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Created June 26, 2013 18:33
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<script src="liquid.js"></script>
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var data = {"site":{"baseurl":"/"},"post":{"published":true,"layout":"blog","category":"blog","title":"Using Leaflet plugins with MapBox.js: A Showcase","image":"","permalink":"/blog/leaflet-plugins-with-mapbox-js","tags":["John Firebaugh"]},"page":{"published":true,"layout":"blog","category":"blog","title":"Using Leaflet plugins with MapBox.js: A Showcase","image":"","permalink":"/blog/leaflet-plugins-with-mapbox-js","tags":["John Firebaugh"]},"content":"<p>One of the reasons we built <a href=\"\">MapBox.js\nv1</a> on top of Leaflet was\nits robust plugin ecosystem. The <a href=\"\">Leaflet plugins\npage</a> lists dozens of plugins, and more are\nbeing added every week. In fact, MapBox.js itself is structured as a Leaflet\nplugin, unlocking a world of interesting possibilities for map interaction and\nenhancement. Here are a few of our favorites.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\"></p>"};
$(function() {
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{% if page.notice %}
<div class='notice pad2'>
<h3><span class='icon alert'></span>{{page.notice.title}}</h3>
{{page.notice.message | markdownify}}
{% endif %}
<div class="blog-info">
<span class="blog-date">{{ | date:"%B %d %Y"}}</span>
<div class='prose'>
{% if page.tags contains "action" %}
<div class='blog-action'>
<p>Get started with MapBox now.</p>
<a class='button big' href=''>signup<span class='icon reverse next'></span></a>
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<div class='clearfix batman single-post'>
<div class="contain clearfix">
<div class='cell10 margin1'>
<div class="blog-info pad3w centered">
<span class="blog-date">{{ | date:"%B %d %Y"}}</span>
{% if author.hidden %}
<span class="blog-author">By <a href='{{author.twitter}}'>{{author.title}}</a></span>
{% else %}
<span class="blog-author">By <a href='{{site.baseurl}}/about/team/#{{author.title|downcase|replace:' ','-'}}'>{{author.title}}</a></span>
{% endif %}
<div class='prose'>
<!-- End if/else batman -->
{% endunless %}
var Liquid = {
author: 'M@ McCray <>',
version: '1.2.1',
readTemplateFile: function(path) {
throw ("This liquid context does not allow includes.");
registerFilters: function(filters) {
parse: function(src) {
return Liquid.Template.parse(src);
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) {
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] == obj) return i;
return -1;
if (!Array.prototype.clear) {
Array.prototype.clear = function() {
this.length = 0;
if (! { = function(fun /*, thisp*/) {
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw ' requires first argument to be a function';
var res = new Array(len);
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this)
res[i] =, this[i], i, this);
return res;
if (!Array.prototype.first) {
Array.prototype.first = function() {
return this[0];
if (!Array.prototype.last) {
Array.prototype.last = function() {
return this[this.length - 1];
if (!Array.prototype.flatten) {
Array.prototype.flatten = function() {
var len = this.length;
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this[i] instanceof Array) {
arr = arr.concat(this[i]);
} else {
return arr;
if (!Array.prototype.each) {
Array.prototype.each = function(fun /*, thisp*/) {
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw 'Array.each requires first argument to be a function';
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this), this[i], i, this);
return null;
if (!Array.prototype.include) {
Array.prototype.include = function(arg) {
var len = this.length;
return this.indexOf(arg) >= 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (arg == this[i]) return true;
return false;
if (!String.prototype.capitalize) {
String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase();
if (!String.prototype.strip) {
String.prototype.strip = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
Liquid.extensions = {};
Liquid.extensions.object = {};
Liquid.extensions.object.update = function(newObj) {
for (var p in newObj) {
this[p] = newObj[p];
return this;
Liquid.extensions.object.hasKey = function(arg) {
return !!this[arg];
Liquid.extensions.object.hasValue = function(arg) {
for (var p in this) {
if (this[p] == arg) return true;
return false;
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig
* MIT Licensed.
