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Created May 18, 2021 00:46
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Escrow with collateral
{"valueParameterDescriptions":[["Collateral amount","The amount of Lovelace to be deposited by both parties at the start of the contract to serve as an incentive for collaboration."],["Price","The amount of Lovelace to be paid by the *Buyer* as part of the exchange."]],"slotParameterDescriptions":[["Collateral deposit by seller timeout","The deadline by which the *Seller* must deposit the *Collateral amount* in the contract."],["Deposit of collateral by buyer timeout","The deadline by which the *Buyer* must deposit the *Collateral amount* in the contract."],["Deposit of price by buyer timeout","The deadline by which the *Buyer* must deposit the *Price* in the contract."],["Dispute by buyer timeout","The deadline by which, if the *Buyer* has not opened a dispute, the *Seller* will be paid."],["Seller's response timeout","The deadline by which, if the *Seller* has not responded to the dispute, the *Buyer* will be refunded."]],"roleDescriptions":[["Buyer","The party that pays for the item on sale."],["Seller","The party that sells the item and gets the money if the exchange is successful."]],"contractType":"ES","contractName":"Escrow with collateral","contractDescription":"Regulates a money exchange between a *Buyer* and a *Seller* using a collateral from both parties to incentivize collaboration. If there is a disagreement the collateral is burned.","choiceDescriptions":[["Confirm problem","Acknowledge that there was a problem and a refund must be granted."],["Dispute problem","The *Seller* disagrees with the *Buyer* about the claim that something went wrong and the collateral will be burnt."],["Everything is alright","The exchange was successful and the *Buyer* agrees to pay the *Seller*."],["Report problem","The *Buyer* claims not having received the product that was paid for as agreed and would like a refund."]]}
/* We can set explicitRefunds true to run Close refund analysis
but we get a shorter contract if we set it to false */
const explicitRefunds: Boolean = false;
const buyer: Party = Role("Buyer");
const seller: Party = Role("Seller");
const burnAddress: Party = PK("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
const price: Value = ConstantParam("Price");
const collateral: Value = ConstantParam("Collateral amount");
const sellerCollateralTimeout: Timeout = SlotParam("Collateral deposit by seller timeout");
const buyerCollateralTimeout: Timeout = SlotParam("Deposit of collateral by buyer timeout");
const depositTimeout: Timeout = SlotParam("Deposit of price by buyer timeout");
const disputeTimeout: Timeout = SlotParam("Dispute by buyer timeout");
const answerTimeout: Timeout = SlotParam("Seller's response timeout");
function depositCollateral(party: Party, timeout: Timeout, timeoutContinuation: Contract, continuation: Contract): Contract {
return When([Case(Deposit(party, party, ada, collateral), continuation)],
function burnCollaterals(continuation: Contract): Contract {
return Pay(seller, Party(burnAddress), ada, collateral,
Pay(buyer, Party(burnAddress), ada, collateral,
function deposit(timeout: Timeout, timeoutContinuation: Contract, continuation: Contract): Contract {
return When([Case(Deposit(seller, buyer, ada, price), continuation)],
function choice(choiceName: string, chooser: Party, choiceValue: SomeNumber, continuation: Contract): Case {
return Case(Choice(ChoiceId(choiceName, chooser),
[Bound(choiceValue, choiceValue)]),
function choices(timeout: Timeout, chooser: Party, timeoutContinuation: Contract, list: { value: SomeNumber, name: string, continuation: Contract }[]): Contract {
var caseList: Case[] = new Array(list.length);
list.forEach((element, index) =>
caseList[index] = choice(, chooser, element.value, element.continuation)
return When(caseList, timeout, timeoutContinuation);
function sellerToBuyer(continuation: Contract): Contract {
return Pay(seller, Account(buyer), ada, price, continuation);
function refundSellerCollateral(continuation: Contract): Contract {
if (explicitRefunds) {
return Pay(seller, Party(seller), ada, collateral, continuation);
} else {
return continuation;
function refundBuyerCollateral(continuation: Contract): Contract {
if (explicitRefunds) {
return Pay(buyer, Party(buyer), ada, collateral, continuation);
} else {
return continuation;
function refundCollaterals(continuation: Contract): Contract {
return refundSellerCollateral(refundBuyerCollateral(continuation));
const refundBuyer: Contract = explicitRefunds ? Pay(buyer, Party(buyer), ada, price, Close) : Close;
const refundSeller: Contract = explicitRefunds ? Pay(seller, Party(seller), ada, price, Close) : Close;
const contract: Contract =
depositCollateral(seller, sellerCollateralTimeout, Close,
depositCollateral(buyer, buyerCollateralTimeout, refundSellerCollateral(Close),
deposit(depositTimeout, refundCollaterals(Close),
choices(disputeTimeout, buyer, refundCollaterals(refundSeller),
[{ value: 0n, name: "Everything is alright", continuation: refundCollaterals(refundSeller) },
value: 1n, name: "Report problem",
choices(answerTimeout, seller, refundCollaterals(refundBuyer),
[{ value: 1n, name: "Confirm problem", continuation: refundCollaterals(refundBuyer) },
{ value: 0n, name: "Dispute problem", continuation: burnCollaterals(refundBuyer) }]))
return contract;
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