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Created January 14, 2024 14:26
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AWS Bedrock LLM output
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.0
Erlang was developed by Ericsson in the year 1986.
(1278 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.8
Erlang was created by Ericsson in the year 1986.
(987 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.0
(1260 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.8
Swedish mathematician and computer scientist Ericsson created the Erlang programming language in 1985.
(1266 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.0
Erlang was developed by Ericsson in the year 1986.
(957 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.8
Erlang was first created by Ericsson in 1986.
(1009 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.0
Erlang is a programming language that is specifically designed for building distributed, fault-tolerant systems. It was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s by Ericsson, a Swedish telecommunications company. The language was first released in 1993 and was initially used for building the company's AXD
(2145 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.8
Erlang is a programming language that was developed by Ericsson in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was originally called "Erlang" after the Swedish mathematician and engineer Agner Krarup Erlang, who developed the first distributed computing system in 1917. The language was designed to be highly concurrent
(2235 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.0
Erlang was created by Mike Williams in 1986.
Erlang was originally developed by Mike Williams, Robert Virding, and Joe Armstrong at Ericsson in 1986.
The Erlang programming language was created by Mike Williams in 1986 while working at Ericsson.
The Erlang language was developed
(3894 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Who invented the Erlang programming language and in what year?" with temperature=0.8
Erlang was invented by a team of researchers at the Swedish telecom company Ericsson in 1986. The team was led by Mike Williams and included other researchers such as Robert Virding and Joe Armstrong. They designed Erlang as a programming language specifically for building scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems, and it has since become widely
(3737 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The Elixir programming language was created by Rob Pike, a software engineer at Google. Pike began developing Elixir in 2011 as a personal project and later open-sourced it in 2012. Elixir is known for its simplicity, scalability, and robustness, and it has gained popularity in the Ruby community and beyond.
(2821 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The inventor of the Elixir programming language is José Valim.
(849 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The creator of the Elixir programming language is Erlangen-native and former LucidTalk CTO, Brendan Eich.
Eich created Elixir in 2005 while working at Mozilla, where he was the lead engineer for the JavaScript language. He left Mozilla in 2007 to found the startup LiveOak Labs, which was later acquired by VMWare
(3077 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
Elixir was created by Brendan Eich, who is the creator of JavaScript. In 2011, Eich co-founded the programming language company "Nodejitsu" and developed Elixir in 2011 before selling it to "Pacelle, Inc" in 2013. The Elixir language is a functional programming language that compiles to the
(3063 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The Elixir programming language was created by Rob Pike, a software engineer at Google. Pike began developing Elixir in 2011 as a personal project and later open-sourced it in 2012. Elixir is known for its simplicity, scalability, and robustness, and it has gained popularity in the Ruby community and beyond.
(3090 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The inventor of the Elixir programming language is Rob Pike. Elixir is a functional programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). It is known for its simplicity, scalability, and concurrency features. Pike was inspired to develop Elixir by his experience with other programming languages and the need for a more efficient and scalable solution for building distributed systems. He started working on E
(2673 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
Elixir is a functional programming language that runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine (VM). It was created by José Valim, a Brazilian software engineer, in 2009. Valim is a well-known figure in the Erlang community and has written several books on the subject. He created Elixir as a more user-friendly alternative to Er
(2143 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
Elixir is a dynamic, functional programming language that runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). It was created by José Valim, a Brazilian software engineer and entrepreneur, in 2009. Valim is a well-known figure in the Erlang community and has written several books on the subject. He is also the founder of the company
(2188 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The Elixir programming language was created by José Valim, a Brazilian software developer. He is also known for his work on the Ruby on Rails framework and has made significant contributions to the open-source community.
Elixir was first released in 2011, and since then, it has gained popularity due to its concise syntax, high performance
(3859 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Who is the inventor of the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The Elixir programming language was created by José Valim, a Brazilian software developer. He started working on Elixir in 2009 and released the first version in 2011.
José Valim is a well-known figure in the programming community, and his work on Elixir has been widely recognized. He has received numerous awards
(3688 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Elixir is to Erlang, and Guido van Rossum is to Python.
(1043 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to Joe Armstrong.
(1177 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Brendan Eich.
(787 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Roy Osherove.
(748 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Elixir is to Erlang, and Guido van Rossum is to Python.
(1059 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
(719 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Hint: The answer is a person.
Answer: Elixir is to José Valim.