var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
this.Class = function(){};
Class.extend = function(prop) {
var _super = this.prototype;
initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
initializing = false;
for (var name in prop) {
prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
(function(name, fn){
return function() {
var tmp = this._super;
this._super = _super[name];
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, prop[name]) :
function Class() {
if ( !initializing && this.init )
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
Class.prototype = prototype;
Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
Class.extend = arguments.callee;
return Class;
Liquid.Tag = Class.extend({
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens) {
this.tagName = tagName;
this.markup = markup;
this.nodelist = this.nodelist || [];
parse: function(tokens) {
render: function(context) {
return '';
Liquid.Block = Liquid.Tag.extend({
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens){
this.blockName = tagName;
this.blockDelimiter = "end"+ this.blockName;
this._super(tagName, markup, tokens);
parse: function(tokens) {
if (!this.nodelist) this.nodelist = [];
var token = tokens.shift();
tokens.push(''); // To ensure we don't lose the last token passed in...
while(tokens.length) {
if( /^\{\%/.test(token) ) { // It's a tag...
var tagParts = token.match(/^\{\%\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)?\%\}$/);
if(tagParts) {
if( this.blockDelimiter == tagParts[1] ) {
if( tagParts[1] in Liquid.Template.tags ) {
this.nodelist.push( new Liquid.Template.tags[tagParts[1]]( tagParts[1], tagParts[2], tokens ) );
} else {
this.unknownTag( tagParts[1], tagParts[2], tokens );
} else {
throw ( "Tag '"+ token +"' was not properly terminated with: %}");
} else if(/^\{\{/.test(token)) { // It's a variable...
this.nodelist.push( this.createVariable(token) );
} else { //if(token != '') {
this.nodelist.push( token );
} // Ignores tokens that are empty
token = tokens.shift(); // Assign the next token to loop again...
endTag: function() {},
unknownTag: function(tag, params, tokens) {
switch(tag) {
case 'else': throw (this.blockName +" tag does not expect else tag"); break;
case 'end': throw ("'end' is not a valid delimiter for "+ this.blockName +" tags. use "+ this.blockDelimiter); break;
default: throw ("Unknown tag: "+ tag);
createVariable: function(token) {
var match = token.match(/^\{\{(.*)\}\}$/);
if(match) { return new Liquid.Variable(match[1]); }
else { throw ("Variable '"+ token +"' was not properly terminated with: }}"); }
render: function(context) {
return this.renderAll(this.nodelist, context);
renderAll: function(list, context) {
return (list || []).map(function(token, i){
var output = '';
try { // hmmm... feels a little heavy
output = ( token['render'] ) ? token.render(context) : token;
} catch(e) {
output = context.handleError(e);
return output;
assertMissingDelimitation: function(){
throw (this.blockName +" tag was never closed");
Liquid.Document = Liquid.Block.extend({
init: function(tokens){
this.blockDelimiter = []; // [], really?
assertMissingDelimitation: function() {
Liquid.Strainer = Class.extend({
init: function(context) {
this.context = context;
respondTo: function(methodName) {
methodName = methodName.toString();
if (methodName.match(/^__/)) return false;
if (Liquid.Strainer.requiredMethods.include(methodName)) return false;
return (methodName in this);
Liquid.Strainer.filters = {};
Liquid.Strainer.globalFilter = function(filters) {
for (var f in filters) {
Liquid.Strainer.filters[f] = filters[f];
Liquid.Strainer.requiredMethods = ['respondTo', 'context'];
Liquid.Strainer.create = function(context) {
var strainer = new Liquid.Strainer(context);
for (var f in Liquid.Strainer.filters) {
strainer[f] = Liquid.Strainer.filters[f];
return strainer;
Liquid.Context = Class.extend({
init: function(assigns, registers, rethrowErrors) {
this.scopes = [ assigns ? assigns : {} ];
this.registers = registers ? registers : {};
this.errors = [];
this.rethrowErrors = rethrowErrors;
this.strainer = Liquid.Strainer.create(this);
get: function(varname) {
return this.resolve(varname);
set: function(varname, value) {
this.scopes[0][varname] = value;
hasKey: function(key) {
return (this.resolve(key)) ? true : false;
push: function() {
var scpObj = {};
return scpObj // Is this right?
merge: function(newScope) {
return[0], newScope);
pop: function() {
if(this.scopes.length == 1){ throw "Context stack error"; }
return this.scopes.shift();
stack: function(lambda, bind) {
var result = null;
try {
result = lambda.apply(bind ? bind : this.strainer);
} finally {
return result;
invoke: function(method, args) {
if( this.strainer.respondTo(method) ) {
var result = this.strainer[method].apply(this.strainer, args);
return result;
} else {
return (args.length == 0) ? null : args[0]; // was: $pick
resolve: function(key) {
switch(key) {
case null:
case 'nil':
case 'null':
case '':
return null;
case 'true':
return true;
case 'false':
return false;
case 'blank':
case 'empty':
return '';
if((/^'(.*)'$/).test(key)) // Single quoted strings
{ return key.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, '$1'); }
else if((/^"(.*)"$/).test(key)) // Double quoted strings
{ return key.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); }
else if((/^(\d+)$/).test(key)) // Integer...
