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Forked from zacharyvoase/redis-em.mdown
Created December 14, 2009 20:56
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A (Nicer) Redis Client for EventMachine

Redis is my favourite key/value store; it’s flexible, easy to set up and insanely fast. EventMachine is a popular Ruby library for doing asynchronous I/O using an event loop. Bindings already exist for accessing a Redis server using EM’s async-I/O (courtesy of Jonathan Broad), but unfortunately the resulting code has to use Continuation-Passing Style via Ruby blocks. A very basic example of what that looks like follows:

require 'em-redis' do
  redis = EventMachine::Protocols::Redis.connect
  redis.set("foo", "bar") do |_|
    redis.get("foo") do |response|
      puts response

Essentially, every single Redis operation incurs another level of indentation. Aside from being aesthetically very unpleasing, there are certain limitations this brings with it, due to the fact that most Ruby code is written in a non-CPS style, and written to work with non-CPS programs.

The Fix

I set about trying to sidestep this problem, using a relatively old programming technique. call-with-current-continuation, commonly abbreviated as call/cc, is a construct first invented in Scheme which allows you to use a CPS function seamlessly from within non-CPS code. In RSpec, call/cc would pass the following test:

def myfunc
  yield 3

callcc(method :myfunc).should == 3

So in a Ruby-specific sense, it transforms a yield statement into return. Here, callcc() takes a proc (the object representation of a block), and any number of arguments, and returns whatever calling the block with those arguments would itself yield. It certainly is a mouthful, but the code explains it better than English can.

Applied to Redis + EventMachine, we should be able to translate the earlier fubarity into something a little cleaner:

require 'em-redis' do
  redis = EventMachine::Protocols::Redis.connect
  callcc(redis.method(:set), "foo", "bar")
  puts callcc(redis.method(:get), "foo")

So it’s a little cleaner, but not perfect. We don’t want to have to wrap every Redis operation with a callcc() invocation. So a better idea is to monkey-patch the Redis EventMachine protocol to use callcc at a lower level:

module EventMachine::Protocols::Redis
  alias :cps_inline_command :inline_command
  def inline_command(*args)
    callcc(method(:cps_inline_command), *args)
  alias :cps_multiline_command :multiline_command
  def multiline_command(command, *args)
    callcc(method(:cps_multiline_command), command, *args)

The EventMachine::Protocols::Redis protocol carries out most operations using these methods, so by overriding them everything else should implicitly start using callcc().

Now the example code looks like this:

require 'em-redis' do
  redis = EventMachine::Protocols::Redis.connect
  redis.set("foo", "bar")
  puts redis.get("foo")

That’s much more like it.

Implementing callcc()

Now for the hard part. callcc() is not trivial to implement in a language without first-class built-in continuations. Ruby 1.9 includes Fibers, a coroutine implementation which does make it possible to write callcc(). Anyone familiar with Lua’s coroutines will feel perfectly at home with Fibers, but for the Rubyists who haven’t encountered them, I’ll begin with a quick intro.

A short introduction to Fibers

We all know and love Ruby’s yield and blocks. But unfortunately, a block passed to a method will not be available implicitly further down the stack. The problem is demonstrated here:

def a(&block)

def b(&block)

def c
  puts "ready to receive"
  val = yield
  puts "received: #{ val.inspect }"

a { "some_value" }

In order for c to be able to call the block, it must be explicitly passed down by each function in the stack. With Fibers, the code becomes:

def a

def b

def c
  puts "ready to receive"
  val = Fiber.yield
  puts "received: #{ val.inspect }"

f = &(method :a)
f.resume # get the fiber to the first `Fiber.yield` call.
f.resume "some_value"

A few things to note here:

  • c() calls Fiber.yield instead of yield. This is a non-local yield which will propagate up to whatever called the current fiber’s resume() method.

