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Last active June 7, 2022 21:03
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Save deltheil/5160112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pack / unpack some structs with C msgpack - see
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <msgpack.h>
typedef struct some_struct {
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
float c;
} some_struct;
static char *pack(const some_struct *s, int num, int *size);
static some_struct *unpack(const void *ptr, int size, int *num);
/* Fixtures */
some_struct ary[] = {
{ 1234, 5678, 3.14f },
{ 4321, 8765, 4.13f },
{ 2143, 6587, 1.34f }
int main(void) {
/** PACK */
int size;
char *buf = pack(ary, sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]), &size);
printf("pack %zd struct(s): %d byte(s)\n", sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]), size);
/** UNPACK */
int num = -1;
some_struct *s = unpack(buf, size, &num);
printf("unpack: %d struct(s)\n", num);
/** CHECK */
assert(num == (int) sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
assert(s[i].a == ary[i].a);
assert(s[i].b == ary[i].b);
assert(s[i].c == ary[i].c);
printf("check ok. Exiting...\n");
return 0;
/* Pack an input array made of `num` structs into a msgpack archive. The archive
is composed of a single, root object (= array). In other words, the whole data
is wrapped into a top-level array.
In consequence unpacking the structure is pretty simple and does NOT require
to use the general purpose `msgpack_unpacker` streaming deserializer.
Another solution consists in packing multiple objects: a1, b1, c1, a2, ...
where ai, bi, ci refer to the fields of the i-th structure. By doing so the
unpacking logic requires the `msgpack_unpacker` streaming deserializer. */
static char *pack(const some_struct *s, int num, int *size) {
assert(num > 0);
char *buf = NULL;
msgpack_sbuffer sbuf;
msgpack_packer pck;
msgpack_packer_init(&pck, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
/* The array will store `num` contiguous blocks made of a, b, c attributes */
msgpack_pack_array(&pck, 3 * num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
msgpack_pack_uint32(&pck, s[i].a);
msgpack_pack_uint32(&pck, s[i].b);
msgpack_pack_float(&pck, s[i].c);
*size = sbuf.size;
buf = malloc(sbuf.size);
memcpy(buf,, sbuf.size);
return buf;
static some_struct *unpack(const void *ptr, int size, int *num) {
some_struct *s = NULL;
msgpack_unpacked msg;
if (msgpack_unpack_next(&msg, ptr, size, NULL)) {
msgpack_object root =;
if (root.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_ARRAY) {
assert(root.via.array.size % 3 == 0);
*num = root.via.array.size / 3;
s = malloc(root.via.array.size*sizeof(*s));
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < root.via.array.size; i += 3, j++) {
s[j].a = root.via.array.ptr[i].via.u64;
s[j].b = root.via.array.ptr[i + 1].via.u64;
s[j].c = root.via.array.ptr[i + 2].via.dec;
return s;
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