{ return parseInt( key.replace(/^(\d+)$/ , '$1') ); }
else if((/^(\d[\d\.]+)$/).test(key)) // Float...
{ return parseFloat( key.replace(/^(\d[\d\.]+)$/, '$1') ); }
else if((/^\((\S+)\.\.(\S+)\)$/).test(key)) {// Ranges
var range = key.match(/^\((\S+)\.\.(\S+)\)$/),
left = parseInt(range[1]),
right = parseInt(range[2]),
arr = [];
if (isNaN(left) || isNaN(right)) {
left = range[1].charCodeAt(0);
right = range[2].charCodeAt(0);
var limit = right-left+1;
for (var i=0; i<limit; i++) arr.push(String.fromCharCode(i+left));
} else { // okay to make array
var limit = right-left+1;
for (var i=0; i<limit; i++) arr.push(i+left);
return arr;
} else {
var result = this.variable(key);
return result;
findVariable: function(key) {
for (var i=0; i < this.scopes.length; i++) {
var scope = this.scopes[i];
if( scope && typeof(scope[key]) !== 'undefined' ) {
var variable = scope[key];
if(typeof(variable) == 'function'){
variable = variable.apply(this);
scope[key] = variable;
if(variable && typeof(variable) == 'object' && ('toLiquid' in variable)) {
variable = variable.toLiquid();
if(variable && typeof(variable) == 'object' && ('setContext' in variable)){
return variable;
return null;
variable: function(markup) {
if(typeof markup != 'string') {
return null;
var parts = markup.match( /\[[^\]]+\]|(?:[\w\-]\??)+/g ),
firstPart = parts.shift(),
squareMatch = firstPart.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
{ firstPart = this.resolve( squareMatch[1] ); }
var object = this.findVariable(firstPart),
self = this;
if(object) {
var squareMatch = part.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
if(squareMatch) {
var part = self.resolve( squareMatch[1] );
if( typeof(object[part]) == 'function'){ object[part] = object[part].apply(this); }// Array?
object = object[part];
if(typeof(object) == 'object' && ('toLiquid' in object)){ object = object.toLiquid(); }
} else {
if( (typeof(object) == 'object' || typeof(object) == 'hash') && (part in object)) {
var res = object[part];
if( typeof(res) == 'function'){ res = object[part] = res.apply(self) ; }
if( typeof(res) == 'object' && ('toLiquid' in res)){ object = res.toLiquid(); }
else { object = res; }
else if( (/^\d+$/).test(part) ) {
var pos = parseInt(part);
if( typeof(object[pos]) == 'function') { object[pos] = object[pos].apply(self); }
if(typeof(object[pos]) == 'object' && typeof(object[pos]) == 'object' && ('toLiquid' in object[pos])) { object = object[pos].toLiquid(); }
else { object = object[pos]; }
else if( object && typeof(object[part]) == 'function' && ['length', 'size', 'first', 'last'].include(part) ) {
object = object[part].apply(part);
if('toLiquid' in object){ object = object.toLiquid(); }
else {
return object = null;
if(typeof(object) == 'object' && ('setContext' in object)){ object.setContext(self); }
return object;
addFilters: function(filters) {
filters = filters.flatten();
if(typeof(f) != 'object'){ throw ("Expected object but got: "+ typeof(f)) }
handleError: function(err) {
if(this.rethrowErrors){ throw err; }
return "Liquid error: " + (err.message ? err.message : (err.description ? err.description : err));
Liquid.Template = Class.extend({
init: function() {
this.root = null;
this.registers = {};
this.assigns = {};
this.errors = [];
this.rethrowErrors = false;
parse: function(src) {
this.root = new Liquid.Document( Liquid.Template.tokenize(src) );
return this;
render: function() {
if(!this.root){ return ''; }
var args = {
ctx: arguments[0],
filters: arguments[1],
registers: arguments[2]
var context = null;
if(args.ctx instanceof Liquid.Context ) {
context = args.ctx;
this.assigns = context.assigns;
this.registers = context.registers;
} else {
if(args.ctx){, args.ctx);
if(args.registers){, args.registers);
context = new Liquid.Context(this.assigns, this.registers, this.rethrowErrors)
if(args.filters){ context.addFilters(arg.filters); }
try {
return this.root.render(context).join('');
} finally {
this.errors = context.errors;
renderWithErrors: function() {
var savedRethrowErrors = this.rethrowErrors;
this.rethrowErrors = true;
var res = this.render.apply(this, arguments);
this.rethrowErrors = savedRethrowErrors;
return res;
Liquid.Template.tags = {};
Liquid.Template.registerTag = function(name, klass) {
Liquid.Template.tags[ name ] = klass;
Liquid.Template.registerFilter = function(filters) {
Liquid.Template.tokenize = function(src) {
var tokens = src.split( /(\{\%.*?\%\}|\{\{.*?\}\}?)/ );
if(tokens[0] == ''){ tokens.shift(); }
return tokens;
Liquid.Template.parse = function(src) {
return (new Liquid.Template()).parse(src);
Liquid.Variable = Class.extend({
init: function(markup) {
this.markup = markup; = null;
this.filters = [];
var self = this;
var match = markup.match(/\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/);
if( match ) { = match[1];
var filterMatches = markup.match(/\|\s*(.*)/);
if(filterMatches) {
var filters = filterMatches[1].split(/\|/);
var matches = f.match(/\s*(\w+)/);
if(matches) {
var filterName = matches[1];
var filterArgs = [];
