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Created April 8, 2019 09:53
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School Choice Algorithms
Implementation of the Boston Mechanism algorithm from:
I = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)# Set of students
C = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') # Set of schools
q = [1 for x in xrange(5)] # Quota for each school
# Strict preference relation of each student
# List of school choices for each student in order of preference.
# -1 is a "null school": it means that the student would prefer to rather go to
# a school outside of the given choices.
P = ((3, 0, 4), (1, 3, 4, 2, -1, 0), (3,), (0,), (1,))
# Priority order
# List of student priorities for each school in order of preference.
# -1 is the vacant position. It means that the school would rather have a vacant
# position than a student below the ranking of the vacant position.
PO = ((0, 4, 1, 3), (0, 4, 1, 3), (4, 3, -1), (1, 2, 0), (0, 1))
def boston_mechanism(I, C, q, P, PO):
u = [-1 for i in P] # The school each student has been admitted to.
student_count = [0 for i in I] # The number of students each school has been admitted.
unadmitted = [i for i in xrange(len(P)) if u[i] == -1]
choice = 0 # The current choice level
# While there are students left without admitted schools
while len(unadmitted) > 0:
print("#" * 50)
print("Choice level: {}".format(choice+1))
# For each school...
for sc in xrange(len(C)):
# ...with empty spots left
if student_count[sc] == q[sc]:
# Consider the students who who rather choose a null school at this
# choice level
null_students = [i for i in unadmitted if len(P[i]) > choice and
P[i][choice] == -1]
# Assign those school to a null school
for ns in null_students:
u[ns] = -100
print("Student {} gets admitted to a null school.".format(I[ns]))
# print("Students with null choice at choice level {}: {}".format(choice+1, [I[i] for i in null_students]))
# Consider only the students who listed the current school as their current choice
students = [i for i in unadmitted if len(P[i]) > choice and P[i][choice] == sc]
# print("Students with choice {} at school {}: {}".format(choice+1,
# C[sc], [I[i] for i in students]))
# Assign seats to the school following the priority order of the
# students at the school until there are no spots left at the school
# or no students left that put the school as their top priority
i = 0
while not student_count[sc] == q[sc] and len(PO[sc]) > i:
# Check if the student on the school's priority list are in the
# group of unadmitted students
if PO[sc][i] in students:
# Assign the student to the school
u[PO[sc][i]] = sc
student_count[sc] += 1
print("Student {} admitted to school {}.".format(I[PO[sc][i]], C[sc]))
i += 1
# Get the new group of unadmitted students
unadmitted = [i for i in xrange(len(P)) if u[i] == -1]
choice += 1
for student, school in enumerate(u):
print("{}: {}.".format(I[student], C[school] if
school > -1 else "Null school"))
return u
u = boston_mechanism(I, C, q, P, PO)
print("*" * 50)
for student, school in enumerate(u):
print("Student {} is admitted to school {}.".format(I[student], C[school] if
school > -1 else "a null school"))
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