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Last active September 16, 2022 21:59
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  • Save dereckmezquita/460ae1f6ffd2d7264be3b135e3ddad4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// ------------------------------------------------
// Update elements of an object (key - value) by index number not name
const obj = {
student1: {
country: 'Chile',
name: 'Tom'
student2: {
country: 'Argentina',
name: 'Julia'
Object.values(obj)[0].country = 'USA';
// ------------------------------------------------
// Synchronously read a file line by line without loading all of it into memory
// Inspired from:
import fs from 'fs';
const filename: string = 'gds_result.txt'
const fd: number = fs.openSync(filename, 'r');
const bufferSize: number = 1024;
const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(bufferSize);
let leftOver: string = '';
let read: number, line: string, idxStart: number, idx: number;
// while buffer is not empty/0 get more 1024 more bytes
while ((read = fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, bufferSize, null)) !== 0) {
// line content here
leftOver += buffer.toString('utf8', 0, read);
idxStart = 0
// Only executes if there is a newline in the buffered content
while ((idx = leftOver.indexOf('\n', idxStart)) !== -1) {
// remove everything before the newline
line = leftOver.substring(idxStart, idx);
idxStart = idx + 1;
console.log('One line read: ' + line);
// keep the rest of the buffer for the next iteration
leftOver = leftOver.substring(idxStart);
// Asynchronous method for reading a file line by line
import fs from 'fs';
import readline, { Interface } from 'readline';
let line_counter: number = 0;
const rl: Interface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream("./gds_result.txt"),
crlfDelay: Infinity
rl.on('line', (line: string) => {
console.log(`${line_counter}: ${line}`);
// how to add a method to Number base class
// allows extension of Number type
// must use declare global if in index file; normally people create a separate module:
// Number.extensions.ts and import that
declare global {
interface Number {
sum(a: number): number;
Number.prototype.sum = function (a: number) {
return Number(this) + a;
console.log(typeof (2).sum(3));
// extend base class formally with typescript
* Decimal class
* Represents a decimal number with a fixed precision which can be defined in the constructor.
* @export
* @class Decimal
* @extends { Number }
* @implements { Number }
export class Decimal extends Number implements Number {
public precision: number;
* Creates an instance of Decimal.
* @param {(number | string)} value
* @memberOf Decimal
constructor(value: number | string, precision: number = 2) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (typeof value !== 'number' || isNaN(value)) {
throw new Error('Decimal constructor requires a number or the string representation of a number.');
super(parseFloat((value || 0).toFixed(2)));
this.precision = precision;
const yeet = new Decimal(1.23456789, 4);
// buffers and arraybuffers; useful for laying out a raw binary communication protocol
const dataBuf = new ArrayBuffer(10) // basically a raw array
const dv = new DataView(dataBuf); // a way to get data from the array in tranches
// set the values
dv.setUint8(0, 2); //msgType
dv.setFloat32(1, 252.55); //x
dv.setFloat32(5, 848.32); //y
dv.setUint8(9, 4); //player id
// console.log(dataBuf);
const msgType = dv.getUint8(0);
const x = dv.getFloat32(1);
const y = dv.getFloat32(5);
const playerID = dv.getUint8(9);
console.log(`Msg Type: ${msgType}\nx: ${x}\ny: ${y}\nPlayer ID: ${playerID}`);
2, // msgType (uint8 = 1 byte)
_, _, _, _, // x (float32 = 4 bytes)
_, _, _, _, // y (float32 = 4 bytes)
4 // playerID (uint8 = 1 byte)
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