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dgg / rounding.ts
Created June 22, 2021 09:24
rounding a number in typescript
export const DECIMAL_PLACES = 1
// it may have some rounding problems in some cases, but we should be good
export const round = (n: number, decimals: number = DECIMAL_PLACES): number => {
const abs = n < 0 ? Math.abs(n) : n
const factorOfTen = Math.pow(10, decimals)
const rounded = Math.round(abs * factorOfTen) / factorOfTen
const result = abs === n ? rounded : -rounded
dgg / leftFromFirst.js
Created September 11, 2018 19:57
describe("leftFromFirst", () => {
const testSpec = [
{args: [null, "lazy lazy fox jumped"], value : null, desc : "substring not found"},
//{args: ["", "lazy lazy fox jumped"], value : null, desc : "substring not found"},
{args: [null, ""], value : null, desc : "(null, '') --> null"},
{args: [null, null], value : null, desc : "(null, null) --> null"},
{args: [null, null], value : null, desc : "(null, null) --> null"},
//{args: ["", ""], value : null, desc : "(*, '') --> ''"},
//{args: ["", null], value : '', desc : "(*, null) --> ''"},
dgg / equivalence-test.cs
Created March 9, 2018 09:24
[TestCase(2, 1, true)]
[TestCase(1, 2, false)]
[TestCase(1, 1, false)]
[TestCase(null, 1, false)]
[TestCase(1, null, false)]
[TestCase(null, null, false)]
public void Snippets_Are_Equivalent(int? qty1, int? qty2, bool result)
bool shouldCompare = qty1 != null && qty2 != null;
dgg / Client.cs
Created January 3, 2018 15:05
using System;
using BreakingChangeAnatomy.Library;
using BreakingChangeAnatomy.Library.ChildNs;
namespace BreakingChangeAnatomy.Client
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dgg / lesser-marker-interface.cs
Last active December 15, 2017 07:09
internal interface ICurrencyInfoProvider
CurrencyInfo Get(CurrencyIsoCode code);
// not a "real" marker interface
internal interface ICurrencyInfoInitializer : ICurrencyInfoProvider, IDisposable { }
dgg / custom-assertions.cs
Created November 27, 2017 08:51
Testing DSLs
int even = 2, odd = 3;
// meh
Assert.That(even % 2, Is.EqualTo(0));
// slightly better (message)
Assert.That(odd % 2, Is.Not.EqualTo(0), "Number must be odd");
// better
Assert.That(odd, new EvenContraint());
// best
Assert.That(even, Must.Be.Even());
dgg / SampleFilter.cs
Last active November 26, 2017 13:13
internal class SampleFilter : ISchemaFilter
public void Apply(Schema model, SchemaFilterContext context)
var attribute = context.SystemType.GetCustomAttribute<HasCustomSampleAttribute>();
if (attribute != null)
model.Example = attribute.BuildExample(context.SystemType);
dgg / the-culprit.cs
Created October 21, 2017 12:52
public class AClassWithOneMethod
public static int GetOrdering(string someName, SomeAttributeDefinition someAttributeDefinition)
if (SomeConstants.ACollection.Exists(x => x == someName))
return 20;
switch (someName)
case SomeConstants.AConstant:
return 10;
dgg /
Created October 14, 2017 19:01
deploy subfolder to gh-pages
  1. checkout doc
  2. create subfolder www/
  3. generate content in www/
  4. commit content in www/
  5. git subtree split --prefix www -b gh-pages
  6. add and commit more content to www/
  7. git subtree push --prefix www origin gh-pages