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Last active August 10, 2024 17:18
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AI-powered image comparison in PowerShell using PSAI module
# Install-module PSAI
# Get OpenAI API key from
# Set $env:OpenAIKey
function Compare-PicsUsingAI {
$f1 = Invoke-OAIUploadFile -Path $pic1
$f2 = Invoke-OAIUploadFile -Path $pic2
$ToolResources = @{
code_interpreter = @{
file_ids = @($, $
$assistant = New-OAIAssistant -ToolResources $ToolResources -Tools (Enable-OAICodeInterpreter)
Invoke-SimpleQuestion -AssistantId $ -Question "Compare these two images, are they duplicates?"
$null = Clear-OAIAllItems
$pic1 = "$PSScriptRoot\01-BioPic.png"
$pic2 = "$PSScriptRoot\02-BioPic.png"
# Compare-PicsUsingAI $pic1 $pic2
Compare-PicsUsingAI $pic2 $pic2
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