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dede.exe dedeexe

  • PuraMagia Labs
  • Brazil
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codediodeio / database.rules.json
Last active September 1, 2024 22:58
Common Database Rules for Firebase
// No Security
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
// license: i dunno. pick one that works for you. Apache 2.0? that seems reasonable. Let me know if it doesn't work for some reason.
import Foundation
import Compression //
public enum Compression {
public enum Algorithm {
case LZFSE
case LZ4
case LZMA
dedeexe / gist:23a5365ddec90974d050
Created March 5, 2016 03:28 — forked from oliland/gist:5416438
An example of using CIFilters to mess with UIViews on iOS.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Great tutorial:
// Official docs:
// Alt-click on function names for more!
// Make any old label, with our frame set to the view so we know it's there.
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
gonzalezreal /
Last active March 13, 2024 15:18
iOS Cell Registration & Reusing with Swift Protocol Extensions and Generics

iOS Cell Registration & Reusing with Swift Protocol Extensions and Generics

A common task when developing iOS apps is to register custom cell subclasses for both UITableView and UICollectionView. Well, that is if you don’t use Storyboards, of course.

Both UITableView and UICollectionView offer a similar API to register custom cell classes:

public func registerClass(cellClass: AnyClass?, forCellWithReuseIdentifier identifier: String)
public func registerNib(nib: UINib?, forCellWithReuseIdentifier identifier: String)
sharplet / trap.swift
Created November 23, 2015 03:46
Simple signal handling in Swift
import Darwin
enum Signal: Int32 {
case HUP = 1
case INT = 2
case QUIT = 3
case ABRT = 6
case KILL = 9
case ALRM = 14
case TERM = 15
//: Mocks Playground
import UIKit
struct User {
struct PushNotificationController {
let registrar: PushNotificationRegistrar
init(registrar: PushNotificationRegistrar) {
neonichu / DynamicFunctions.swift
Created October 7, 2014 21:50
Using dlopen / dlsym to call C functions from Swift
import Darwin
let handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libc.dylib", RTLD_NOW)
let sym = dlsym(handle, "random")
let functionPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<() -> CLong>(sym)
let result = functionPointer.memory()
MartinJNash / gist:e2bb27937711f350aa44
Created June 7, 2014 00:43
Class name to string in Swift
class Person {
class func classString() -> String {
return NSStringFromClass(self)
Person.classString() // "_TtC11lldb_expr_06Person"
dedeexe / trim.cpp
Last active May 31, 2021 18:08
Trimming string in C++
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
//Left trim
std::string trim_left(const std::string& str)
const std::string pattern = " \f\n\r\t\v";
return str.substr(str.find_first_not_of(pattern));