(f.match(/(?:[:|,]\s*)("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g) || []).flatten().each(function(arg){
var cleanupMatch = arg.match(/^[\s|:|,]*(.*?)[\s]*$/);
{ filterArgs.push( cleanupMatch[1] );}
self.filters.push( [filterName, filterArgs] );
render: function(context) {
if( == null){ return ''; }
var output = context.get(;
this.filters.each(function(filter) {
var filterName = filter[0],
filterArgs = (filter[1] || []).map(function(arg){
return context.get(arg);
filterArgs.unshift(output); // Push in input value into the first argument spot...
output = context.invoke(filterName, filterArgs);
return output;
Liquid.Condition = Class.extend({
init: function(left, operator, right) {
this.left = left;
this.operator = operator;
this.right = right;
this.childRelation = null;
this.childCondition = null;
this.attachment = null;
evaluate: function(context) {
context = context || new Liquid.Context();
var result = this.interpretCondition(this.left, this.right, this.operator, context);
switch(this.childRelation) {
case 'or':
return (result || this.childCondition.evaluate(context));
case 'and':
return (result && this.childCondition.evaluate(context));
return result;
or: function(condition) {
this.childRelation = 'or';
this.childCondition = condition;
and: function(condition) {
this.childRelation = 'and';
this.childCondition = condition;
attach: function(attachment) {
this.attachment = attachment;
return this.attachment;
isElse: false,
interpretCondition: function(left, right, op, context) {
{ return context.get(left); }
left = context.get(left);
right = context.get(right);
op = Liquid.Condition.operators[op];
{ throw ("Unknown operator "+ op); }
var results = op(left, right);
return results;
toString: function() {
return "<Condition "+ this.left +" "+ this.operator +" "+ this.right +">";
Liquid.Condition.operators = {
'==': function(l,r) { return (l == r); },
'=': function(l,r) { return (l == r); },
'!=': function(l,r) { return (l != r); },
'<>': function(l,r) { return (l != r); },
'<': function(l,r) { return (l < r); },
'>': function(l,r) { return (l > r); },
'<=': function(l,r) { return (l <= r); },
'>=': function(l,r) { return (l >= r); },
'contains': function(l,r) { return l.include(r); },
'hasKey': function(l,r) { return, r); },
'hasValue': function(l,r) { return, r); }
Liquid.ElseCondition = Liquid.Condition.extend({
isElse: true,
evaluate: function(context) {
return true;
toString: function() {
return "<ElseCondition>";
Liquid.Drop = Class.extend({
setContext: function(context) {
this.context = context;
beforeMethod: function(method) {
invokeDrop: function(method) {
var results = this.beforeMethod();
if( !results && (method in this) )
{ results = this[method].apply(this); }
return results;
hasKey: function(name) {
return true;
var hackObjectEach = function(fun /*, thisp*/) {
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw 'Object.each requires first argument to be a function';
var i = 0;
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var p in this) {
var value = this[p], pair = [p, value];
pair.key = p;
pair.value = value;, pair, i, this);
return null;
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'assign', Liquid.Tag.extend({
tagSyntax: /((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)\s*=\s*((?:"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)+)/,
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens) {
var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax)
if( parts ) { = parts[1];
this.from = parts[2];
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'assign' - Valid syntax: assign [var] = [source]");
this._super(tagName, markup, tokens)
render: function(context) {
context.scopes.last()[] = context.get(this.from);
return '';
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'cache', Liquid.Block.extend({
tagSyntax: /(\w+)/,
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens) {
var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax)
if( parts ) { = parts[1];
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'cache' - Valid syntax: cache [var]");
this._super(tagName, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var output = this._super(context);
context.scopes.last()[] = [output].flatten().join('');
return '';
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'capture', Liquid.Block.extend({
tagSyntax: /(\w+)/,
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens) {
var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax)
if( parts ) { = parts[1];
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'capture' - Valid syntax: capture [var]");
this._super(tagName, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var output = this._super(context);
context.set(, [output].flatten().join('') );
return '';
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'case', Liquid.Block.extend({
tagSyntax : /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/,
tagWhenSyntax : /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)(?:(?:\s+or\s+|\s*\,\s*)("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+.*))?/,
