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Created February 13, 2017 19:23
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################################### Logging ####################################
## Logging configuration as json
## Defaults to: None
## Log Format to be used by thumbor when writing log messages.
## Defaults to: %(asctime)s %(name)s:%(levelname)s %(message)s
#THUMBOR_LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(name)s:%(levelname)s %(message)s'
## Date Format to be used by thumbor when writing log messages.
## Defaults to: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
################################### Imaging ####################################
## Max width in pixels for images read or generated by thumbor
## Defaults to: 0
## Max height in pixels for images read or generated by thumbor
## Defaults to: 0
## Max pixel count for images read by thumbor
## Defaults to: 75000000.0
#MAX_PIXELS = 75000000.0
## Min width in pixels for images read or generated by thumbor
## Defaults to: 1
## Min width in pixels for images read or generated by thumbor
## Defaults to: 1
## Allowed domains for the http loader to download. These are regular
## expressions.
## Defaults to: []
# ]
## Quality index used for generated JPEG images
## Defaults to: 80
## Exports JPEG images with the `progressive` flag set.
## Defaults to: True
## Specify subsampling behavior for Pillow (see `subsampling` in
## formats.html#jpeg).Be careful to use int for 0,1,2 and string for "4:4:4"
## notation. Will ignore `quality`. Using `keep` will copy the original file's
## subsampling.
## Defaults to: None
## Specify quantization tables for Pillow (see `qtables` in
## formats.html#jpeg). Will ignore `quality`. Using `keep` will copy the
## original file's qtables.
## Defaults to: None
## Quality index used for generated WebP images. If not set (None) the same level
## of JPEG quality will be used.
## Defaults to: None
## Specifies whether WebP format should be used automatically if the request
## accepts it (via Accept header)
## Defaults to: False
#AUTO_WEBP = False
## Specify the ratio between 1in and 1px for SVG images. This is only used
## whenrasterizing SVG images having their size units in cm or inches.
## Defaults to: 150
#SVG_DPI = 150
## Max AGE sent as a header for the image served by thumbor in seconds
## Defaults to: 86400
#MAX_AGE = 86400
## Indicates the Max AGE header in seconds for temporary images (images with
## failed smart detection)
## Defaults to: 0
## Indicates whether thumbor should rotate images that have an Orientation EXIF
## header
## Defaults to: False
## Ignore errors during smart detections and return image as a temp image (not
## saved in result storage and with MAX_AGE_TEMP_IMAGE age)
## Defaults to: False
## Sends If-Modified-Since & Last-Modified headers; requires support from result
## storage
## Defaults to: False
## Preserves exif information in generated images. Increases image size in
## kbytes, use with caution.
## Defaults to: False
## Indicates whether thumbor should enable the EXPERIMENTAL support for animated
## gifs.
## Defaults to: True
## Indicates whether thumbor should use gifsicle engine. Please note that smart
## cropping and filters are not supported for gifs using gifsicle (but won't
## give an error).
## Defaults to: False
## Indicates whether thumbor should enable blacklist functionality to prevent
## processing certain images.
## Defaults to: False
## Size of the thread pool used for image transformations. The default value is
## 0 (don't use a threadpoool. Increase this if you are seeing your IOLoop
## getting blocked (often indicated by your upstream HTTP requests timing out)
## Defaults to: 0
################################ Extensibility #################################
## The metrics backend thumbor should use to measure internal actions. This must
## be the full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.metrics.logger_metrics
#METRICS = 'thumbor.metrics.logger_metrics'
## The loader thumbor should use to load the original image. This must be the
## full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.loaders.http_loader
LOADER = 'thumbor.loaders.file_loader'
## The file storage thumbor should use to store original images. This must be the
## full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.storages.file_storage
#STORAGE = 'thumbor.storages.file_storage'
## The result storage thumbor should use to store generated images. This must be
## the full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: None
## The imaging engine thumbor should use to perform image operations. This must
## be the full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.engines.pil
#ENGINE = 'thumbor.engines.pil'
## The gif engine thumbor should use to perform image operations. This must be
## the full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.engines.gif
#GIF_ENGINE = 'thumbor.engines.gif'
## The url signer thumbor should use to verify url signatures.This must be the
## full name of a python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: libthumbor.url_signers.base64_hmac_sha1
#URL_SIGNER = 'libthumbor.url_signers.base64_hmac_sha1'
################################### Security ###################################
