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Created July 18, 2017 10:58
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BFS topological sort with depth/level tracking.
package org.deklanowski.karaf.commands.dependency.internal;
import java.util.*;
* This uses a BFS topological sort with graph depth tracking to sort dependencies into
* levels. Levels identify those sets of dependencies that can be independently handled.
* The BFS algorithm is according to Kahn (1962)
* The slick solution to graph depth/level tracking courtesy of
* I use {@link Graph}, the input graph instance must be a DAG.
* @author deklanowski
* @since June 2017
* @param <T>
public class DependencySorter<T> {
* Maps levels to nodes at that level. Higher level dependencies
* must be addressed first.
private Map<Integer, Set<T>> levelMap = new HashMap<>();
* @param graph dependency graph, must be a DAG
* @return topologically sorted nodes according to BFS
public List<T> sort(Graph<T> graph) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(graph.isDirected() && !Graphs.hasCycle(graph), "Input graph must be directed and acyclic.");
// clear state
this.levelMap = new HashMap<>();
// sorted output
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
Queue<T> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// We don't mutate the graph itself so we
// track visitations and attendant changes to
// in-degree in a separate map.
Map<T, Integer> nodeDegree = new HashMap<>();
// Top of the dependency tree
int level = 1;
// Find starter nodes
for (T node : graph.nodes()) {
int inDegree = graph.inDegree(node);
nodeDegree.put(node, inDegree);
if (inDegree == 0) {
queue.add(null); // this marks end of level 1, which contains all starter nodes
System.out.printf("Level %d queue=%s\n",level,queue);
addToLevelMap(level, queue);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
T node = queue.poll();
// Check whether we need to increment the level
if (node == null) {
if (queue.peek() == null) {
System.out.println("Two consecutive nulls encountered, all nodes visited.");
} else {
System.out.printf("Level %d queue=%s\n",level,queue);
addToLevelMap(level, queue);
Set<T> successors = graph.successors(node);
System.out.printf("node:%s successors :%s\n",node,successors);
for (T successor : successors) {
int degree = nodeDegree.get(successor);
nodeDegree.put(successor, (degree == 0 ? 0 : degree-1));
if (shouldAddToQueue(degree)) {
System.out.printf("Adding %s to queue and output\n",successor);
return result;
* Add nodes to level map, remove marker nulls.
* @param level graph depth
* @param queue current node queue
private void addToLevelMap(int level, Queue<T> queue) {
Set<T> nodes = new HashSet<>(queue);
nodes.remove(null); // remove our marker nulls
levelMap.put(level, nodes);
* Call this directly after {@link #sort(Graph)} to get level view of
* nodes.
* @return level to nodes map
public Map<Integer, Set<T>> getLevelMap() {
return this.levelMap;
* @param inDegree the degree of the node being processed
* @return true if decrementing the degree gives an in-degree of 0
private boolean shouldAddToQueue(int inDegree) {
return (inDegree - 1) == 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final MutableGraph<Integer> g = GraphBuilder.directed().allowsSelfLoops(false).build();
g.putEdge(1, 2);
g.putEdge(1, 3);
g.putEdge(2, 4);
g.putEdge(2, 5);
g.putEdge(3, 6);
g.putEdge(3, 7);
g.putEdge(1, 7);
g.putEdge(2, 7);
g.putEdge(8, 3);
g.putEdge(8, 5);
g.putEdge(8, 9);
g.putEdge(9, 10);
g.putEdge(10, 11);
g.putEdge(6, 12);
g.putEdge(11, 6);
DependencySorter<Integer> dependencySorter = new DependencySorter<>();
List<Integer> list = dependencySorter.sort(g);
System.out.println("Topologically sorted, for dependency build order reverse the list");
// debug
System.out.println("\nLevel Map:");
for (Map.Entry<Integer,Set<Integer>> entry : dependencySorter.getLevelMap().entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("%d -> %s\n",entry.getKey(),entry.getValue());
* Simple DOT output for GraphViz. Paste this into
* to help you confirm the algorithm.
* @param g the graph instance.
private static void generateDotOutput(MutableGraph<Integer> g) {
System.out.println("digraph G {");
for (EndpointPair<Integer> pair : g.edges()) {
System.out.printf("\t%d -> %d;\n",pair.source(),;
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