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Kubernetes ingress file to be used with IBM Bluemix container service and the istio bookinfo sample installed using the istio helm chart
# This kubernetes ingress resource is designed to be used in conjunction
# with a kubernetes cluster from the IBM Bluemix Container Service (
# and the istio helm chart (
# This ingress is to be used with the istio bookinfo example (
# This file will create an ingress in the kubernetes cluster where the default
# ingress controller will perform tls termination and route the request to the istio
# gateway. The ingress includes wildcard entries for the istio add-ons for prometheus,
# servicegroph, and zipkin.
# NOTE: This file assumes you have created the cluster in the us-south region. If you have
# created a cluster in another region, you will need to modify this file to adjust the host
# name to use the appropriate region name.
# The file is a template kubernetes yaml file. You will need to replace the following values:
# <aramda-cluster> = the name of the IBM Bluemix kubernetes cluster
# <helm-release> = the name of the helm release used to install the istio control plane
# This file enables TLS support with the ingress controller. In IBM Bluemix a host
# is automatically generated and registered for your cluster (using the cluster name).
# The tls key is generated and stored as a secret in the default namespace. If you
# install the bookinfo sample in another namespace (e.g., istio) then you will need
# to copy the tls secret from the default namespace. The tls secret has the same name
# as your cluster name. Here is a simple command to copy the tls secret from the default
# namespace into another namespace such as "istio".
# kubectl get secret mycluster -o yaml | sed 's/default/istio/g' | kubectl -n istio create -f -
# You can execute the substitution and execution of the yaml file against the kubernetes
# cluster using the following command:
# sed -e 's/<armada-cluster>/mycluster/g' -e 's/<helm-release>/bogus-release/g' istio-chain-ingress-bluemix-helm-tls.yaml| kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: istio-fd
- hosts:
- <armada-cluster>
secretName: <armada-cluster>
- host: <armada-cluster>
- path: /productpage
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-ingress
servicePort: 80
- path: /login
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-ingress
servicePort: 80
- path: /logout
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-ingress
servicePort: 80
- host: zip.<armada-cluster>
- path: /
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-zipkin
servicePort: 9411
- host: grafana.<armada-cluster>
- path: /
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-grafana
servicePort: 3000
- host: sg.<armada-cluster>
- path: /
serviceName: <helm-release>-istio-servicegraph
servicePort: 8088
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