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Last active July 29, 2024 10:55
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Save dfinke/ca2b678a46923166dafe29cb2a6e6bc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The difference between building LLM-powered applications in summer 2024 vs summer 2023?
This PowerShell script is powered by my PSAI and PSAIAgent modules.
PSAI - Is a port of the OpenAI Python SDK
PSAIAgent - Is a PowerShell module that allows you turn an OpenAI LLM into an AI Assistant with memory and tools
Register-Tool - Takes PowerShell functions signatures and creates the JSON to be used by OpenAI
New-Agent - Creates an AI Agent that can be used to interact with OpenAI
Get-AgentResponse - Takes the agent and prompt, calls the OpenAI model, runs the functions if needed and returns the response
$tools = $(
Register-Tool Get-GHMetrics
Register-Tool Invoke-WebSearch
$prompt = @"
Spring AI
Find the github repos for each and the metrics, include date created in a table
In the intro, add a brief sentence describing each project
$agent = New-Agent -ShowToolCalls -Tools $tools -LLM (New-OpenAIChat 'gpt-4o') # Create a new agent and add the tools for capabilities
$agent | Get-AgentResponse $prompt
Copy link

dfinke commented Jul 29, 2024

The prompt was inspired by this post from Marie-Alice BleteMarie-Alice Blete:


Here is a brief description of each project along with their GitHub repository information and metrics in a table:

Project Descriptions

  1. Ragas: A framework that helps evaluate Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines, enhancing the performance assessment of these LLM applications.
  2. LangFuse: An open-source LLM engineering platform offering tools for observability, evaluation, prompt management, and more to simplify LLM engineering.
  3. LangSmith-sdk: Client SDKs for interacting with the LangSmith platform, aiding teams in debugging, evaluating, and monitoring language models and intelligent agents.
  4. LangChain4j: A Java library that integrates with major LLMs and vector stores to support building chatbots, assistants, and other LLM-powered applications.
  5. Spring AI: An application framework for AI engineering that provides tools and APIs for integrating generative AI models into Java applications.
  6. DSPy: A framework for algorithmically optimizing LM prompts and weights, particularly useful in complex systems requiring multiple LM usages within a pipeline.

Project Metrics

Project GitHub Repository Date Created Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests Contributors Commits Last Commit
Ragas Link 2023-05-08 5941 561 616 512 30 430 2024-07-29 06:53:41 AM
LangFuse Link 2023-05-18 4960 449 447 1906 30 2251 2024-07-29 10:27:46 AM
LangSmith-sdk Link 2023-05-30 359 60 200 655 27 1083 2024-07-26 07:54:10 PM
LangChain4j Link 2023-06-20 4100 797 659 762 30 1034 2024-07-26 02:22:48 PM
Spring AI Link 2023-06-27 2630 640 468 580 30 977 2024-07-27 09:42:00 PM
DSPy Link 2023-01-09 14919 1145 627 642 30 2533 2024-07-26 07:01:05 PM

This table provides an overview of the key metrics for each project, highlighting their popularity, activity, and contributions.

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