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Created January 17, 2020 10:26
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  • Save dcerisano/f5eb55930d60796b5a7aeb836ad9d228 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"variables": {
"root": "../../..",
"platform": "<(OS)",
"build": "<@(module_root_dir)/build",
"release": "<(build)/Release",
"dawn": "{{ DAWN_PATH | safe }}",
"vkSDK": "/home/dcerisano/"
"conditions": [
[ "platform == 'win'", { "variables": { "platform": "win" } } ],
[ "platform == 'linux'", { "variables": { "platform": "linux" } } ],
[ "platform == 'mac'", { "variables": { "platform": "darwin" } } ]
"make_global_settings": [
"targets": [
"target_name": "action_after_build",
"type": "none",
"conditions": []
"conditions": [
"sources": [
"target_name": "addon-linux",
"defines": [
"include_dirs": [
"<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")",
"cflags": [
"cflags_cc": [
"library_dirs": [
"libraries": ["-Wl,-rpath,<(release)",
"sources": [
{{ SOURCE_INCLUDES | safe }}
"target_name": "addon-win32",
"cflags!": [
"cflags_cc!": [
"include_dirs": [
"<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")",
"library_dirs": [
"link_settings": {
"libraries": [
"defines": [
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"AdditionalOptions": ["/MP /EHsc"],
"ExceptionHandling": 1
"VCLibrarianTool": {
"AdditionalOptions" : []
"VCLinkerTool": {
"AdditionalLibraryDirectories": [
"sources": [
"target_name": "addon-darwin",
"defines": [
"include_dirs": [
"<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")",
"libraries": [
"xcode_settings": {
"-framework Cocoa",
"-framework IOKit",
"-framework Metal",
"-framework QuartzCore"
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