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Forked from erdeszt/GDP.scala
Created April 14, 2019 19:41
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Ghosts of departed proofs in scala (
trait Coercible[A, B] {
def coerce(a: A): B
def coerce[A, B](a: A)(implicit coerceAB: Coercible[A, B]): B = {
trait Newtype[+T] {
val value: T
implicit def newtypeCoercibleToType[T, NT <: Newtype[T]]: Coercible[NT, T] = new Coercible[NT, T] {
def coerce(a: NT): T = {
def deriveCoercionToNewtype[T, NT <: Newtype[T]](ctr: T => NT): Coercible[T, NT] = new Coercible[T, NT] {
def coerce(a: T): NT = {
// The Named constructor should not be exported to avoid forging invalid instances
case class Named[Name, A](value: A) extends Newtype[A]
type ~~[A, Name] = Named[Name, A]
implicit def namedCoercible[Name, A]: Coercible[A, Named[Name, A]] = deriveCoercionToNewtype[A, Named[Name, A]](Named[Name, A])
case class name[A, T](x: A) {
def apply[Name](k: (A ~~ Name) => T): T = {
k(coerce[A, Named[Name, A]](x))
case class Defn()
def defn[F, A](a: A)(implicit proof: Coercible[A, A ~~ F]): A ~~ F = {
// ???
trait The[D, A] {
def the(d: D): A
def the[D, A](d: D)(implicit theDA: The[D, A]): A = {
implicit def newtypeTheUnwrap[T, NT <: Newtype[T]]: The[NT, T] = new The[NT, T] {
def the(d: NT): T = d.value
def deriveTheToNewtype[T, NT <: Newtype[T]](ctr: T => NT): The[T, NT] = new The[T, NT] {
def the(a: T): NT = {
implicit def namedThe[Name, A]: The[A, Named[Name, A]] = deriveTheToNewtype[A, Named[Name, A]](Named[Name, A])
sealed trait Ordering
case object LT extends Ordering
case object EQ extends Ordering
case object GT extends Ordering
def orderInt(l: Int)(r: Int): Ordering = {
if (l < r) { LT } else if (l > r) { GT } else { EQ }
type Comparator[A] = A => A => Ordering
// Just like Named SortedBy should not be exported either
case class SortedBy[Comp, A](value: A) extends Newtype[A]
implicit def sortedByCoercible[Comp, A]: Coercible[A, SortedBy[Comp, A]] = deriveCoercionToNewtype[A, SortedBy[Comp, A]](SortedBy[Comp, A])
implicit def sortedByThe[Comp, A]: The[A, SortedBy[Comp, A]] = deriveTheToNewtype[A, SortedBy[Comp, A]](SortedBy[Comp, A])
def sortByUnsafe[A](comp: Comparator[A])(xs: List[A]): List[A] = {
xs.sortWith { (l: A, r: A) =>
comp(l)(r) match {
case LT => true
case EQ | GT => false
def mergeByUnsafe[A](comp: Comparator[A])(l: List[A])(r: List[A]): List[A] = {
def go(xs: List[A])(ys: List[A]): List[A] = {
(xs, ys) match {
case (Nil, ys_) => ys_
case (xs_, Nil) => xs_
case (x :: xs_, y :: ys_) =>
comp(x)(y) match {
case GT => y :: go(x :: xs_)(ys_)
case _ => x :: go(xs_)(y :: ys_)
def sortBy[A, Comp](comp: Comparator[A] ~~ Comp)(xs: List[A]): SortedBy[Comp, List[A]] = {
coerce[List[A], SortedBy[Comp, List[A]]](
sortByUnsafe(the[Comparator[A] ~~ Comp, Comparator[A]](comp))(xs)
def mergeBy[A, Comp](comp: Comparator[A] ~~ Comp)(xs: SortedBy[Comp, List[A]])(
ys: SortedBy[Comp, List[A]]): SortedBy[Comp, List[A]] = {
val theSortedBy = the[SortedBy[Comp, List[A]], List[A]](_)
coerce[List[A], SortedBy[Comp, List[A]]](
mergeByUnsafe[A](the[Comparator[A] ~~ Comp, Comparator[A]](comp))(theSortedBy(xs))(theSortedBy(ys)))
def minimum_01[Comp, A](xs: SortedBy[Comp, List[A]]): Option[A] = {
the[SortedBy[Comp, List[A]], List[A]](xs) match {
case Nil => None
case x :: _ => Some(x)
def orderingExample[Comp](xs: List[Int])(ys: List[Int])(lt: Comparator[Int] ~~ Comp): List[Int] = {
val xsSorted = sortBy(lt)(xs)
val ysSorted = sortBy(lt)(ys)
the[SortedBy[Comp, List[Int]], List[Int]](mergeBy(lt)(xsSorted)(ysSorted))
val list1: List[Int] = List[Int](4, 5, 2)
val list2: List[Int] = List[Int](1, 3, 9)
val result: List[Int] = name[Comparator[Int], List[Int]](orderInt)(orderingExample(list1)(list2))
print(result) // = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9)
import cats._
import cats.instances._
sealed trait Proof[P]
case class QED[P]() extends Proof[P]
implicit val proofFunctor: Functor[Proof] = new Functor[Proof] {
def map[A, B](fa: Proof[A])(f: A => B): Proof[B] = QED[B]()
implicit val proofApplicative: Applicative[Proof] = new Applicative[Proof] {
def ap[A, B](ff: Proof[A => B])(fa: Proof[A]): Proof[B] = QED[B]()
def pure[A](a: A): Proof[A] = QED[A]()
implicit val proofMonad: Monad[Proof] = new Monad[Proof] {
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Proof[A])(f: A => Proof[B]): Proof[B] = QED[B]()
def pure[A](a: A): Proof[A] = QED[A]()
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Proof[Either[A, B]]): Proof[B] = QED[B]()
case class :::[A, P](value: A)
sealed trait TRUE
sealed trait FALSE
sealed trait &&&[P, Q]
sealed trait |||[P, Q]
sealed trait -->[P, Q]
sealed trait Not[P]
sealed trait ===[P, Q]
def axiom[P]: Proof[P] = QED[P]()
def and_intro[P, Q](p: P)(q: Q): Proof[P &&& Q] = axiom
def and_elimL[P, Q](p_and_q: P &&& Q): Proof[P] = axiom
def and_elimR[P, Q](p_and_q: P &&& Q): Proof[Q] = axiom
def or_introL[P, Q](p: P): Proof[P ||| Q] = axiom
def or_introR[P, Q](q: Q): Proof[P ||| Q] = axiom
def impl_intro[P, Q](p_proves_q: P => Proof[Q]): Proof[P --> Q] = axiom
def impl_elim[P, Q](p_implies_q: P --> Q)(p: P): Proof[Q] = axiom
def not_intro[P](p_proves_false: P => Proof[FALSE]): Proof[Not[P]] = axiom
def contradicts[P](p: P)(not_p: Not[P]): Proof[FALSE] = axiom
def absurd[P](proof_of_false: FALSE): Proof[P] = axiom
def refl[P]: Proof[P === P] = axiom
type Theorem[P, Q] = (P --> Q) --> (Not[Q] --> Not[P])
def proof1[P, Q]: Proof[Theorem[P, Q]] = {
impl_intro { p_implies_q =>
impl_intro { not_q =>
not_intro { p =>
implicitly[Monad[Proof]].flatMap(impl_elim(p_implies_q)(p)) { q =>
println(proof1) // = QED()
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