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Created March 27, 2020 14:13
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Loss IP Visitor Counter Slims 8 dengan Suara juga
* Visitor Counter
* Copyright (C) 2010 Arie Nugraha (
* Modified By Eddy Subratha (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// be sure that this file not accessed directly
if (!defined('INDEX_AUTH')) {
die("can not access this file directly");
} elseif (INDEX_AUTH != 1) {
die("can not access this file directly");
// load settings from database
$allowed_counter_ip = array('');
$remote_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$confirmation = 0;
$limit_time_visit = $sysconf['time_visitor_limitation'];
foreach ($allowed_counter_ip as $ip) {
// change wildcard
$ip = preg_replace('@\*$@i', '.', $ip);
if ($ip == $remote_addr || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost' || preg_match("@$ip@i", $ip)) {
$confirmation = 1;
if (!$confirmation) {
header ("location: index.php");
// start the output buffering for main content
define('INSTITUTION_EMPTY', 11);
define('ALREADY_CHECKIN', 12);
if (isset($_POST['counter'])) {
if (trim($_POST['memberID']) == '') {
$member_name = 'Guest';
$photo = 'person.png';
$expire = 0;
// sleep for a while
* check if already checkin
function checkVisit($str_member_ID, $ismember = true)
global $dbs, $limit_time_visit;
if ($ismember) {
$criteria = 'member_id';
} else {
$criteria = 'member_name';
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$_q = $dbs->query('SELECT checkin_date FROM visitor_count WHERE '.$criteria.'=\''.$str_member_ID.'\' ORDER BY checkin_date DESC LIMIT 1');
if ($_q->num_rows > 0) {
$_d = $_q->fetch_row();
$time = new DateTime($_d[0]);
$time->add(new DateInterval('PT'.$limit_time_visit.'M'));
$timelimit = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($now < $timelimit) {
return true;
return false;
* Insert counter data to database
function setCounter($str_member_ID) {
global $dbs, $member_name, $photo, $expire, $sysconf;
// check if ID exists
$str_member_ID = $dbs->escape_string($str_member_ID);
$_q = $dbs->query("SELECT member_id,member_name,member_image,inst_name, IF(TO_DAYS('".date('Y-m-d')."')>TO_DAYS(expire_date), 1, 0) AS is_expire FROM member WHERE member_id='$str_member_ID'");
// if member is already registered
if ($_q->num_rows > 0) {
$_d = $_q->fetch_assoc();
if ($_d['is_expire'] == 1) {
$expire = 1;
$member_id = $_d['member_id'];
$member_name = $_d['member_name'];
$member_name = preg_replace("/'/", "\'", $member_name);
$photo = trim($_d['member_image'])?trim($_d['member_image']):'person.png';
$_institution = $dbs->escape_string(trim($_d['inst_name']))?$dbs->escape_string(trim($_d['inst_name'])):null;
$_checkin_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$_checkin_sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_count (member_id, member_name, institution, checkin_date) VALUES ('$member_id', '$member_name', '$_institution', '$_checkin_date')";
// limitation
if ($sysconf['enable_visitor_limitation']) {
$already_checkin = checkVisit($member_id, true);
if ($already_checkin) {
} else {
$_i = $dbs->query($_checkin_sql);
} else {
$_i = $dbs->query($_checkin_sql);
} else {
// non member
$_d = $_q->fetch_assoc();
$member_name = $dbs->escape_string(trim($_POST['memberID']));
$_institution = $dbs->escape_string(trim($_POST['institution']));
$photo = 'non_member.png';
$_checkin_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (!$_institution) {
} else {
$_checkin_sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_count (member_name, institution, checkin_date) VALUES ('$member_name', '$_institution', '$_checkin_date')";
// limitation
if ($sysconf['enable_visitor_limitation']) {
$already_checkin = checkVisit($member_name, false);
if ($already_checkin) {
} else {
$_i = $dbs->query($_checkin_sql);
} else {
$_i = $dbs->query($_checkin_sql);
return true;
$memberID = trim($_POST['memberID']);
$counter = setCounter($memberID);
if ($counter === true) {
echo __( 'Hai '. $member_name.', Selamat Datang Di Perpustakaan Sekolah Wijaya Putra').'';
if ($expire) {
echo '<div class="error visitor-error">'.__('Maaf Data Kadaluarsa Hubungi Pustakawan untuk Mengaktifkan').'</div>';
} else if ($counter === ALREADY_CHECKIN) {
echo __('Hai').' '.$member_name.'.';
} else if ($counter === INSTITUTION_EMPTY) {
echo __('Silahkan Masukan Nama dan Instansi');
} else {
echo __('Maaf Data Tidak Tersimpan');
// include visitor form template
require SB.$sysconf['template']['dir'].'/'.$sysconf['template']['theme'].'/visitor_template.php';
<script src=''></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
// give focus to first field
var visitorCounterForm = $('#visitorCounterForm');
var defaultMsg = $('#counterInfo').html();
// register event
visitorCounterForm.on('submit', function(e) {
// check member ID or name
if ($.trim($('#memberID').val()) == '') {
$('#counterInfo').html('Isi nomor anggota');
return false;
var theForm = $(this);
var formAction = theForm.attr('action');
var formData = theForm.serialize();
formData += '&counter=true';
// block the form
$('#counterInfo').html('Data sedang ditransfer');
// create AJAX request for submitting form
$.ajax({ url: formAction,
type: 'POST',
async: false,
data: formData,
cache: false,
success: function(respond) {
// reset counter
// "Indonesian Male" Ganti Nama negara dan Male / Female
// Pith untuk kecepatan bicara makin besar makin lambat
// Rate untuk kecepata putar suara
responsiveVoice.speak(respond, "Indonesian Female", {rate: 0.9, pitch:1});
setTimeout(function() {
$('#visitorCounterPhoto').attr('src', './images/persons/photo.png');
}, 5000);
complete: function() {
var memberImage = $('#memberImage');
if (memberImage) {
// update visitor photo
var imageSRC ="img");
$('#visitorCounterPhoto').attr('src', imageSRC);
error: function(){
alert('Error inserting counter data to database!');
// main content
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
// page title
$page_title = 'Visitor Counter | ' . $sysconf['library_name'];
require $main_template_path;
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