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Last active September 16, 2020 10:36
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  • Save devicezero/998ed475a41a236347334b27812ced47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66322f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# This file describes an application. You can have multiple applications
+# in the same project.
+# The name of this app. Must be unique within a project.
+name: app
+# The type of the application to build.
+type: php:7.4
+ flavor: composer
+ env:
+ # Tell Shopware to always install in production-mode.
+ SHOPWARE_ENV: 'prod'
+ # Instance ID is empty by default, change to something unique in your project
+ php:
+ upload_max_filesize: 6M
+# Specify additional PHP extensions that should be loaded.
+ extensions:
+ - ctype
+ - dom
+ - iconv
+ - mbstring
+ - fileinfo
+ - intl
+# The hooks that will be performed when the package is deployed.
+ build: |
+ set -e
+ # install nvm
+ curl -o- | dash
+ export NVM_DIR="$PLATFORM_APP_DIR/.nvm"
+ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
+ nvm current
+ nvm install 12
+ # Add the Redis extension.
+ bash 5.1.1
+ # Disable UI installer
+ touch install.lock
+ deploy: |
+ set -e
+ # This is necessary for nvm to work.
+ # Disable npm update notifier; being a read only system it will probably annoy you.
+ # This loads nvm for general usage.
+ export NVM_DIR="$PLATFORM_APP_DIR/.nvm"
+ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
+ if [ "$PLATFORM_BRANCH" != "master" ]; then
+ export FRONTEND_URL=`echo $PLATFORM_ROUTES | base64 --decode | jq -r 'to_entries[] | select("shopware") | .key'`
+ bin/console sales-channel:update-domain "$FRONTEND_URL"
+ fi
+ # Initialize the Shopware site's data set if it's not already installed.
+ if [ ! -f $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/installer/installed ]; then
+ # setup the environment
+ # create database with a basic setup (admin user and storefront sales channel)
+ echo "Running system:install"
+ bin/console system:install --create-database --basic-setup --force
+ # generate JWT
+ echo "Running system:generate-jwt-secret"
+ bin/console system:generate-jwt-secret
+ # refresh plugins and enable PaaS Plugin
+ bin/console plugin:refresh
+ bin/console plugin:install --activate SwagPaas
+ # mark system as installed
+ touch $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/installer/installed
+ fi;
+ # optional: run migration automatically with deploy
+ # bin/console database:migrate --all
+ bin/console cache:clear
+# The relationships of the application with services or other applications.
+# The left-hand side is the name of the relationship as it will be exposed
+# to the application in the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS variable. The right-hand
+# side is in the form `<service name>:<endpoint name>`.
+ database: "db:mysql"
+ rediscache: "cacheredis:redis"
+# The size of the persistent disk of the application (in MB).
+disk: 2048
+# The mounts that will be performed when the package is deployed.
+ "/files":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "files"
+ "/app":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "app"
+ "/config/secrets":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "config/secrets"
+ "/custom/plugins":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "custom/plugins"
+ "/var/cache":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "var/cache"
+ "/var/queue":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "var/queue"
+ "/var/log":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "var/log"
+ "/public/css":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/css"
+ "/public/fonts":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/fonts"
+ "/public/js":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/js"
+ "/public/media":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/media"
+ "/public/thumbnail":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/thumbnail"
+ "/public/theme":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/theme"
+ "/public/bundles":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "public/bundles"
+ "/config/jwt":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "config/jwt"
+ "/installer":
+ source: local
+ source_path: "installer"
+# The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web.
+ locations:
+ "/":
+ # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
+ root: "public"
+ # The front-controller script to send non-static requests to.
+ passthru: "/index.php"
+ queue:
+ disk: 128
+ commands:
+ start: |
+ bin/console messenger:consume-messages default --time-limit=30
diff --git a/.platform/routes.yaml b/.platform/routes.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74caade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.platform/routes.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# The routes of the project.