init: function(tagName, markup, tokens) {
this.blocks = [];
this.nodelist = [];
var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax)
if( parts ) {
this.left = parts[1];
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'case' - Valid syntax: case [condition]");
this._super(tagName, markup, tokens);
unknownTag: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
switch(tag) {
case 'when':
case 'else':
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
output = [],
execElseBlock = true;
for (var i=0; i < self.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = self.blocks[i];
if( block.isElse ) {
if(execElseBlock == true){ output = [output, self.renderAll(block.attachment, context)].flatten(); }
return output;
} else if( block.evaluate(context) ) {
execElseBlock = false;
output = [output, self.renderAll(block.attachment, context)].flatten();
return output;
recordWhenCondition: function(markup) {
while(markup) {
var parts = markup.match(this.tagWhenSyntax);
if(!parts) {
throw ("Syntax error in tag 'case' - Valid when condition: {% when [condition] [or condition2...] %} ");
markup = parts[2];
var block = new Liquid.Condition(this.left, '==', parts[1]);
this.blocks.push( block );
this.nodelist = block.attach([]);
recordElseCondition: function(markup) {
if( (markup || '').strip() != '') {
throw ("Syntax error in tag 'case' - Valid else condition: {% else %} (no parameters) ")
var block = new Liquid.ElseCondition();
this.nodelist = block.attach([]);
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'comment', Liquid.Block.extend({
render: function(context) {
return '';
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'cycle', Liquid.Tag.extend({
tagSimpleSyntax: /"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+/,
tagNamedSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*\:\s*(.*)/,
init: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
var matches, variables;
matches = markup.match(this.tagNamedSyntax);
if(matches) {
this.variables = this.variablesFromString(matches[2]); = matches[1];
} else {
matches = markup.match(this.tagSimpleSyntax);
if(matches) {
this.variables = this.variablesFromString(markup); = "'"+ this.variables.toString() +"'";
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'cycle' - Valid syntax: cycle [name :] var [, var2, var3 ...]");
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
key = context.get(,
output = '';
if(!context.registers['cycle']) {
context.registers['cycle'] = {};
if(!context.registers['cycle'][key]) {
context.registers['cycle'][key] = 0;
var iter = context.registers['cycle'][key],
results = context.get( self.variables[iter] );
iter += 1;
if(iter == self.variables.length){ iter = 0; }
context.registers['cycle'][key] = iter;
output = results;
return output;
variablesFromString: function(markup) {
return markup.split(',').map(function(varname){
var match = varname.match(/\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*/);
return (match[1]) ? match[1] : null
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'for', Liquid.Block.extend({
tagSyntax: /(\w+)\s+in\s+((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)/,
init: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
var matches = markup.match(this.tagSyntax);
if(matches) {
this.variableName = matches[1];
this.collectionName = matches[2]; = this.variableName +"-"+ this.collectionName;
this.attributes = {};
var attrmarkup = markup.replace(this.tagSyntax, '');
var attMatchs = markup.match(/(\w*?)\s*\:\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g);
if(attMatchs) {
pair = pair.split(":");
this.attributes.set[pair[0].strip()] = pair[1].strip();
}, this);
} else {
throw ("Syntax error in 'for loop' - Valid syntax: for [item] in [collection]");
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
output = [],
collection = (context.get(this.collectionName) || []),
range = [0, collection.length];
if(!context.registers['for']){ context.registers['for'] = {}; }
if(this.attributes['limit'] || this.attributes['offset']) {
var offset = 0,
limit = 0,
rangeEnd = 0,
segment = null;
if(this.attributes['offset'] == 'continue')
{ offset = context.registers['for'][]; }
{ offset = context.get( this.attributes['offset'] ) || 0; }
limit = context.get( this.attributes['limit'] );
rangeEnd = (limit) ? offset + limit + 1 : collection.length;
range = [ offset, rangeEnd - 1 ];
context.registers['for'][] = rangeEnd;
segment = collection.slice(range[0], range[1]);
if(!segment || segment.length == 0){ return ''; }
var length = segment.length;
segment.each(function(item, index){
context.set( self.variableName, item );
context.set( 'forloop', {
length: length,
index: (index + 1),
index0: index,
rindex: (length - index),
rindex0:(length - index - 1),
first: (index == 0),
last: (index == (length - 1))
output.push( (self.renderAll(self.nodelist, context) || []).join('') );
return [output].flatten().join('');
