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Last active June 13, 2022 15:23
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  • Save diegodlh/ad554bcef28d8bcb7d0ca1a7af64f47b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"title": "Domain translation tests configuration for Web2Cit",
"description": "Each translation test defines translation output goals for a specific test webpage (see",
"type": "array",
"format": "tabs-top",
"items": {
"title": "Translation test",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"path": {
"title": "Path",
"description": "Path of the webpage used as translation test.",
"options": {
"infoText": "Do not include the hostname; just the path beginning with \"/\". You may also include query (?) and fragment (#) components. Duplicate translation tests for the same path will be ignored.",
"patternmessage": "Path must start with \"/\""
"type": "string",
"default": "/",
"pattern": "^\/.*"
"fields": {
"title": "Fields",
"description": "Each test field specifies a translation output goal for a specific citation field (see",
"options": {
"infoText": "Duplicate test fields with the same field name will be ignored.",
"disable_array_reorder": true
"type": "array",
"format": "tabs-top",
"items": {
"title": "Test field",
"options": { "error_messages": {
"en": { "error_oneOf": "Invalid translation goal" }
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"type": "string",
"options": { "hidden": true }
"goal": {
"title": "Translation goal",
"description": "A list of values representing the expected translation output for a test field.",
"options": { "infoText": "Provide an empty list to explicitly express that no output is expected." },
"type": "array",
"format": "table",
"items": {
"title": "Output value",
"type": "string"
"default": [""]
"required": [
"oneOf": [
"title": "Item type field",
"description": "Type of the cited resource",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["itemType"]
"goal": {
"minItems": 1,
"options": { "infoText": "" },
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "One of the Citoid/Zotero supported types",
"enum": [
"title": "Title field",
"description": "Title of the cited resource",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["title"]
"goal": {
"minItems": 1,
"options": { "infoText": "" },
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "A non-empty string",
"pattern": "^.+$",
"options": {
"patternmessage": "Value must be a non-emtpy string"
"title": "Author last/full names field",
"description": "Authors' last or full names",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["authorLast"]
"goal": {
"items": {
"description": "A non-empty string",
"pattern": "^.+$",
"options": {
"patternmessage": "Value must be a non-emtpy string"
"title": "Author first names field",
"description": "Authors' first names",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["authorFirst"]
"goal": {
"items": {
"description": "An empty or non-empty string",
"pattern": "^.*$"
"title": "Date field",
"description": "Publishing date",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["date"]
"goal": {
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "A date matching yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy formats",
"pattern": "^\\d{4}(-\\d{2}(-\\d{2})?)?$",
"options": {
"patternmessage": "Value must match one of yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy formats"
"title": "Published in field",
"description": "Work containing the cited resource",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["publishedIn"]
"goal": {
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "A non-empty string",
"pattern": "^.+$",
"options": {
"patternmessage": "Value must be a non-emtpy string"
"title": "Published by field",
"description": "Publisher of the cited resource",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["publishedBy"]
"goal": {
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "A non-empty string",
"pattern": "^.+$",
"options": {
"patternmessage": "Value must be a non-emtpy string"
"title": "Language field",
"description": "Publishing language",
"properties": {
"fieldname": {
"title": "Field name",
"enum": ["language"]
"goal": {
"maxItems": 1,
"items": {
"description": "A language code matching xx or xx-xx* formats",
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:-?[a-zA-Z]{2,})*$"
"required": [
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