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Last active July 17, 2024 03:47
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Parse multi-part formdata in the browser
var Multipart = {
parse: (function() {
function Parser(arraybuf, boundary) {
this.array = arraybuf;
this.token = null;
this.current = null;
this.i = 0;
this.boundary = boundary;
Parser.prototype.skipPastNextBoundary = function() {
var boundaryIndex = 0;
var isBoundary = false;
while (!isBoundary) {
if ( === null) {
return false;
if (this.current === this.boundary[boundaryIndex]) {
if (boundaryIndex === this.boundary.length) {
isBoundary = true;
} else {
boundaryIndex = 0;
return true;
Parser.prototype.parseHeader = function() {
var header = '';
var _this = this;
var skipUntilNextLine = function() {
header +=;
while (_this.current !== '\n' && _this.current !== null) {
header +=;
if (_this.current === null) {
return null;
var hasSkippedHeader = false;
while (!hasSkippedHeader) {
header +=;
if (this.current === '\r') {
header +=; // skip
if (this.current === '\n') {
hasSkippedHeader = true;
} else if (this.current === null) {
return null;
return header;
} = function() {
if (this.i >= this.array.byteLength) {
this.current = null;
return null;
this.current = String.fromCharCode(this.array[this.i]);
return this.current;
function buf2String(buf) {
var string = '';
buf.forEach(function (byte) {
string += String.fromCharCode(byte);
return string;
function processSections(arraybuf, sections) {
for (var i = 0; i !== sections.length; ++i) {
var section = sections[i];
if (section.header['content-type'] === 'text/plain') {
section.text = buf2String(arraybuf.slice(section.bodyStart, section.end));
} else {
var imgData = arraybuf.slice(section.bodyStart, section.end);
section.file = new Blob([imgData], {
type: section.header['content-type']
var fileNameMatching = (/\bfilename\=\"([^\"]*)\"/g).exec(section.header['content-disposition']) || [];
section.fileName = fileNameMatching[1] || '';
var matching = (/\bname\=\"([^\"]*)\"/g).exec(section.header['content-disposition']) || []; = matching[1] || '';
delete section.headerStart;
delete section.bodyStart;
delete section.end;
return sections;
function multiparts(arraybuf, boundary) {
boundary = '--' + boundary;
var parser = new Parser(arraybuf, boundary);
var sections = [];
while (parser.skipPastNextBoundary()) {
var header = parser.parseHeader();
if (header !== null) {
var headerLength = header.length;
var headerParts = header.trim().split('\n');
var headerObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i !== headerParts.length; ++i) {
var parts = headerParts[i].split(':');
headerObj[parts[0].trim().toLowerCase()] = (parts[1] || '').trim();
'bodyStart': parser.i,
'header': headerObj,
'headerStart': parser.i - headerLength
// add dummy section for end
'headerStart': arraybuf.byteLength - 2 // 2 hyphens at end
for (var i = 0; i !== sections.length - 1; ++i) {
sections[i].end = sections[i+1].headerStart - boundary.length;
if (String.fromCharCode(arraybuf[sections[i].end]) === '\r' || '\n') {
sections[i].end -= 1;
if (String.fromCharCode(arraybuf[sections[i].end]) === '\r' || '\n') {
sections[i].end -= 1;
// remove dummy section
sections = processSections(arraybuf, sections);
return sections;
return multiparts;
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Test Bed:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <img src="" id="display" />
  <script src="multipart.js"></script>
    var codeSnippet = 'hello';
    var webhook_url = 'http://localhost:7113';
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', webhook_url, true);
    xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
    xhr.onload = function(res) {
      var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
      var parts = contentType.split('boundary=');
      var boundary = parts[1];
      var arrayBuffer = xhr.response;
      if (arrayBuffer) {
        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
        var sections = Multipart.parse(byteArray, boundary);

        for (var i = 0; i !== sections.length; ++i) {
          if (sections[i].header['content-type'] === 'image/png') {
            document.getElementById('display').src = URL.createObjectURL(sections[i].file);

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can I use this in my project?

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dcollien commented Dec 2, 2019

sure (provided there is no implied warranty/liability using it)

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rahogata commented Dec 2, 2019

Ok fine thank you.

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I've re-written it in TypeScript as a ES-module, but I've not tested it yet. It works fine in my case in Cypress anyway.

class Parser {
    private array: Uint8Array;
    // private token: null;
    private current: string | null;
    public i: number;
    private boundary: string;

    public constructor(arraybuf: Uint8Array, boundary: string) {
        this.array = arraybuf;
        // this.token = null;
        this.current = null;
        this.i = 0;
        this.boundary = boundary;

    public skipPastNextBoundary(): boolean {
        let boundaryIndex = 0;
        let isBoundary = false;

        while (!isBoundary) {
            if ( === null) {
                return false;

            if (this.current === this.boundary[boundaryIndex]) {
                if (boundaryIndex === this.boundary.length) {
                    isBoundary = true;
            } else {
                boundaryIndex = 0;

        return true;

    public parseHeader() {
        let header = '';
        const skipUntilNextLine = () => {
            header +=;
            while (this.current !== '\n' && this.current !== null) {
                header +=;
            if (this.current === null) {
                return null;

        let hasSkippedHeader = false;
        while (!hasSkippedHeader) {
            header +=;
            if (this.current === '\r') {
                header +=; // skip

