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Created June 23, 2017 17:10
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una implementación de minHeap y maxHeap con C++
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define db(a) cout << #a << " = " << a << endl
#define db2(a, b) cout << #a << " = " << a << " " << #b << " = " << b << endl;
template<typename T> class MyHeap {
int capacity;
int size;
vector<T> items;
virtual void heapifyUp() {}
virtual void heapifyDown() {}
bool hasParent(int index) {
return (index - 1) / 2 >= 0;
bool hasLeftValue(int index) {
return 2 * index + 1 < size;
bool hasRightValue(int index) {
return 2 * index + 2 < size;
int getParent(int index) {
return items[(index - 1) / 2];
int getCurrent(int index) {
return items[index];
int getParentIndex(int index) {
return (index - 1) / 2;
void swap(int first, int last) {
T temp = items[first];
items[first] = items[last];
items[last] = temp;
int getLeftValue(int index) {
return items[2 * index + 1];
int getRightValue(int index) {
return items[2 * index + 2];
int getLeftIndex(int index) {
return 2 * index + 1;
int getRightIndex(int index) {
return 2 * index + 2;
MyHeap() {
capacity = 0;
size = 0;
virtual void saludar() = 0;
void add(T item) {
T poll() {
T temp = items[0];
items[0] = items[size - 1];
return temp;
template<typename T>
class MaxHeap : public MyHeap<T> {
MaxHeap() : MyHeap<T>() { }
void saludar() {
cout << "implementado" << endl;
void heapifyUp() {
int curindex = this->size - 1, parindex;
while (this->hasParent(curindex) && this->getParent(curindex) < this->getCurrent(curindex)) {
parindex = this->getParentIndex(curindex);
this->swap(parindex, curindex);
curindex = parindex;
void heapifyDown() {
int curindex = 0, maxindex;
while(this->hasLeftValue(curindex)) {
maxindex = this->getLeftValue(curindex) > this->getCurrent(curindex)
? this->getLeftIndex(curindex) : curindex;
if (this->hasRightValue(curindex) &&
this->getRightValue(curindex) > this->getCurrent(maxindex)) {
maxindex = this->getRightIndex(curindex);
if (curindex != maxindex) {
this->swap(curindex, maxindex);
curindex = maxindex;
else break;
template<typename T>
class MinHeap : public MyHeap<T> {
MinHeap() : MyHeap<T>() { }
void saludar() {
cout << "implementado en minheap" << endl;
void heapifyUp() {
int curindex = this->size - 1, parindex;
while (this->hasParent(curindex) && this->getParent(curindex) > this->getCurrent(curindex)) {
parindex = this->getParentIndex(curindex);
this->swap(parindex, curindex);
curindex = parindex;
void heapifyDown() {
int curindex = 0, minindex;
while(this->hasLeftValue(curindex)) {
minindex = this->getLeftValue(curindex) < this->getCurrent(curindex)
? this->getLeftIndex(curindex) : curindex;
if (this->hasRightValue(curindex) &&
this->getRightValue(curindex) < this->getCurrent(minindex)) {
minindex = this->getRightIndex(curindex);
if (curindex != minindex) {
this->swap(curindex, minindex);
curindex = minindex;
else break;
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