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Last active July 12, 2016 22:31
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Save devd/1499684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Tool to maybe rewrite extensions to be CSP compatible
#Run this on Extension Source code to make it inline-script-less
#perl <extdir>;
#where extdir is the directory with the manifest.json.
#This will make a inplace change: make a copy if you want it to work on a copy.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::Parser ();
use HTML::Entities;
use File::Util;
use File::Basename;
use autodie;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha512_base64);
#TODO cleanup error handling and use GetOpt to make
# all these command line switches
#Change the last 0 to 1 if you want to use the hash src support
my ($extension_base_dir,$jsfolder,$jsbasename,$filectr,$newidbase,$usehashsrc) = ($ARGV[0],"js","addedForCSP",0,"_added_by_transform_",0);
my ($buffer,$idctr)=("",0);
die "No base directory specified" unless $extension_base_dir;
die "$extension_base_dir does not exist" unless (-d $extension_base_dir);
unless(-d "$extension_base_dir/$jsfolder"){
mkdir "$extension_base_dir/$jsfolder";
my $f = File::Util->new();
my @hashsrcs=();
foreach my $filename ($f->list_dir($extension_base_dir,"--recurse","--files-only")){
next unless $filename =~ m/html?$/i;
my $parser = HTML::Parser->new(api_version=>3);
$parser->handler(start => \&startHandler,"tag,attr,text");
#ok now we remove the script tags
$buffer =~ s{<script\s*(?:type=['"]text/javascript['"])?\s*>(.+?)</script>}{scriptRewrite($1,$filename)}seg;
if (@hashsrcs) {
print "\n---- CSP hash src for $filename ----\n";
print join(' ',@hashsrcs);
print "\n------------\n";
sub scriptRewrite{
my ($contents,$origfile)=($_[0],basename($_[1]));
if ($usehashsrc) {
#TODO: testing needed
push @hashsrcs,"'sha512-".sha512_base64($contents)."'";
return "<script type='text/javascript'>$contents</script>";
$filectr++ while (-e "$extension_base_dir/$jsfolder/$jsbasename.$origfile.$filectr.js");
my $newfilename="$jsfolder/$jsbasename.$origfile.$filectr.js";
return "<script type='text/javascript' src='/$newfilename'></script>";
sub writeFile{
open my $fh,">",$filename;
print $fh $contents;
sub startHandler{
my ($tag,$attr,$origtext)=@_;
my $scriptcode="";
my %attrhash = %$attr;
my %codehash=();
my $id = "";
while(my ($key,$value) = each %attrhash){
if($key =~ /^on(.*)$/i){
if($key =~ /^src$/i){
if($value =~ /^http/){
print "Found src in:",$origtext,"\n";
$id = $value if($key eq 'id');
unless(keys %codehash){
#didn't find any inline handlers, bail out!
$buffer.=$origtext; return;
foreach my $key (keys %codehash){
my $newtext="";
$scriptcode = "<script>\n(function(){ var temp = document.getElementById('$id');\n".$scriptcode."\n})();\n</script>";
$newtext = "<$tag ";
foreach my $key (keys %attrhash){
next if $key =~ m/^on/;
$newtext .= " $key='".decode_entities($attrhash{$key})."' ";
$newtext.=" >";
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