+# Each route describes how an incoming URL is going
+# to be processed by
+ type: upstream
+ id: shopware
+ upstream: "app:http"
diff --git a/.platform/services.yaml b/.platform/services.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2662a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.platform/services.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ type: mariadb:10.4
+ disk: 2048
+ type: redis:6.0
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 8b22277..ee8f6e2 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Shopware\\Production\\": "src\/"
- }
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "platformsh-env.php"
+ ]
"repositories": [
@@ -49,7 +52,9 @@
"shopware\/administration": "~v6.3.0",
"shopware\/storefront": "~v6.3.0",
"shopware\/elasticsearch": "~v6.3.0",
- "shopware\/recovery": "~v6.3.0"
+ "shopware\/recovery": "~v6.3.0",
+ "platformsh/symfonyflex-bridge": "^2.2",
+ "shopware/paas": "dev-master"
"require-dev": {
"ext-tokenizer": "*",
diff --git a/config/packages/framework.yaml b/config/packages/framework.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..157194c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/packages/framework.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ session:
+ handler_id: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\RedisSessionHandler
+ cache:
+ app: cache.adapter.redis
+ default_redis_provider: '%env(string:REDIS_URL)%'
diff --git a/config/packages/shopware.yaml b/config/packages/shopware.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e83f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/packages/shopware.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ admin_worker:
+ enable_admin_worker: false
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186b9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+run() {
+ # Run the compilation process.
+ cd $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR || exit 1;
+ if [ ! -f "${PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR}/phpredis/modules/" ]; then
+ ensure_source
+ checkout_version "$1"
+ compile_source
+ fi
+ copy_lib
+ enable_lib
+enable_lib() {
+ # Tell PHP to enable the extension.
+ echo "Enabling PhpRedis extension."
+ echo "extension=${PLATFORM_APP_DIR}/" >> $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/php.ini
+copy_lib() {
+ # Copy the compiled library to the application directory.
+ echo "Installing PhpRedis extension."
+ cp $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/phpredis/modules/ $PLATFORM_APP_DIR
+checkout_version () {
+ # Check out the specific Git tag that we want to build.
+ git checkout "$1"
+ensure_source() {
+ # Ensure that the extension source code is available and up to date.
+ if [ -d "phpredis" ]; then
+ cd phpredis || exit 1;
+ git fetch --all --prune
+ else
+ git clone
+ cd phpredis || exit 1;
+ fi
+compile_source() {
+ # Compile the extension.
+ phpize
+ ./configure
+ make
+ensure_environment() {
+ # If not running in a build environment, do nothing.
+ if [[ -z "${PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then
+ echo "Not running in a build environment. Aborting Redis installation."
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ensure_arguments() {
+ # If no version was specified, don't try to guess.
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo "No version of the PhpRedis extension specified. You must specify a tagged version on the command line."
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ensure_arguments "$1"
+run "$1"
diff --git a/platformsh-env.php b/platformsh-env.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..265f1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platformsh-env.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+namespace Platformsh\ShopwareBridge;
+use Platformsh\ConfigReader\Config;
+ * Map Platform.Sh environment variables to the values Shopware expects expects.
+ *
+ * This is wrapped up into a function to avoid executing code in the global
+ * namespace.
+ *
+ * Note: Most values are already handled by the Symfony Flex bridge. This file is just
+ * for the additional variables required by Shopware.
+ */
+function mapPlatformShEnvironment() : void
+ $config = new Config();
+ if (!$config->inRuntime()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $config->registerFormatter('redis', __NAMESPACE__ . '\redisFormatter');
+ // Set the URL based on the route. This is a required route ID.
+ setEnvVar('APP_URL', $config->getRoute('shopware')['url']);
+ // Map services as feasible.
+ mapPlatformShRedis('rediscache', $config);
+ * Sets an environment variable in all the myriad places PHP can store it.
+ *
+ * @param string $name
+ * The name of the variable to set.
+ * @param null|string $value
+ * The value to set. Null to unset it.
+ */
+function setEnvVar(string $name, ?string $value) : void
+ if (!putenv("$name=$value")) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to create environment variable: ' . $name);
+ }
+ $order = ini_get('variables_order');
+ if (stripos($order, 'e') !== false) {
+ $_ENV[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ if (stripos($order, 's') !== false) {
+ if (strpos($name, 'HTTP_') !== false) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Refusing to add ambiguous environment variable ' . $name . ' to $_SERVER');
+ }
+ $_SERVER[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ * Maps the specified relationship to the REDIS_URL environment variable, if available.
+ *
+ * @param string $relationshipName
+ * The database relationship name.
+ * @param Config $config
+ * The config object.
+ */
+function mapPlatformShRedis(string $relationshipName, Config $config) : void
+ if (!$config->hasRelationship($relationshipName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setEnvVar('REDIS_URL', $config->formattedCredentials($relationshipName, 'redis'));
+function redisFormatter(array $credentials): string
+ return "redis://{$credentials['host']}:{$credentials['port']}";
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