(915 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Hint: Think about the creators of the programming languages.
Answer: Elixir is to José Valim.
(1005 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Answer: José Valim.
Python is a programming language created by Guido van Rossum. Similarly, Elixir is a programming language created by José Valim.
(2755 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Python is to Guido van Rossum as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Elixir is a programming language that is designed to be highly extensible and flexible, with a focus on building scalable and maintainable applications. It is built on top of the Erlang Virtual Machine, which provides a number of benefits including high performance, low latency, and fault tolerance.
The creator of Elixir is José Valim, who
(3748 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Here is the answer to the riddle:
Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Erlang.
(1338 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Here is the answer to the riddle: Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Brian Johnson.
(9630 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Erlang.
(1221 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Jeff Atwood.
Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Jeff Atwood. What is that one famous for being dynamically typed and the other for being statically typed?
(1922 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Here is the answer to the riddle:
Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Erlang.
(1333 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Here is the answer to the riddle:
Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to Christopher Alexander.
(1425 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Hint: Both Ruby and Elixir are programming languages.
Answer: Elixir is to José Valim.
(1025 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Hint: The blank is the name of a well-known programming language.
Answer: Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to ______ (Groovy).
(1492 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.0
Answer: José Valim.
Ruby is a programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz.
Elixir is a programming language created by José Valim, also known as José.
Therefore, the answer to the riddle is José Valim.
(3837 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "Complete this riddle. Ruby is to Yukihiro Matsumoto as Elixir is to" with temperature=0.8
Answer: José Valim.
Ruby is a programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz.
Elixir is a programming language created by José Valim.
Therefore, the answer to the riddle is José Valim.
(3741 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language is "aws_sdk". It is a widely used and well-maintained library that provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with AWS services. It offers a rich set of features and supports various AWS services, including EC2, S3, and DynamoDB.
Here is an example of how to use the "aws_
(2881 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-tg1-large "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The recommended AWS client library for the Elixir programming language is "aws_sdk". With "aws_sdk", developers can easily interact with various AWS services, such as EC2, S3, and DynamoDB, using Elixir-style syntax and features. It provides a convenient and powerful way to manage AWS resources within Elixir applications.
(2475 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The AWS SDK for Elixir is a high-level, open-source client library for Elixir that makes it easy to interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. It provides a set of abstractions and utilities that allow developers to build robust and scalable applications on AWS using the Elixir programming language.
The AWS SDK for Elixir is actively maintained and supported by the Elixir community
(3017 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-lite-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The AWS SDK for Elixir is the recommended client library for working with AWS services in Elixir. It provides a high-level and expressive Elixir API for interacting with various AWS services, including S3, EC2, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
``` Elixir
iex -S mix
(2995 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
The best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language is "aws_sdk". It is a widely used and well-maintained library that provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with AWS services. It offers a rich set of features and supports various AWS services, including EC2, S3, and DynamoDB.
Here is an example of how to use the "aws_
(2960 ms) ----------
Asking amazon.titan-text-express-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
The recommended AWS client library for the Elixir programming language is "aws_sdk". It is a widely used and trusted library that provides a fluent and intuitive interface for interacting with AWS services.
Here are some reasons why "aws_sdk" is a popular choice for Elixir developers:
1. Fluent Interface: "aws_sdk" follows the Phoenix style guide, which means it
(2752 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
There are several AWS client libraries available for the Elixir programming language, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of the most popular ones:
1. AWS Elixir Client: This is the official AWS client library for Elixir, provided by AWS. It provides a simple and consistent API for interacting with AWS services, and supports both
(2047 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
There are several AWS client libraries available for Elixir, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few of the most popular ones:
1. AWS Elixir Client: This is the official AWS client library for Elixir, provided by AWS. It provides a simple and intuitive API for making AWS requests, and supports a wide range of
(2167 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.0
I'm looking for a library that is well-maintained, easy to use, and supports a wide range of AWS services.
Answer: The best AWS client library for Elixir is likely to be a matter of personal preference and the specific needs of your project. However, here are a few popular options:
1. `aws_ex` - This
(3738 ms) ----------
Asking meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1 "What is the best AWS client library for the Elixir programming language?" with temperature=0.8
I have searched for a client library for AWS on Elixir and found a few options, but I'm not sure which one to choose. I'm looking for a library that is well-maintained, easy to use, and supports a wide range of AWS services.
Can anyone recommend a good AWS client library for Elixir?
(3687 ms) ----------
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