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Created June 23, 2024 03:44
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class ChainableArray
// Provided default array
protected $defaultArray = [
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0',],
['q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p',],
['a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';',],
['z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/',],
protected $resultArray = [];
public function __construct()
// Given default value to result array
$this->resultArray = $this->defaultArray;
* This transformation will flip all columns of the keyboard vertically (e.g., the 1 will swap with the z, the q with the a, the 2 with the x, etc.)
* @return ChainableArray
public function moveVertical(): ChainableArray
$this->resultArray = array_reverse($this->resultArray);
return $this;
* This transformation will flip all rows of the keyboard horizontally (e.g., the 1 will swap with the 0, the 2 with the 9, etc.)
* @return ChainableArray
public function moveHorizontal(): ChainableArray
foreach ($this->resultArray as $parentKey => $childrenArray) {
$this->resultArray[$parentKey] = array_reverse($childrenArray);
return $this;
* This transformation should take in an integer N and perform a linear shift of the Ke boa key ache ve past his platest it nits hold shit in i eise the and o
* on. So for example, for N = 5, the last five keys (nm,./ would move into the first 5 places of the
* top row, the 12345 would move 5 places to the right, 67890 would move to the start of the 2nd row, and so on). Likewise, left-shifting keys past their current rows would shift them back into the row above. Therefore, a single right and a left shift would produce the same keyboard.
* @return ChainableArray
public function shift(int $numberOfFlip): ChainableArray
$newResult = [];
$lengthOfArray = count($this->resultArray);
$lengthOfChildren = count($this->resultArray[0]);
$lengthOfItem = $lengthOfChildren * $lengthOfArray;
// reverse number
$numberOfFlip *= -1;
for ($index = 0; $index < $lengthOfItem; $index++) {
$parent = $this->_indexOfMultiDimensionalArray($index, $lengthOfChildren, $lengthOfArray);
$numberTransform = $this->_transformIndex($index, $numberOfFlip, $lengthOfItem);
$children = $this->_indexOfMultiDimensionalArray($numberTransform, $lengthOfChildren, $lengthOfArray);
$newResult[$parent['parent']][$parent['children']] = $this->resultArray[$children['parent']][$children['children']];
$this->resultArray = $newResult;
return $this;
* Display the array
* @return void
public function display()
foreach ($this->resultArray as $child) {
foreach ($child as $item) {
echo $item . " ";
echo "\n";
* Function handle shifting index
* @return int
private function _transformIndex(int $index, int $numberOfFlip, int $lengthOfItem): int
$numberTransform = $index + $numberOfFlip;
if ($numberTransform < 0) {
while ($numberTransform < 0) {
$numberTransform += $lengthOfItem;
} else if ($numberTransform > $lengthOfItem) {
$numberOfFlip %= $lengthOfItem;
return $numberTransform;
* Convert index to multidimentional key
* @return int
private function _indexOfMultiDimensionalArray(int $index, int $childrenLength, int $arrayLength)
$children = $index % $childrenLength;
$parent = floor($index / $childrenLength) % $arrayLength;
return compact('parent', 'children');
$instance = new ChainableArray;
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