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Last active December 9, 2019 08:26
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Summary:
# This script will ssh to multiple boxes by splitting an iterm2 or tmux window evenly
# and then logging into all boxes listed.
# Will create a new iterm2 window if you are in iterm2 or a new tmux window if it detects
# that you are already in a tmux session
# Install:
# copy this script into your $PATH somewhere (Name it mssh)
# chmod +x [SOMEPATH]/mssh
# profit
# Example usage:
# mssh box1 box2 box3 box4
# mssh box{1..4} -- Same as above
# Todo: TMUX integration is a little wonky. If the ssh command fails, the pane executing it will just close.
import argparse
import subprocess
import os
def iterm2(addrs):
def get_write_tells():
cmd = ""
for i, box in enumerate(addrs, 1):
cmd += "tell item {} of sessions in current tab of current window to write text \"ssh {}\" \n".format(i, box)
return cmd
cmd = """osascript<<END
tell application "iTerm"
create window with default profile
set paneCount to %s
set c to round ((paneCount) ^ 0.5) rounding up
set r to round ((paneCount) / c) rounding up
set cur to r
set newSession to (current session of current window)
set theRows to {newSession}
repeat r - 1 times
tell newSession
set newSession to (split horizontally with default profile)
set theRows to theRows & {newSession}
end tell
end repeat
repeat with theRow in theRows
repeat c - 1 times
if cur is equal to (paneCount) then
exit repeat
end if
tell theRow
split vertically with default profile
end tell
set cur to cur + 1
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
END""" % (len(addrs), get_write_tells())[cmd], shell=True)
def tmux(boxes):
tmux_cmds = []
new_window = "tmux new-window -n mssh -P \"ssh {}\"".format(boxes[0])
window_name = subprocess.check_output(new_window, shell=True).strip()
for box in boxes[1:]:
tmux_cmds.append("tmux split-window -h -t {} \"ssh {}\"".format(window_name, box))
tmux_cmds.append("tmux select-layout -t {} tiled > /dev/null".format(window_name))'\n'.join(tmux_cmds), shell=True)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='split session and ssh to all boxes')
parser.add_argument('boxes', nargs='+', help='list of instances to connect to')
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.environ.get('TMUX'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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