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Last active May 23, 2017 03:14
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  • Save deoxxa/bea10aa8f47202f3b6dcb48bb5f12c48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deoxxa/bea10aa8f47202f3b6dcb48bb5f12c48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Paste this into your browser console on a bandcamp page and it'll replace the
track player listing with text, where the text has track start times and
names. This makes it easier to copy/paste track information about albums e.g.
for reviews.
You can use either the full version or the minified version. Both do the same
thing, but the minified one might be easier to paste.
(function() {
let last = 0;
const arr = Array.from(
'.track_list > tbody > tr > td.title-col > div.title'
.map(function(e) {
const time = e
.map(function(e) {
return parseInt(e, 10);
const s = last;
last += time[0] * 60 + time[1];
const t = e.querySelector('a').innerText.trim();
return { s, t };
.map(function(e) {
const { s, t } = e;
const bits = [];
if (last > 60 * 60) {
bits.push(Math.floor(s / 60 / 60).toString(10).padStart(2, '0'));
bits.push(Math.floor(s / 60 % 60).toString(10).padStart(2, '0'));
bits.push((s % 60).toString(10).padStart(2, '0'));
return `${bits.join(':')} ${t}`;
).outerHTML = `<pre>${arr.join('\n')}</pre>`;
(function(){var t=0;var r=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".track_list > tbody > tr > td.title-col > div.title")).map(function(r){var e=r.querySelector(".time").innerText.trim().split(":").map(function(t){return parseInt(t,10)});var a=t;t+=e[0]*60+e[1];var n=r.querySelector("a").innerText.trim();return{s:a,t:n}}).map(function(r){var e=r.s,a=r.t;var n=[];if(t>60*60){n.push(Math.floor(e/60/60).toString(10).padStart(2,"0"))}n.push(Math.floor(e/60%60).toString(10).padStart(2,"0"));n.push((e%60).toString(10).padStart(2,"0"));return n.join(":")+" "+a});document.querySelector(".track_table").outerHTML="<pre>"+r.join("\n")+"</pre>"})()
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