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Last active September 22, 2020 16:10
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Applescript for Cisco VPN autologin on OSX

This is a little AppleScript utility for mac that will allow you to login to Cisco vpn without manually entering your password over and over again.

  1. Open Script Editor on your mac.
  2. Paste in the file contents.
  3. Update with your username, password, and vpn name.
  4. Save to disk somewhere it won't get accidentally deleted. (~/Library/Scripts/cisco-vpn.scpt).
  5. Add an alias to your environment to call the script whenever you want to login to vpn: alias vpnup='osascript ~/Library/Scripts/dmc-vpn.scpt'
set vpn_name to "'<your Cisco IPSec VPN config name from Settings->Network>'"
set user_name to "<username>"
set passwd to "<password>"
tell application "System Events"
set rc to do shell script "scutil --nc status " & vpn_name
if rc starts with "Disconnected" then
do shell script "scutil --nc start " & vpn_name & " --user " & user_name
delay 2
keystroke passwd
keystroke return
end if
end tell
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