## The security key thumbor uses to sign image URLs
## Defaults to: MY_SECURE_KEY
## Indicates if the /unsafe URL should be available
## Defaults to: True
## Indicates if encrypted (old style) URLs should be allowed
## Defaults to: True
##################################### HTTP #####################################
## Enables automatically generated etags
## Defaults to: True
################################### Storage ####################################
## Set maximum id length for images when stored
## Defaults to: 32
################################### Metrics ####################################
## Host to send statsd instrumentation to
## Defaults to: None
## Port to send statsd instrumentation to
## Defaults to: 8125
## Prefix for statsd
## Defaults to: None
################################# File Loader ##################################
## The root path where the File Loader will try to find images
## Defaults to: /Users/mauriciofidalgo
FILE_LOADER_ROOT_PATH = '/Users/mauriciofidalgo/projects/photos'
################################# HTTP Loader ##################################
## The maximum number of seconds libcurl can take to connect to an image being
## loaded
## Defaults to: 5
## The maximum number of seconds libcurl can take to download an image
## Defaults to: 20
## Indicates whether libcurl should follow redirects when downloading an image
## Defaults to: True
## Indicates the number of redirects libcurl should follow when downloading an
## image
## Defaults to: 5
## The maximum number of simultaneous HTTP connections the loader can make before
## queuing
## Defaults to: 10
## Indicates whether thumbor should forward the user agent of the requesting user
## Defaults to: False
## Default user agent for thumbor http loader requests
## Defaults to: Thumbor/6.0.1
## The proxy host needed to load images through
## Defaults to: None
## The proxy port for the proxy host
## Defaults to: None
## The proxy username for the proxy host
## Defaults to: None
## The proxy password for the proxy host
## Defaults to: None
## The filename of CA certificates in PEM format
## Defaults to: None
## The filename for client SSL key
## Defaults to: None
## The filename for client SSL certificate
## Defaults to: None
## If the CurlAsyncHTTPClient should be used
## Defaults to: False
################################# File Storage #################################
## Expiration in seconds for the images in the File Storage. Defaults to one
## month
## Defaults to: 2592000
## Indicates whether thumbor should store the signing key for each image in the
## file storage. This allows the key to be changed and old images to still be
## properly found
## Defaults to: False
## The root path where the File Storage will try to find images
## Defaults to: /var/folders/qr/lhxy7kx13512c4tbff61dyk40000gs/T/thumbor/storage
#FILE_STORAGE_ROOT_PATH = '~/projects/photos/'
#################################### Upload ####################################
## Max size in Kb for images uploaded to thumbor
## Aliases: MAX_SIZE
## Defaults to: 0
## Indicates whether thumbor should enable File uploads
## Defaults to: False
## The type of storage to store uploaded images with
## Defaults to: thumbor.storages.file_storage
#UPLOAD_PHOTO_STORAGE = 'thumbor.storages.file_storage'
## Indicates whether image deletion should be allowed
## Defaults to: False
## Indicates whether image overwrite should be allowed
## Defaults to: False
## Default filename for image uploaded
## Defaults to: image
############################### Memcache Storage ###############################
## List of Memcache storage server hosts
## Defaults to: ['localhost:11211']
# 'localhost:11211',
# ]
################################ Mixed Storage #################################
## Mixed Storage file storage. This must be the full name of a python module
## (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.storages.no_storage
#MIXED_STORAGE_FILE_STORAGE = 'thumbor.storages.no_storage'
## Mixed Storage signing key storage. This must be the full name of a python
## module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.storages.no_storage
#MIXED_STORAGE_CRYPTO_STORAGE = 'thumbor.storages.no_storage'
## Mixed Storage detector information storage. This must be the full name of a
## python module (python must be able to import it)
## Defaults to: thumbor.storages.no_storage
#MIXED_STORAGE_DETECTOR_STORAGE = 'thumbor.storages.no_storage'
##################################### Meta #####################################
## The callback function name that should be used by the META route for JSONP
## access
## Defaults to: None
################################## Detection ###################################
## List of detectors that thumbor should use to find faces and/or features. All
## of them must be full names of python modules (python must be able to import
## it)
## Defaults to: []
# ]
## The cascade file that opencv will use to detect faces.
## Defaults to: haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
#FACE_DETECTOR_CASCADE_FILE = 'haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml'
## The cascade file that opencv will use to detect glasses.
## Defaults to: haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml
#GLASSES_DETECTOR_CASCADE_FILE = 'haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml'