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'if', Liquid.Block.extend({
tagSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*([=!<>a-z_]+)?\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)?/,
init: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
this.nodelist = [];
this.blocks = [];
this.pushBlock('if', markup);
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
unknownTag: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
if( ['elsif', 'else'].include(tag) ) {
this.pushBlock(tag, markup);
} else {
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
output = '';
for (var i=0; i < self.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = self.blocks[i];
if( block.evaluate(context) ) {
output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context);
return [output].flatten().join('');
pushBlock: function(tag, markup) {
var block;
if(tag == 'else') {
block = new Liquid.ElseCondition();
} else {
var expressions = markup.split(/\b(and|or)\b/).reverse(),
expMatches = expressions.shift().match( this.tagSyntax );
if(!expMatches){ throw ("Syntax Error in tag '"+ tag +"' - Valid syntax: "+ tag +" [expression]"); }
var condition = new Liquid.Condition(expMatches[1], expMatches[2], expMatches[3]);
while(expressions.length > 0) {
var operator = expressions.shift(),
expMatches = expressions.shift().match( this.tagSyntax );
if(!expMatches){ throw ("Syntax Error in tag '"+ tag +"' - Valid syntax: "+ tag +" [expression]"); }
var newCondition = new Liquid.Condition(expMatches[1], expMatches[2], expMatches[3]);
condition = newCondition;
block = condition;
this.nodelist = block.attachment;
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'ifchanged', Liquid.Block.extend({
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
output = '';
var results = self.renderAll(self.nodelist, context).join('');
if(results != context.registers['ifchanged']) {
output = results;
context.registers['ifchanged'] = output;
return output;
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'include', Liquid.Tag.extend({
tagSyntax: /((?:"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)+)(\s+(?:with|for)\s+((?:"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)+))?/,
init: function(tag, markup, tokens) {
var matches = (markup || '').match(this.tagSyntax);
if(matches) {
this.templateName = matches[1];
this.templateNameVar = this.templateName.substring(1, this.templateName.length - 1);
this.variableName = matches[3];
this.attributes = {};
var attMatchs = markup.match(/(\w*?)\s*\:\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g);
if(attMatchs) {
pair = pair.split(":");
this.attributes[pair[0].strip()] = pair[1].strip();
}, this);
} else {
throw ("Error in tag 'include' - Valid syntax: include '[template]' (with|for) [object|collection]");
this._super(tag, markup, tokens);
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
source = Liquid.readTemplateFile( context.get(this.templateName) ),
partial = Liquid.parse(source),
variable = context.get((this.variableName || this.templateNameVar)),
output = '';
self.attributes.each = hackObjectEach;
context.set(pair.key, context.get(pair.value));
if(variable instanceof Array) {
output ={
context.set( self.templateNameVar, variable );
return partial.render(context);
} else {
context.set(self.templateNameVar, variable);
output = partial.render(context);
output = [output].flatten().join('');
return output
Liquid.Template.registerTag( 'unless', Liquid.Template.tags['if'].extend({
render: function(context) {
var self = this,
output = '';
var block = self.blocks[0];
if( !block.evaluate(context) ) {
output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context);
for (var i=1; i < self.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = self.blocks[i];
if( block.evaluate(context) ) {
output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context);
return output;
size: function(iterable) {
return (iterable['length']) ? iterable.length : 0;
downcase: function(input) {
return input.toString().toLowerCase();
upcase: function(input) {
return input.toString().toUpperCase();
capitalize: function(input) {
return input.toString().capitalize();
escape: function(input) {
input = input.toString();
input = input.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
input = input.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
input = input.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
input = input.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
return input;
h: function(input) {
input = input.toString();
input = input.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
input = input.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
input = input.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
input = input.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
return input;
truncate: function(input, length, string) {
if(!input || input == ''){ return ''; }
length = length || 50;
string = string || "...";
var seg = input.slice(0, length);
return (input.length > length ?
