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Created October 23, 2019 04:26
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4 CDock
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey
from ..models import CremeModel, CustomField, FieldsConfig
from ..utils.unicode_collation import collator
class FieldNotAllowed(Exception):
class _BulkUpdateRegistry(object):
"""Registry which stores what fields of entities models can or cannot be
edited via the inner/bulk edition system, and if they use a specific form.
For the app writers, only the register() method should be useful. Call it in
your with the global 'bulk_update_registry' instance.
class ModelBulkStatus(object):
def __init__(self, model, ignore=False):
self._model = model
self.ignore = ignore
self.excludes = set()
self.expandables = set()
self._innerforms = {}
self._regularfields = {}
def _reset_cache(self):
self._regularfields = {}
def is_expandable(self, field):
if not isinstance(field, ForeignKey) or field.get_tag('enumerable'):
return False
return issubclass(, CremeModel) or in self.expandables
def is_updatable(self, field):
return isinstance(field, CustomField) or (
field.editable and not FieldsConfig.get_4_model(self._model).is_field_hidden(field))
def regular_fields(self):
if self.ignore:
return {}
rfields = self._regularfields
if not rfields:
meta = self._model._meta
self._regularfields = rfields = { field
for field in chain(meta.fields, meta.many_to_many)
if not in self.excludes
return rfields
def updatable_regular_fields(self):
# TODO: FieldsConfig.LocalCache ??
is_updatable = self.is_updatable
return {key: field
for key, field in self.regular_fields.iteritems()
if is_updatable(field)
def expandable_regular_fields(self):
is_expandable = self.is_expandable
return {key: field
for key, field in self.regular_fields.iteritems()
if is_expandable(field)
def custom_fields(self):
if self.ignore:
return {}
model = self._model
custom_fields = {'customfield-%d' % field
for field in CustomField.objects.filter(
for field in custom_fields.values():
field.model = self._model
return custom_fields
def get_field(self, name):
if name.startswith('customfield-'):
field = self.custom_fields.get(name)
field = self.regular_fields.get(name)
if field and not self.is_updatable(field):
raise FieldNotAllowed(u"The field %s.%s is not editable" % (
self._model._meta.verbose_name, name
if field is None:
raise FieldDoesNotExist(u"The field %s.%s doesn't exist" % (
self._model._meta.verbose_name, name
return field
def get_expandable_field(self, name):
field = self.regular_fields.get(name)
if field is None:
raise FieldDoesNotExist(u"The field %s.%s doesn't exist" % (
self._model._meta.verbose_name, name
if not self.is_expandable(field):
raise FieldNotAllowed(u"The field %s.%s is not expandable" % (
self._model._meta.verbose_name, name
return field
def get_form(self, name, default=None):
return self._innerforms.get(name, default)
def __init__(self):
self._status = {}
def _get_or_create_status(self, model):
bulk_status = self._status.get(model)
if bulk_status is None:
bulk_status = self._status[model] = self.ModelBulkStatus(model)
return bulk_status
def _merge_innerforms(self, parent_status, child_status):
merged_innerforms = dict(parent_status._innerforms)
child_status._innerforms = merged_innerforms
def register(self, model, exclude=None, expandables=None, innerforms=None):
"""Register a CremeEntity class.
@param exclude A sequence of field names (ie: strings) indicating
fields should not be inner-editable.
@param expandables A sequence of field names corresponding to ForeignKeys
with inner-editable sub-fields (the FK must have the
tag 'enumerable' too). It is only useful for
FK related to models which are not inheriting CremeModel.
@param innerforms A dict with items (field_name, form_class) which provides
some specific forms to use. The form_class should inherit
from creme.creme_core.forms.bulk.BulkForm
(generally BulkDefaultEditForm is a good choice).
bulk_status = self._get_or_create_status(model)
if exclude:
if expandables:
if innerforms:
# Manage child and parent classes
for other_model, other_status in self._status.iteritems():
if other_model is not model:
if issubclass(other_model, model):
# Registered subclass inherits exclusions of new model
self._merge_innerforms(parent_status=bulk_status, child_status=other_status)
elif issubclass(model, other_model):
# New model inherits exclusions and custom forms of registered superclass
self._merge_innerforms(parent_status=other_status, child_status=bulk_status)
return bulk_status
def ignore(self, model):
bulk_status = self._get_or_create_status(model)
bulk_status.ignore = True
return bulk_status
def status(self, model):
bulk_status = self._status.get(model)
# Get excluded field by inheritance in case of working model is not registered yet
if bulk_status is None:
bulk_status = self.register(model)
return bulk_status
def get_default_field(self, model):
fields = self.regular_fields(model)
return fields[0]
def get_field(self, model, field_name):
status = self.status(model)
field_basename, _sep_, subfield_name = field_name.partition('__')
if subfield_name:
parent_field = status.get_expandable_field(field_basename)
field = self.get_field(, subfield_name)
field = status.get_field(field_basename)
return field
def get_form(self, model, field_name, default=None):
status = self.status(model)
field_basename, _sep_, subfield_name = field_name.partition('__')
if subfield_name:
field = status.get_expandable_field(field_basename)
substatus = self.status(
subfield = substatus.get_field(subfield_name)
form = substatus.get_form(subfield_name, default)
return partial(form, model=model, field=subfield, parent_field=field) if form else None
field = status.get_field(field_basename)
form = status.get_form(field_basename, default)
return partial(form, model=model, field=field) if form else None
def is_updatable(self, model, field_name, exclude_unique=True):
field = self.get_field(model, field_name)
except (FieldDoesNotExist, FieldNotAllowed):
return False
return not (exclude_unique and field.unique)
def is_expandable(self, model, field_name, exclude_unique=True):
field = self.status(model).get_expandable_field(field_name)
except (FieldDoesNotExist, FieldNotAllowed):
return False
return not (exclude_unique and field.unique)
def regular_fields(self, model, expand=False, exclude_unique=True):
sort_key = collator.sort_key
status = self.status(model)
is_updatable = status.is_updatable
fields = status.regular_fields.values()
if exclude_unique:
fields = [field for field in fields if not field.unique]
if expand is True:
related_fields = self.regular_fields
is_expandable = status.is_expandable
field_states = [(field, is_expandable(field), is_updatable(field))
for field in fields
fields = [(field,
related_fields(, exclude_unique=exclude_unique) if expandable else None
) for field, expandable, updatable in field_states
if expandable or updatable
return sorted(fields, key=lambda f: sort_key(f[0].verbose_name))
return sorted(filter(is_updatable, fields),
key=lambda f: sort_key(f.verbose_name)
def custom_fields(self, model):
sort_key = collator.sort_key
return sorted(self.status(model).custom_fields.values(),
key=lambda f: sort_key(
bulk_update_registry = _BulkUpdateRegistry()
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