  • The code which does the calling becomes a little more complex, but none of the application code in a() or b() need be aware that c() will yield. Nevertheless, the pattern shown here can be abstracted away, so that eventually we may only need:

    fiblock(method :a) { "some_value" }
  • We must explicitly run a() in a Fiber; this is a trade-off against having to explicitly acknowledge the presence of a block throughout the stack (as in the previous code).

call/cc, already.

call/cc can be implemented relatively simply with Fibers, but there are two distinct forms:

def callcc_inner(proc, *args) do*args) { |*yargs| Fiber.yield(*yargs) }

def callcc_outer(proc, *args)
  curr_fiber = Fiber.current*args) { |*rargs| curr_fiber.resume(*rargs) }

The difference between the two is subtle, but very important:

  • callcc_inner() creates a new Fiber in which the proc is run. The proc is passed a block which calls Fiber.yield, causing the wrapping Fiber to immediately pass control back to whatever started it. Since this fiber is resumed immediately after creation, we get whatever was yielded by the proc.

  • callcc_outer() operates almost exactly opposite. The proc is called with a block that will immediately resume the current Fiber. Then Fiber.yield() is called from the top-level. This suspends the current Fiber until proc eventually calls the block with some values; these values are output as the result of the call to Fiber.yield(), and therefore the result of the call to callcc_outer().

Because of their different behaviours, callcc_inner() will only work when the proc it is called with yields during its execution (i.e. yields before it returns). Conversely, callcc_outer() will only work when the proc it is called with returns before it yields.

Patching EventMachine and em-redis

To revisit the CPS employed in the Redis bindings:

redis.set("foo", "bar") do |_|
  redis.get("foo") do |value|
    puts value

The call to redis.set() returns before it executes the given block (since it adds the block to a list of event loop callbacks); as such, we should use callcc_outer() throughout the modified EventMachine::Protocols::Redis. The entirety of the code needed to patch em-redis is:

# File: redis-fiber.rb
require 'fiber'
require 'em-redis'

def callcc(proc, *args)
  curr_fiber = Fiber.current*args, &curr_fiber.method(:resume))
  return Fiber.yield

module EventMachine
  def self.run_fiber(*args, &blk)
    f =
    run(*args) { f.resume }

  module Protocols::RedisFiber
    include Protocols::Redis

    # Classmethods don't get mixed in.
    def self.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 6379)
      EventMachine.connect(host, port, self, host, port)

    alias :cps_inline_command :inline_command
    def inline_command(*args)
      callcc((method :cps_inline_command), *args)

    alias :cps_multiline_command :multiline_command
    def multiline_command(command, *args)
      callcc((method :cps_multiline_command), command, *args)

And the code I use to test it in a very quick-n-dirty way:

# file: redis-fiber-test.rb
require 'redis-fiber'

EventMachine::run_fiber do
  redis = EventMachine::Protocols::RedisFiber::connect
  puts "set foo = \"bar\""
  redis.set("foo", "bar")
  print "foo => "
  puts redis.get("foo").inspect

The additional EventMachine::run_fiber() method is required for callcc_outer() to work; since it uses Fiber.yield() from the top-level, and the root Fiber cannot yield (since there’s nothing for it to yield to), we need to run the event loop within its own Fiber. I’ve also created a new RedisFiber protocol, instead of patching the old one, in case existing code uses the old one.

Bye For Now, or The Road Ahead

The thing to take away from this blog post is:

  • Fibers can be used to implement call/cc.
  • call/cc allows you to use EventMachine async-I/O, without the CPS.
  • It’s pretty easy to monkey-patch existing libraries to use call/cc.

I’m very interested in building on what I’ve done here, but due to time constraints I might not be able to put much work in right now. If anyone out there chooses to do so, please let me know.

set foo = "bar"
foo => "bar"
require 'redis-fiber'
EventMachine::run_fiber do
redis = EventMachine::Protocols::RedisFiber::connect
puts "set foo = \"bar\""
redis.set("foo", "bar")
print "foo => "
puts redis.get("foo").inspect
require 'fiber'
require 'rubygems'
require 'em-redis'
def callcc(proc, *args)
curr_fiber = Fiber.current*args, &curr_fiber.method(:resume))
return Fiber.yield
module EventMachine
def self.run_fiber(*args, &blk)
f =
run(*args) { f.resume }
module Protocols::RedisFiber
include Protocols::Redis
# Classmethods don't get mixed in.
def self.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 6379)
EventMachine.connect(host, port, self, host, port)
alias :cps_inline_command :inline_command
def inline_command(*args)
callcc(method(:cps_inline_command), *args)
alias :cps_multiline_command :multiline_command
def multiline_command(command, *args)
callcc(method(:cps_multiline_command), command, *args)
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