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Created January 27, 2015 22:57
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Kivy Polygon Intersection
class Polygon(EventDispatcher):
abs_vertices = ListProperty([])
x = NumericProperty(0)
y = NumericProperty(0)
scale = NumericProperty(1)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Polygon, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.abs_vertices = []
def _get_rel_vertices(self):
return [(x*self.scale+self.x, y*self.scale+self.y) for x, y in self.abs_vertices]
vertices = AliasProperty(_get_rel_vertices, lambda *a: None, bind=("x", "y", "abs_vertices"))
def collide_point(self, x, y):
# This strangely happens. IDK
if len(self.abs_vertices) == 0:
warnings.warn("Polygon has no vertices: {0}".format(str(self)), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
return False
# If the point is a vertex, it's in the polygon
if (x, y) in (tuple(i) for i in self.vertices):
return True
xs = [i[0] for i in self.vertices]
ys = [i[1] for i in self.vertices]
# if the point is outside of the polygon's bounding
# box, it's not in the polygon
if (x > max(*xs) or x < min(*xs)) or \
(y > max(*ys) or y < min(*ys)):
return False
xp1, yp1 = self.vertices[-1] # Start with first and last vertices
count = 0
for xp2, yp2 in self.vertices:
# Check if point is between lines y=yp1 and y=yp2
if y <= max(yp1, yp2) and y >= min(yp1, yp2):
# Get the intersection with the line that passes
# through p1 and p2
x_inters = float(xp2-xp1)*float(y-yp1)/float(yp2-yp1)+xp1
# If x is less than or equal to x_inters,
# we have an intersection
if x <= x_inters:
count += 1
xp1, yp1 = xp2, yp2
# If the intersections are even, the point is outside of
# the polygon.
return count % 2 != 0
def collide_polygon(self, polygon):
# Check for same polygon
if self == polygon or self.vertices == polygon.vertices:
return True
# Sort by vertex number to reduce the number of iterations
polys = sorted([self, polygon], key=lambda x: len(x.vertices))
rpolys = tuple(reversed(polys))
# Check for common vertices
vs = (tuple(i) for i in polys[1].vertices)
for x, y in polys[0].vertices:
if (x, y) in vs:
return True
# Collide each point with the other polygon
for p in rpolys:
for x, y in p.vertices:
if polys[rpolys.index(p)].collide_point(x, y):
return True
return False
def collide_widget(self, wid):
if isinstance(wid, Polygon):
p = wid
p = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), # bottom left
(wid.width, 0), # bottom right
(wid.width, wid.height), # top right
(0, wid.height)], # top left
x=wid.x, y=wid.y)
return self.collide_polygon(p)
class MultiShapePolygon(Polygon):
shape = NumericProperty(0)
shapes = ListProperty([])
_shapes = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MultiShapePolygon, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.shapes = self._shapes
def random_shape(self, *args):
self.shape = random.randint(0, len(self.shapes) - 1)
def update_vertices(self, *args):
self.abs_vertices = self.shapes[self.shape]["vertices"]
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