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Created March 31, 2020 18:14
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jq fromjson or tostring problem
try (tonumber) catch ("Should catch error")
"Should catch error"
# Tests are groups of three lines: program, input, expected output
# Blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
# Simple value tests to check parser. Input is irrelevant
# truncated ...
jq 1.6-99-gcf4b48c-dirty: ./test-suite.log
# TOTAL: 6
# PASS: 5
# SKIP: 0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL: 1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0
.. contents:: :depth: 2
FAIL: tests/jqtest
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '5') at <builtin>, line 1:
def halt_error: halt_error(5);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 7:
def unique: group_by(.) | map(.[0]);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 8:
def unique_by(f): group_by(f) | map(.[0]);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 26:
def reverse: [.[length - 1 - range(0;length)]];
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 26:
def reverse: [.[length - 1 - range(0;length)]];
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 31:
def index($i): indices($i) | .[0]; # TODO: optimize
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 32:
def rindex($i): indices($i) | .[-1:][0]; # TODO: optimize
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 32:
def rindex($i): indices($i) | .[-1:][0]; # TODO: optimize
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 33:
def paths: path(recurse(if (type|. == "array" or . == "object") then .[] else empty end))|select(length > 0);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 52:
def _flatten($x): reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == "array" and $x != 0 then . + ($i | _flatten($x-1)) else . + [$i] end);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 52:
def _flatten($x): reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == "array" and $x != 0 then . + ($i | _flatten($x-1)) else . + [$i] end);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 53:
def flatten($x): if $x < 0 then error("flatten depth must not be negative") else _flatten($x) end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 54:
def flatten: _flatten(-1);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 55:
def range($x): range(0;$x);
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 62:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then match($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 62:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then match($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 62:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then match($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 63:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then match($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 63:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then match($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 67:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then test($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 67:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then test($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 67:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then test($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 68:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then test($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 68:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then test($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 72:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then capture($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 72:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then capture($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 72:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 1 then capture($val[0]; $val[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 73:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then capture($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 73:
elif $vt == "array" and ($val | length) > 0 then capture($val[0]; null)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 77:
| if (.captures|length > 0)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 84:
def _nwise(a; $n): if a|length <= $n then a else a[0:$n] , _nwise(a[$n:]; $n) end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 91:
| [0] + . +[$s|length]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 92:
| _nwise(2)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 93:
| $s[.[0]:.[1] ] ;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 93:
| $s[.[0]:.[1] ] ;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 103:
| if length == 0 then $in
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 104:
else .[0]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 109:
| $in[0:$r.offset] + s + $in[$r.offset+$r.length:]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 3 (while parsing '103') at <builtin>, line 114:
def subg: [explode[] | select(. != 103)] | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 120:
| if length == 0 then $in
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 121:
else .[0] as $edit
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 126:
| $in[0:$edit.offset]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 128:
+ ($in[$len:] | if length > 0 and gs then mysub else . end)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 151:
if $n > 0 then label $out | foreach exp as $item ($n; .-1; $item, if . <= 0 then break $out else empty end)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 151:
if $n > 0 then label $out | foreach exp as $item ($n; .-1; $item, if . <= 0 then break $out else empty end)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 151:
if $n > 0 then label $out | foreach exp as $item ($n; .-1; $item, if . <= 0 then break $out else empty end)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 152:
elif $n == 0 then empty
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 156:
if $by > 0 then $init|while(. < $upto; . + $by)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 157:
elif $by < 0 then $init|while(. > $upto; . + $by)
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 168:
def nth($n; g): if $n < 0 then error("nth doesn't support negative indices") else last(limit($n + 1; g)) end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 168:
