action hook with parameters.
* @method custom_function function() use($content) contains the echo of the content(javascript)
* @param $cat_name array array of category names
* @param $div_id string id of the div element.
* @global $post
function mythemeprefix_hide_metabox($cat_names, $div_id){
global $post;
// check if the metabox is for the correct post_type
if('post' != $post->post_type)
//array to store category ids
$args = array();
// loop through each category names and get the id.
foreach ($cat_names as $cat_name) {
$args[] = mythemeprefix_get_category_id_by_name($cat_name);
// call the function that contains the JQuery for hiding elements
$custom_function= mythemeprefix_hide_metabox_on_categories($div_id,$args);
//Add the javascript from the function to the footer of the admin menu.
add_action('admin_footer', $custom_function);
* Show/Hide Metabox (or any other div ) for only Specific Categories during category selection.
* hide_metabox action with arguments.
* Version 1.1 : added dynamic div_id and category parameteres and break from each() loop
* after the first category is found.
* @param $cat_name array array of category names
* @param $div_id string id of the div element.
* @author Dimas Begunoff
* @verion 1.0
* Original available at
* @link
* @since Version 1.1
function mythemeprefix_hide_metabox_on_categories($div_id,$args){
$content = '<script type="text/javascript">';
$content .=' jQuery(document).ready(function($) {';
$content .=' function mythemeprefix_hide_metabox_js(){';
$content .=' $("#'.$div_id.'").hide();';
$content .=" $('#categorychecklist input[type=".'"checkbox"]'."'".').each(function(i,e){';
$content .=' var id = $(this).attr("id").match(/-([0-9]*)$/i);';
$content .=' id = (id && id[1]) ? parseInt(id[1]) : null ;';
$content .=' if ($.inArray(id, '. json_encode($args) .') > -1 && $(this).is(":checked") ){';
$content .=' $("#'.$div_id.'").show();';
$content .=' return false;';
$content .=' }';
$content .=' });';
$content .=' }';
$content .=" $('#categorychecklist input[type=".'"checkbox"]'."'".').live("click", mythemeprefix_hide_metabox_js);';
$content .=" mythemeprefix_hide_metabox_js();";
$content .=" });";
$content .="</script>";
$$return_echoed_content = function() use($content) {echo $content;};
return $$return_echoed_content;
* Get Category Id by name function
* @return string
function mythemeprefix_get_category_id_by_name($cat_name){
$term = get_term_by('name', $cat_name, 'category');
return $term->term_id;
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