input.slice(0, length) + string :
truncatewords: function(input, words, string) {
if(!input || input == ''){ return ''; }
words = parseInt(words || 15);
string = string || '...';
var wordlist = input.toString().split(" "),
l = Math.max((words), 0);
return (wordlist.length > l) ? wordlist.slice(0,l).join(' ') + string : input;
truncate_words: function(input, words, string) {
if(!input || input == ''){ return ''; }
words = parseInt(words || 15);
string = string || '...';
var wordlist = input.toString().split(" "),
l = Math.max((words), 0);
return (wordlist.length > l) ? wordlist.slice(0,l).join(' ') + string : input;
strip_html: function(input) {
return input.toString().replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
strip_newlines: function(input) {
return input.toString().replace(/\n/g, '')
join: function(input, separator) {
separator = separator || ' ';
return input.join(separator);
sort: function(input) {
return input.sort();
reverse: function(input) {
return input.reverse();
replace: function(input, string, replacement) {
replacement = replacement || '';
return input.toString().replace(new RegExp(string, 'g'), replacement);
replace_first: function(input, string, replacement) {
replacement = replacement || '';
return input.toString().replace(new RegExp(string, ""), replacement);
newline_to_br: function(input) {
return input.toString().replace(/\n/g, "<br/>\n");
date: function(input, format) {
var date;
if( input instanceof Date ){ date = input; }
if(!(date instanceof Date) && input == 'now'){ date = new Date(); }
if(!(date instanceof Date)){ date = new Date(input); }
if(!(date instanceof Date)){ date = new Date(Date.parse(input));}
if(!(date instanceof Date)){ return input; } // Punt
return date.strftime(format);
first: function(input) {
return input[0];
last: function(input) {
input = input;
return input[input.length -1];
if(!(new Date()).strftime) {(function(){
Date.ext={};Date.ext.util={};Date.ext.util.xPad=function(x,pad,r){if(typeof (r)=="undefined"){r=10}for(;parseInt(x,10)<r&&r>1;r/=10){x=pad.toString()+x}return x.toString()};Date.prototype.locale="en-GB";if(document.getElementsByTagName("html")&&document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].lang){Date.prototype.locale=document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].lang}Date.ext.locales={};Date.ext.locales.en={a:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],A:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],b:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],B:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],c:"%a %d %b %Y %T %Z",p:["AM","PM"],P:["am","pm"],x:"%d/%m/%y",X:"%T"};Date.ext.locales["en-US"]=Date.ext.locales.en;Date.ext.locales["en-US"].c="%a %d %b %Y %r %Z";Date.ext.locales["en-US"].x="%D";Date.ext.locales["en-US"].X="%r";Date.ext.locales["en-GB"]=Date.ext.locales.en;Date.ext.locales["en-AU"]=Date.ext.locales["en-GB"];Date.ext.formats={a:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].a[d.getDay()]},A:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].A[d.getDay()]},b:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].b[d.getMonth()]},B:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].B[d.getMonth()]},c:"toLocaleString",C:function(d){return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(d.getFullYear()/100,10),0)},d:["getDate","0"],e:["getDate"," "],g:function(d){return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Date.ext.util.G(d)/100,10),0)},G:function(d){var y=d.getFullYear();var V=parseInt(Date.ext.formats.V(d),10);var W=parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d),10);if(W>V){y++}else{if(W===0&&V>=52){y--}}return y},H:["getHours","0"],I:function(d){var I=d.getHours()%12;return Date.ext.util.xPad(I===0?12:I,0)},j:function(d){var ms=d-new Date(""+d.getFullYear()+"/1/1 GMT");ms+=d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000;var doy=parseInt(ms/60000/60/24,10)+1;return Date.ext.util.xPad(doy,0,100)},m:function(d){return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getMonth()+1,0)},M:["getMinutes","0"],p:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].p[d.getHours()>=12?1:0]},P:function(d){return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].P[d.getHours()>=12?1:0]},S:["getSeconds","0"],u:function(d){var dow=d.getDay();return dow===0?7:dow},U:function(d){var doy=parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d),10);var rdow=6-d.getDay();var