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Last active June 3, 2022 03:46
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//; "Super Keftendo" 256-byte SNES intro source code
//; by Revenant
//; This is an attempt at implementing the "Kefrens bars" effect on the SNES, using less than
//; 256 bytes of ROM. The technique used here is to set up a 256-color line buffer using
//; Mode 7, then rendering a few pixels directly to CGRAM every scanline and resetting the
//; Y-scroll position to display the same buffer on every visible scanline as it is repeatedly
//; rendered to. Some more information about specific size optimizations are detailed later.
//; This was made using my own assembler "xkas-plus", but it should be compatible with the
//; original xkas v14, and it should also be trivial to port to any other assembler.
//; (weird comment syntax for github syntax highlighting purposes)
arch snes.cpu
define FrameSinePos $0000
define ScratchTable $01 //;$0200
define SineTable {ScratchTable}+$40
org $80ff00
//; 32 bytes (ff00 - ff1f)
db 64, 69, 74, 78, 83, 87, 91, 95
db 99, 102, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112
db 112, 111, 111, 109, 107, 105, 102, 99
db 96, 92, 88, 83, 79, 74, 69, 65
//; ff20 - ...
//; Use the "high" part of address space (A23=1)
jml +
//; We could SEI here to disable interrupts, and we have a free byte to do so,
//; but raster IRQs are never active on power on and we never enable them ourselves
//; Set up the rest of the sine table here
ldx #$20
//; y "should" be 0 here, but it saves a byte to just do this
//; and then subtract $20 from the table addresses instead
//; The table in ROM only covers a little more than half a sine wave
//; (0 <=x < 185 or so degrees), but we can extrapolate this to a full wave
//; which takes up 64 bytes and looks continuous enough to be usable
lda.w InitSineTable-$20,y
sta.w {ScratchTable}-$20,y
eor.b #$7f
sta.b {ScratchTable}+$1f,x
bne -
//; x is now 0 here
//; Now repeat the 64-bit sine table across a full 256 bytes so that we can
//; easily index it with a full 8-bit index
lda.b {ScratchTable},x
sta.b {SineTable},x
bne -
//; x is now 0 here again
//; We will be using 16-bit index registers in order to write register pairs...
rep #$10
//; ...and using $2100 as the direct page, since from this point on about 98% of
//; reads or writes will be to the B-bus
pea $2100
//; $2100: disable the display so we can start setting up VRAM
//; (C will already be set from previous XCE, so we can do it in 2 bytes like this)
ror $00
//; $2133: disable hires, interlace, etc
stz $33
//; $210d: set mode 7 bg x-position, slightly offset
lda #$ff
sta $0d
sta $0d
//; $211f-20: center mode 7 bg at (127, 127)
lda #$7f
sta $1f
stz $1f
sta $20
stz $20
//; $211b-1e: rotate 90 degrees clockwise so we can fill in pixels the way we want
//; (This puts the leftmost column of the BG at the topmost row of the screen)
stz $1e
stz $1e
lda.b #$ff
stz $1d
sta $1d
lda.b #$01
stz $1c
sta $1c
stz $1b
stz $1b
//; the next few STAs assume a == 1
//; $211a: flip screen horizontally
//; (This puts the "topmost" tile in VRAM at the left edge of the screen)
sta $1a
//; $420d: enable fastrom
//; (This is necessary since we will be doing important stuff in hblank, but there
//; is not enough space to set up DMA or HDMA)
sta $420d
//; $212c: enable layer 1
sta $2c
//; $212e-2f: disable window
stx $2e
//; $2130-31: disable color math
stx $30
//; Set up Mode 7 tilemap
lda.b #$02
//; $2115: increment on write to $2118 (low bytes) and advance by 128 words per write
//; This allows us to write the first tile of each row in a tight loop, which becomes
//; the topmost row of tiles on our rotated background
sta $15
//; $2116: start at VRAM $0000
stx $16
lda.b #$00
sta $18 //; make a row of increasing tile numbers across the top of the screen
bpl -
lda.b #$80
//; $2115: increment on write to $2119 (high bytes) and advance by 1 word per write
//; With the way we have set up the screen and tile map, this allows us to create a
//; 256-color line buffer by writing increasing palette index values to the "pixel"
//; part of mode 7 VRAM (aka the high bytes).
sta $15
//; $2116: start at VRAM $0000 again
stx $16
ldx.w #$07
//; $2105: use mode 7 (see below for the reason this is done here and not earlier)
//; $2106: disable mosaic filter
stx $05
//; Hardware init is done so we can return to using 8-bit index registers
lda.b #$00
sta $19 //; fill in palette entry
//; The value 0x07 from the write to $2105 is reused here as a loop counter
//; since we need to write 7 rows of dummy pixels for each actual pixel
stz $19 //; fill in dummy pixels
bne -
bne .palloop
//; wait until start of vblank
//; (Forced blanking is still on at this point, but this ensures we start to render
//; the effect at the top of the screen on the first frame)
bit $4212
bpl -
//; $2121-22: clear CGRAM line buffer
stz $21
lda #$00
stz $22
stz $22
bne -
//; $210f: enable screen
lda.b #$0f
sta $00
//; Wait until end of vblank
bit $4212
bmi -
//; x = current index into sine table
//; (incremented in memory every frame, incremented in register every scanline)
inc.w {FrameSinePos}
ldx.w {FrameSinePos}
//; y = vertical scroll position (decremented in register every scanline)
ldy.b #$ff
//; Do something like "a = sin(x) + sin(x/4 + y)"
adc 1,s
lda.w {SineTable},y
adc.w {SineTable},x
//; We could have the bars spanning the whole screen, but with the limited size of
//; both the sine table and the individual bars, it looks kind of crappy, in my
//; opinion. Instead, condense the bars and get them roughly centered on screen
adc #$40
//; Increment x for the next scanline
//; Wait until either hblank (to render the next line) or vblank (to clear the buffer)
bit $4212
bmi VBlank //; currently in vblank
bvc - //; currently not in hblank
//; $2121: use the current sine value as the CGRAM address to write to.
//; With our line buffer setup, this now also equals the X position on screen
sta $21
//; $210e: reset v-scroll
//; (Doing this after the actual rendering can be visibly glitchy, due to slightly
//; overrunning the hblank period)
lda #$3f
sty $0e
sta $0e
//; $2122: render the bar!
//; This uses only 1 byte for color (blue + partial green channels), and then
//; shifts the value to create additional colors. Looks like crap, but saves bytes.
//; Unfortunately hblank time is scarce, so we can only draw 4 pixels this way
lda #$63
stz $22
sta $22
stz $22
sta $22
stz $22
sta $22
stz $22
sta $22
//; Repeat until vblank
bra Loop
//; The reset vector. Try not to trash this
warnpc $80fffd
org $fffc
dw Reset
dw 0
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