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Created August 15, 2017 11:45
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Read this:
Working with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers
Docker in Action
Git Workflows (
Centralized workflow- no branches, jsut commit when your stuff is good
Feature branch workflow- branch per feature
Gitflow- same as feature branch, except instead of merging everything to master you merge everything to a development branch and use master for official releases. When you are ready to release your fork it and do some bugsmashing and later merge it back into development
Forking workflow: what open source projects use, everyone forks the project and a project manager handles all integration
Refactoring: doesnt change behavior, but changes how easy to design. Theres a guy Martin Fowler who has a sweet recipe book/website
Series of small transformations to reduce risk of introducing errors.
git config credential.helper store # command that saves credentials
git config --global checkout # how to set aliases
find . -name "*.pyc" -exec git rm -f "{}" \; # remove all the .pyc files
git submodule foreach "(git checkout <branch>; git pull)&"
Sweet commands to give new coworkers:
grep -rn '.' -e 'utils ut' # Search files for text
find . -name "something.txt" # search
General advice
in general you dont test private methods because it locks down the class (you cant change internals without breaking the class, even if functionality is the same)
bugfix release is third point in release, new features second point
Vim copy all of file:
BTHO Interruptions:
Speak Strongly- tone, confidence, dont trail away at the end
Don’t Take Interruptions Personally
Keep Talking
Say You’d Like To Finish (___, I wasn’t quite finished)
Stay In The Conversation
Advice from executives:
do more than you are asked to, explore and challenge
take toughest roles you can find
say-do ratio of 1
have fun, you gotta balance these things
"I think sometimes being at work is about trying to be great. I think trying to be good too - going out in the community, finding someone you love being a good husband/parent. <he tells his story about chairing an organization that teaches doctors how to do eye surgeries in developing countries and he gets to see kids see for the first time>. Find cool things that are not work and do them."
Results of DISC:
Patterns, antipatterns:
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