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Last active August 31, 2024 20:04
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Euclidean algorithm with method of least absolute remainders
import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random, sugar, os, typetraits]
EnableTests = false
EnableCount = not EnableTests and false
EnableBench = not EnableTests
template bench(repeat: int; init, body: untyped): untyped =
var minTime = initDuration(days = 2)
for i in 1 .. repeat:
let start = getMonoTime()
let finish = getMonoTime()
minTime = min(minTime, finish - start)
# Prevent thermal throttling.
echo minTime.inMicroseconds, " micro second"
when EnableCount:
var gcdCount = 0
proc gcd*[T](x, y: T): T =
# gcd from math module in Nim's stdlib.
var (x, y) = (x, y)
while y != 0:
x = x mod y
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdCount
abs x
when EnableCount:
var gcdLARCount = 0
proc gcdLAR*[T: SomeSignedInt](x, y: T): T =
# Reduce the number of iterations by using smaller absolute remainders
# x and y are always positive
var (x, y) = (x.abs, y.abs)
while y != 0:
#debugEcho x, " mod ", y
x = x mod y
if x > (y shr 1):
# As y is a multiple of the gcd, you can add or subtract y to x
# You can multiply -1 to x as -x is still multiple of the gcd.
x = y - x
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdLARCount
abs x
when EnableCount:
var gcdLAR2Count = 0
proc gcdLAR2*[T: SomeSignedInt](x, y: T): T =
# gcdLAR with many branches.
var (x, y) = (x, y)
# x and y can become negative
while y != 0:
#debugEcho x, " mod ", y
if x > 0:
x = x mod y
if y > 0:
if x > y div 2:
dec x, y
if x > -y div 2:
inc x, y
x = x mod y
if y > 0:
if x < -y div 2:
inc x, y
if x < y div 2:
dec x, y
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdLAR2Count
abs x
when EnableCount:
var gcdLAR3Count = 0
proc gcdLAR3*[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T =
type UT = T.toUnsigned
# x and y are always positive
var (x, y) = (x.abs, y.abs)
while y != 0:
# Make x mod y returns -y/2 < r <= y/2
let z = (y - 1) div 2
# x + z can overflow. So convert them to unsigned.
x = abs(((x.UT + z.UT) mod y.UT).int - z)
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdLAR3Count
abs x
when EnableCount:
var gcdLAR4Count = 0
proc gcdLAR4*[T](x, y: T): T =
# x and y are always positive
var (x, y) = (x.abs, y.abs)
while y != 0:
#debugEcho x, " mod ", y
x = x mod y
# As y is a multiple of the gcd, you can add or subtract y to x
# You can multiply -1 to x as -x is still multiple of the gcd.
x = min(x, y - x)
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdLAR4Count
abs x
import std/bitops
when EnableCount:
var gcdSubCount = 0
proc gcdSub*[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T =
# Same to gcd in
(x, y) = (x.abs, y.abs)
i = countTrailingZeroBits(x)
j = countTrailingZeroBits(y)
let lg2 = min(i, j)
x = x shr i
y = y shr j
# Both x and y are odd now
while true:
if y > x:
swap x, y
x -= y
if x == 0:
return y shl lg2
# odd - odd = even
x = x shr countTrailingZeroBits(x)
when EnableCount:
inc gcdSubCount
when EnableCount:
var gcdSub2Count = 0
proc gcdSub2*[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T =
# Same to gcdSub excepts using `mod` instead of subtraction
# to reduce the number of iterations.
(x, y) = (x.abs, y.abs)
i = countTrailingZeroBits(x)
j = countTrailingZeroBits(y)
let lg2 = min(i, j)
x = x shr i
y = y shr j
if y > x:
swap x, y
while true:
x = x mod y
if x == 0:
return y shl lg2
x = x shr countTrailingZeroBits(x)
swap x, y
when EnableCount:
inc gcdSub2Count
when EnableTests:
template test(gcdProc: typed) =
doAssert gcdProc(1, 1) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(2, 1) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(3, 1) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(2, 2) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(3, 2) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(4, 2) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(5, 2) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(3, 3) == 3
doAssert gcdProc(4, 3) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(5, 3) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(6, 3) == 3
doAssert gcdProc(10, 6) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(60, 33) == 3
doAssert gcdProc(121, 11) == 11
doAssert gcdProc(1024 * 13, 1024 * 17) == 1024
doAssert gcdProc(122, 11) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(104, 66) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(8191 * 2, 3 * 2) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(8191 * 7, 15 * 7) == 7
doAssert gcdProc(131071, 8191) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(131071 * 5 * 3 * 3, 127 * 11 * 7 * 3) == 3
doAssert gcdProc(131071 * 11 * 7 * 5 * 2, 127 * 19 * 17 * 13 * 2) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(131071 * 11 * 7 * 5 * 7, 127 * 19 * 17 * 13 * 7) == 7
doAssert gcdProc(131071 * 11 * 7 * 5 * 8191, 127 * 19 * 17 * 13 * 8191) == 8191
doAssert gcdProc(int.high, int.high) == int.high
doAssert gcdProc(int.high, int.high - 1) == 1
doAssert gcdProc(int.high - 1, int.high - 3) == 2
doAssert gcdProc(int.high, int.high div 2) == 1
when EnableBench:
proc runBench =
let seed = paramCount() or 123
rand: Rand
res0 = 0
stdout.write "gcd in stdlib: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res0 = res0 xor gcd(x, y)
var res1 = 0
stdout.write "gcdLAR: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res1 = res1 xor gcdLAR(x, y)
var res2 = 0
stdout.write "gcdLAR2: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res2 = res2 xor gcdLAR2(x, y)
var res3 = 0
stdout.write "gcdLAR3: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res3 = res3 xor gcdLAR3(x, y)
var res4 = 0
stdout.write "gcdLAR4: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res4 = res4 xor gcdLAR4(x, y)
var res5 = 0
stdout.write "gcdSub: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res5 = res5 xor gcdSub(x, y)
var res6 = 0
stdout.write "gcdSub2: "
rand = seed.initRand()
for i in 0 .. 10000:
var (x, y) = (rand.rand(1 .. int.high), rand.rand(1 .. int.high))
if x < y:
swap x, y
res6 = res6 xor gcdSub2(x, y)
when EnableCount:
dump gcdCount
dump gcdLARCount
dump gcdLAR2Count
dump gcdLAR3Count
dump gcdLAR4Count
dump gcdSubCount
dump gcdSub2Count
echo res0, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6
doAssert res0 == res1 and res0 == res2 and res0 == res3 and res0 == res4 and res0 == res5 and res0 == res6
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