            if (this.current === '\n') {
                hasSkippedHeader = true;
            } else if (this.current === null) {
                return null;

        return header;

    public next() {
        if (this.i >= this.array.byteLength) {
            this.current = null;
            return null;

        this.current = String.fromCharCode(this.array[this.i]);
        return this.current;

function buf2String(buf: Uint8Array): string {
    return Array.from(buf)
        .map((byte) => String.fromCharCode(byte))

interface Section {
    header?: Record<string, string>;
    text?: string;
    file?: Blob;
    fileName?: string;
    name?: string;
    bodyStart?: number;
    end?: number;
    headerStart?: number;

function processSections(arraybuf: Uint8Array, sections: Section[]): Section[] {
    for (let i = 0; i !== sections.length; ++i) {
        const section = sections[i];
        if (section.header!['content-type'] === 'text/plain') {
            section.text = buf2String(arraybuf.slice(section.bodyStart, section.end));
        } else {
            const imgData = arraybuf.slice(section.bodyStart, section.end);
            section.file = new Blob([imgData], {
                type: section.header!['content-type'],
            const fileNameMatching = /\bfilename="([^"]*)"/g.exec(section.header!['content-disposition']) || [];
            section.fileName = fileNameMatching[1] || '';
        const matching = /\bname="([^"]*)"/g.exec(section.header!['content-disposition']) || []; = matching[1] || '';

        delete section.headerStart;
        delete section.bodyStart;
        delete section.end;

    return sections;

function multiparts(arraybuf: Uint8Array, boundary: string) {
    boundary = '--' + boundary;
    const parser = new Parser(arraybuf, boundary);

    let sections: Section[] = [];
    while (parser.skipPastNextBoundary()) {
        const header = parser.parseHeader();

        if (header !== null) {
            const headerLength = header.length;
            const headerParts = header.trim().split('\n');

            const headerObj: Record<string, string> = {};
            for (let i = 0; i !== headerParts.length; ++i) {
                const parts = headerParts[i].split(':');
                headerObj[parts[0].trim().toLowerCase()] = (parts[1] || '').trim();

                bodyStart: parser.i,
                header: headerObj,
                headerStart: parser.i - headerLength,

    // add dummy section for end
        headerStart: arraybuf.byteLength - boundary.length - 2, // 2 hyphens at end
    for (let i = 0; i !== sections.length - 1; ++i) {
        sections[i].end = sections[i + 1].headerStart! - boundary.length;

        if (['\r', '\n'].includes(String.fromCharCode(arraybuf[sections[i].end!]))) {
            sections[i].end! -= 1;
    // remove dummy section

    sections = processSections(arraybuf, sections);

    return sections;

export interface ParsedSection {
    blob: Blob;
    fileName?: string;

export type ParseResult = Record<string, ParsedSection>;

export function parse(arraybuf: Uint8Array, boundary: string): ParseResult {
    return multiparts(arraybuf, boundary).reduce<ParseResult>((acc, section) => {
        acc[!] = {
            blob: section.file!,
            fileName: section.fileName,

        return acc;
    }, {});

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There is bug in this code.
The following part is buggy,

        'headerStart': arraybuf.byteLength - boundary.length - 2 // 2 hyphens at end

You are removing boundary length two times for last section. You already remove boundary when define section.end. So, fix is following

        'headerStart': arraybuf.byteLength - 2 // 2 hyphens at end

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Finesse commented Feb 6, 2024

Modern browsers can parse multipart/form-data natively. Example:

const payload =
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"\r
This is me\r

const boundary = payload.slice(2, payload.indexOf('\r\n'))
new Response(payload, {
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`
  .then(formData => {
    console.log([...formData]) // [['field1', 'Hello\nWorld,\nThis is me']]

The \r inside payload are necessary, because the line breaks must be \r\n, except the values themselves. If you have a properly formed multipart/form-data blob, you don't need to add \r.

If you want to parse an HTTP response, you can use the fetch response directly:

  .then(response => response.formData())
  .then(formData => console.log([...formData]))

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dcollien commented Feb 7, 2024

Modern browsers can parse multipart/form-data natively. Example:

Thank you! We've come a long way since 2017

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@Finesse entries() is not necessary, FormData spreads to an array of arrays (entries) [...fd].

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Finesse commented May 24, 2024

@guest271314 You are right, I've amended my code snippet

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Very helpful snippet. If you have access to fetch() it should be possible to use text() to get the raw multipart/form-data content with \r\n included

  var formdata = new FormData();
  var dirname = "web-directory";
  formdata.append(dirname, new Blob(["123"], {
    type: "text/plain"
  }), `${dirname}/file.txt`);
  formdata.append(dirname, new Blob(["src"], {
    type: "text/plain"
  }), `${dirname}/src/file.txt`);
  var body = await new Response(formdata).text();
  const boundary = body.slice(2, body.indexOf('\r\n'))
  new Response(body, {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`
    .then(formData => {

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@Finesse Another way to do this when payload is a TypedArray (or ArrayBuffer)

let ab = new Uint8Array(await response.clone().arrayBuffer());

let boundary = ab.subarray(2, ab.indexOf(13) + 1);

let archive = await new Response(ab, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${new TextDecoder().decode(boundary)}`,
  .then((data) => {
    return data;
  }).catch((e) => {

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