## The cascade file that opencv will use to detect profile faces.
## Defaults to: haarcascade_profileface.xml
#PROFILE_DETECTOR_CASCADE_FILE = 'haarcascade_profileface.xml'
################################## Optimizers ##################################
## List of optimizers that thumbor will use to optimize images
## Defaults to: []
# ]
## Path for the jpegtran binary
## Defaults to: /usr/bin/jpegtran
#JPEGTRAN_PATH = '/usr/bin/jpegtran'
## Path for the ffmpeg binary used to generate gifv(h.264)
## Defaults to: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
#FFMPEG_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
################################### Filters ####################################
## List of filters that thumbor will allow to be used in generated images. All of
## them must be full names of python modules (python must be able to import
## it)
## Defaults to: ['thumbor.filters.brightness', 'thumbor.filters.colorize', 'thumbor.filters.contrast', 'thumbor.filters.rgb', 'thumbor.filters.round_corner', 'thumbor.filters.quality', 'thumbor.filters.noise', 'thumbor.filters.watermark', 'thumbor.filters.equalize', 'thumbor.filters.fill', 'thumbor.filters.sharpen', 'thumbor.filters.strip_icc', 'thumbor.filters.frame', 'thumbor.filters.grayscale', 'thumbor.filters.rotate', 'thumbor.filters.format', 'thumbor.filters.max_bytes', 'thumbor.filters.convolution', 'thumbor.filters.blur', 'thumbor.filters.extract_focal', 'thumbor.filters.focal', 'thumbor.filters.no_upscale', 'thumbor.filters.saturation', 'thumbor.filters.max_age', 'thumbor.filters.curve']
#FILTERS = # [
# 'thumbor.filters.brightness',
# 'thumbor.filters.colorize',
# 'thumbor.filters.contrast',
# 'thumbor.filters.rgb',
# 'thumbor.filters.round_corner',
# 'thumbor.filters.quality',
# 'thumbor.filters.noise',
# 'thumbor.filters.watermark',
# 'thumbor.filters.equalize',
# 'thumbor.filters.fill',
# 'thumbor.filters.sharpen',
# 'thumbor.filters.strip_icc',
# 'thumbor.filters.frame',
# 'thumbor.filters.grayscale',
# 'thumbor.filters.rotate',
# 'thumbor.filters.format',
# 'thumbor.filters.max_bytes',
# 'thumbor.filters.convolution',
# 'thumbor.filters.blur',
# 'thumbor.filters.extract_focal',
# 'thumbor.filters.focal',
# 'thumbor.filters.no_upscale',
# 'thumbor.filters.saturation',
# 'thumbor.filters.max_age',
# 'thumbor.filters.curve',
# ]
################################ Result Storage ################################
## Expiration in seconds of generated images in the result storage
## Defaults to: 0
## Path where the Result storage will store generated images
## Defaults to: /var/folders/qr/lhxy7kx13512c4tbff61dyk40000gs/T/thumbor/result_storage
#RESULT_STORAGE_FILE_STORAGE_ROOT_PATH = '/var/folders/qr/lhxy7kx13512c4tbff61dyk40000gs/T/thumbor/result_storage'
## Indicates whether unsafe requests should also be stored in the Result Storage
## Defaults to: False
############################ Queued Redis Detector #############################
## Server host for the queued redis detector
## Defaults to: localhost
## Server port for the queued redis detector
## Defaults to: 6379
## Server database index for the queued redis detector
## Defaults to: 0
## Server password for the queued redis detector
## Defaults to: None
############################# Queued SQS Detector ##############################
## AWS key id
## Defaults to: None
## AWS key secret
## Defaults to: None
## AWS SQS region
## Defaults to: us-east-1
#SQS_QUEUE_REGION = 'us-east-1'
#################################### Errors ####################################
## This configuration indicates whether thumbor should use a custom error
## handler.
## Defaults to: False
## Error reporting module. Needs to contain a class called ErrorHandler with a
## handle_error(context, handler, exception) method.
## Defaults to: thumbor.error_handlers.sentry
#ERROR_HANDLER_MODULE = 'thumbor.error_handlers.sentry'
## File of error log as json
## Defaults to: None
## File of error log name is parametrized with context attribute
## Defaults to: False
############################### Errors - Sentry ################################
## Sentry thumbor project dsn. i.e.: http://5a63d58ae7b94f1dab3dee740b301d6a:73ee
## a45d3e8649239a973087e8f21f98@localhost:9000/2
## Defaults to:
################################### General ####################################
## Custom app class to override ThumborServiceApp. This config value is
## overridden by the -a command-line parameter.
## Defaults to:
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