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Last active September 17, 2024 01:49
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Testing methods for df_print-like custom table printing in quarto
title: "Table printing demo"
author: "Lisa DeBruine"
toc: true
toc_float: true
## Code
These functions should override `knitr::knit_print()` for data frames, but wasn't working at all until I learned in [the knit_print vignette]( that you have to use `registerS3method()`.
caption { color: purple !important; }
# custom knit_print functions for data.frame
# print everything as paged ----
# <- function (x, options, ...) {
# rmarkdown::paged_table(x, options) |>
# rmarkdown:::print.paged_df()
# }
# registerS3method("knit_print", "data.frame",
# print everything as kable ----
# <- function (x, options, ...) {
# knitr::kable(x) |> knitr::knit_print(options, ...)
# }
# registerS3method("knit_print", "data.frame",
# super-customised table printing ----
`%||%` <- function(l, r) {
if (is.null(l)) r else l
} <- function (x, options, ...) {
# get options
digits <- options$digits %||% getOption("digits")
rownames <- options$rownames %||% FALSE
pageLength <- options$pageLength %||% 10
escape <- options$escape %||% TRUE
caption <- options$fig.cap
# remove caption so it doesn't print twice (NOT WORKING)
options$fig.cap <- NULL
# use DT for longer tables in html
if (nrow(x) > pageLength & knitr::is_html_output()) {
numeric_cols <- sapply(x, is.numeric) |> which() |> names()
dt <- DT::datatable(x,
rownames = rownames,
caption = caption,
escape = escape,
width = "100%",
height = "auto",
options = list(pageLength = pageLength),
selection = "none")
if (length(numeric_cols) > 0) {
dt <- DT::formatRound(dt,
columns = numeric_cols,
digits = digits)
knitr::knit_print(dt, options)
} else {
# use kableExtra::kable for PDFs or shorter tables
k <- kableExtra::kable(x,
digits = digits,
row.names = rownames,
caption = caption,
escape = escape) |>
full_width = options$full_width,
bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
if (knitr::is_html_output()) {
k <- c("<div class=\"kable-table\">", k, "</div>") |>
paste(collapse = "\n")
registerS3method("knit_print", "data.frame",
## Test
Make data.frame and tbl_df object with 5 and 26 rows.
df5 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(5), y = LETTERS[1:5])
df26 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(26), y = LETTERS)
tbl5 <- tibble::tibble(x = rnorm(5), y = LETTERS[1:5])
tbl26 <- tibble::tibble(x = rnorm(26), y = LETTERS)
::: {.panel-tabset}
### Data frame - 5 rows
Should be displayed with `kableExtra::kable()`.
### Data frame - 26 rows
Should be displayed with `DT::datatable()`.
### Tibble - 5 rows
Should be displayed with `kableExtra::kable()`
### Tibble - 26 rows
Should be displayed with `DT::datatable()`
## Option Tests
Testing options in the r chunk header.
::: {.panel-tabset}
### digits
Set the number of digits to display in numeric columns. Defaults to `getOption("digits")`.
```{r, digits = 3}
# digits = 3
```{r, digits = 4}
# digits = 4
### rownames
rownames are FALSE by default
```{r, rownames = TRUE}
# rownames = TRUE
```{r, rownames = TRUE}
# rownames = TRUE
### fig.cap
Figure captions are displaying twice (the caption from DT or kable is in purple).
```{r, fig.cap="This is my figure caption for a tibble with 5 rows"}
# fig.cap="This is my figure caption for a tibble with 5 rows"
```{r, fig.cap="This is my figure caption for a tibble with 26 rows"}
# fig.cap="This is my figure caption for a tibble with 26 rows"
### pageLength
Set the page length for DT, if the table is <= to that, will display as kable.
```{r, pageLength = 3}
# pageLength = 3, so should be a DT
```{r, pageLength = 30}
# pageLength = 30, so should be a kable
### escape
`escape` is TRUE by default. Set to FALSE to use html or latex in tables.
```{r, escape = FALSE}
# escape = FALSE
tibble::tibble(styles = c("<i>italics</i>", "<b>bold</b>"))
```{r, escape = FALSE}
# escape = FALSE
tibble::tibble(styles = rep(c("<i>italics</i>", "<b>bold</b>"), 10))
### full_width
For kable only, defaults to TRUE for html and FALSE for pdf.
```{r, full_width = TRUE}
# full_width = TRUE
```{r, full_width = FALSE}
# full_width = FALSE
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