woy=parseInt((doy+rdow)/7,10);return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy,0)},V:function(d){var woy=parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d),10);var dow1_1=(new Date(""+d.getFullYear()+"/1/1")).getDay();var idow=woy+(dow1_1>4||dow1_1<=1?0:1);if(idow==53&&(new Date(""+d.getFullYear()+"/12/31")).getDay()<4){idow=1}else{if(idow===0){idow=Date.ext.formats.V(new Date(""+(d.getFullYear()-1)+"/12/31"))}}return Date.ext.util.xPad(idow,0)},w:"getDay",W:function(d){var doy=parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d),10);var rdow=7-Date.ext.formats.u(d);var woy=parseInt((doy+rdow)/7,10);return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy,0,10)},y:function(d){return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getFullYear()%100,0)},Y:"getFullYear",z:function(d){var o=d.getTimezoneOffset();var H=Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Math.abs(o/60),10),0);var M=Date.ext.util.xPad(o%60,0);return(o>0?"-":"+")+H+M},Z:function(d){return d.toString().replace(/^.*\(([^)]+)\)$/,"$1")},"%":function(d){return"%"}};Date.ext.aggregates={c:"locale",D:"%m/%d/%y",h:"%b",n:"\n",r:"%I:%M:%S %p",R:"%H:%M",t:"\t",T:"%H:%M:%S",x:"locale",X:"locale"};Date.ext.aggregates.z=Date.ext.formats.z(new Date());Date.ext.aggregates.Z=Date.ext.formats.Z(new Date());Date.ext.unsupported={};Date.prototype.strftime=function(fmt){if(!(this.locale in Date.ext.locales)){if(this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/,"") in Date.ext.locales){this.locale=this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/,"")}else{this.locale="en-GB"}}var d=this;while(fmt.match(/%[cDhnrRtTxXzZ]/)){fmt=fmt.replace(/%([cDhnrRtTxXzZ])/g,function(m0,m1){var f=Date.ext.aggregates[m1];return(f=="locale"?Date.ext.locales[d.locale][m1]:f)})}var str=fmt.replace(/%([aAbBCdegGHIjmMpPSuUVwWyY%])/g,function(m0,m1){var f=Date.ext.formats[m1];if(typeof (f)=="string"){return d[f]()}else{if(typeof (f)=="function"){return,d)}else{if(typeof (f)=="object"&&typeof (f[0])=="string"){return Date.ext.util.xPad(d[f[0]](),f[1])}else{return m1}}}});d=null;return str};
/* Cross-Browser Split 1.0.1
(c) Steven Levithan <>; MIT License
An ECMA-compliant, uniform cross-browser split method
Fixes problems with IE's broken String#split method.
var cbSplit;
if (!cbSplit) {
cbSplit = function (str, separator, limit) {
if ( !== "[object RegExp]") {
return, separator, limit);
var output = [],
lastLastIndex = 0,
flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") +
(separator.multiline ? "m" : "") +
(separator.sticky ? "y" : ""),
separator = RegExp(separator.source, flags + "g"), // make `global` and avoid `lastIndex` issues by working with a copy
separator2, match, lastIndex, lastLength;
str = str + ""; // type conversion
if (!cbSplit._compliantExecNpcg) {
separator2 = RegExp("^" + separator.source + "$(?!\\s)", flags); // doesn't need /g or /y, but they don't hurt
/* behavior for `limit`: if it's...
- `undefined`: no limit.
- `NaN` or zero: return an empty array.
- a positive number: use `Math.floor(limit)`.
- a negative number: no limit.
- other: type-convert, then use the above rules. */
if (limit === undefined || +limit < 0) {
limit = Infinity;
} else {
limit = Math.floor(+limit);
if (!limit) {
return [];
while (match = separator.exec(str)) {
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length; // `separator.lastIndex` is not reliable cross-browser
if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) {
output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));
if (!cbSplit._compliantExecNpcg && match.length > 1) {
match[0].replace(separator2, function () {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
if (arguments[i] === undefined) {
match[i] = undefined;
if (match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1));
lastLength = match[0].length;
lastLastIndex = lastIndex;
if (output.length >= limit) {
if (separator.lastIndex === match.index) {
separator.lastIndex++; // avoid an infinite loop
if (lastLastIndex === str.length) {
if (lastLength || !separator.test("")) {
} else {
return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output;
cbSplit._compliantExecNpcg = /()??/.exec("")[1] === undefined; // NPCG: nonparticipating capturing group
cbSplit._nativeSplit = String.prototype.split;
} // end `if (!cbSplit)`
String.prototype.split = function (separator, limit) {
return cbSplit(this, separator, limit);
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