def nth($n; g): if $n < 0 then error("nth doesn't support negative indices") else last(limit($n + 1; g)) end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 169:
def first: .[0];
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 170:
def last: .[-1];
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 173:
if length == 0 then [] else
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 174:
.[0][] as $x
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 175:
| (.[1:] | combinations) as $y
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 189:
| reduce range(0; $max) as $j
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 190:
([]; . + [reduce range(0;$length) as $i ([]; . + [ $in[$i][$j] ] )] )
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 2 (while parsing '65') at <builtin>, line 201:
explode | map( if 65 <= . and . <= 90 then . + 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 2 (while parsing '90') at <builtin>, line 201:
explode | map( if 65 <= . and . <= 90 then . + 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 2 (while parsing '32') at <builtin>, line 201:
explode | map( if 65 <= . and . <= 90 then . + 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 2 (while parsing '97') at <builtin>, line 204:
explode | map( if 97 <= . and . <= 122 then . - 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 3 (while parsing '122') at <builtin>, line 204:
explode | map( if 97 <= . and . <= 122 then . - 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 2 (while parsing '32') at <builtin>, line 204:
explode | map( if 97 <= . and . <= 122 then . - 32 else . end) | implode;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 208:
. as $n | null | stream | . as $input | if (.[0]|length) > $n then setpath([0];$input[0][$n:]) else empty end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 208:
. as $n | null | stream | . as $input | if (.[0]|length) > $n then setpath([0];$input[0][$n:]) else empty end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 208:
. as $n | null | stream | . as $input | if (.[0]|length) > $n then setpath([0];$input[0][$n:]) else empty end;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 213:
| if $i|length == 2
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 214:
then setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==0) | setpath(["x"]+$i[0]; $i[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 214:
then setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==0) | setpath(["x"]+$i[0]; $i[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 214:
then setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==0) | setpath(["x"]+$i[0]; $i[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 214:
then setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==0) | setpath(["x"]+$i[0]; $i[1])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 215:
else setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==1) end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 215:
else setpath(["e"]; $i[0]|length==1) end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 228:
if length == 0 then -1
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 228:
if length == 0 then -1
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 229:
elif length == 1 then
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 230:
if $target == .[0] then 0 elif $target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 230:
if $target == .[0] then 0 elif $target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 230:
if $target == .[0] then 0 elif $target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 230:
if $target == .[0] then 0 elif $target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 230:
if $target == .[0] then 0 elif $target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 234:
| [0, length-1, null]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 234:
| [0, length-1, null]
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 235:
| until( .[0] > .[1] ;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 235:
| until( .[0] > .[1] ;
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 236:
if .[2] != null then (.[1] = -1) # i.e. break
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 236:
if .[2] != null then (.[1] = -1) # i.e. break
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 236:
if .[2] != null then (.[1] = -1) # i.e. break
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 238:
( ( (.[1] + .[0]) / 2 ) | floor ) as $mid
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 238:
( ( (.[1] + .[0]) / 2 ) | floor ) as $mid
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 238:
( ( (.[1] + .[0]) / 2 ) | floor ) as $mid
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 240:
| if $monkey == $target then (.[2] = $mid) # success
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 241:
elif .[0] == .[1] then (.[1] = -1) # failure
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 241:
elif .[0] == .[1] then (.[1] = -1) # failure
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 241:
elif .[0] == .[1] then (.[1] = -1) # failure
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 241:
elif .[0] == .[1] then (.[1] = -1) # failure
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 242:
elif $monkey < $target then (.[0] = ($mid + 1))
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 242:
elif $monkey < $target then (.[0] = ($mid + 1))
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 243:
else (.[1] = ($mid - 1))
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 243:
else (.[1] = ($mid - 1))
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 246:
| if .[2] == null then # compute the insertion point
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 247:
if $in[ .[0] ] < $target then (-2 -.[0])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 247:
if $in[ .[0] ] < $target then (-2 -.[0])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 247:
if $in[ .[0] ] < $target then (-2 -.[0])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '1') at <builtin>, line 248:
else (-1 -.[0])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '0') at <builtin>, line 248:
else (-1 -.[0])
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 1 (while parsing '2') at <builtin>, line 250:
else .[2]
jq: src/builtin.c:1806: builtins_bind: Assertion `!nerrors' failed.
Testing 'try (tonumber) catch ("Should catch error")' at line number 1
Testing 'true' at line number 12
FAIL tests/jqtest (exit status: 134)
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